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I know the way they each repeat what the other says is meant to be amusing/endearing, but it gets right on my tits.

Is this it then? Will Max and Tanya announce all and get back together? Nah, I can't see it myself. Something is on the horizon for those two, it has to be. Walford life just ain't that simple.

Jack - 'So what is Tanya then?'

Max - 'Well she's just me with boobs'

One of the best lines ever in Eastenders :lol:

Had I been Lauren I would have just ran over the cheeky fuckers as they sat on the couch in the middle of the road. Again that may not have gone down well.

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Jack - 'So what is Tanya then?'

Max - 'Well she's just me with boobs'

One of the best lines ever in Eastenders :lol:

Had I been Lauren I would have just ran over the cheeky fuckers as they sat on the couch in the middle of the road. Again that may not have gone down well.

Well, she's had enough practice at that kind of thing...

Max gets some great lines. He had another one in the same episode about Vanessa and her "10 cans of hairspray". A week back it was something about him being bitter that Jack got the looks and the hair. Not particularly funny there, but in the context they were used (and without me half forgetting exactly what was said) they were pretty good. Max is one of my favourite characters. :D

Nick, you're completely right. He's meant to be a big, burly builder type. Billy Mitchell couldn't fight sleep and the other two are gobby kids who need a telling.

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Only caught the last two minutes of last nights episode but am I right in assuming that Tanya has been diagnosed with cancer?:(

Not quite. She's been told that pre-cancerous cells were found following a smear test and that she has to go for further tests, but nothing yet to say she definitely has cancer. Tanya seems to have taken it quite badly though (understandably) and is convinced that she does have cancer.

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I don't get the Max thing?

He's a badly ginger but pulls the best looking birds in the show.


There is definitely something attractive about Max, although I'm not sure what it is. Maybe it's that thing that girls have where they want to tame the bad boy.

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I actually felt a bit sorry for Vanessa there. A tiny bit.

That fucking bint Lauren gets on my nerves. Why is it she can't just keep her big gob shut for the sake of everyone else regardless how she might feel about her dad? What a bitch. As for kicking her dad out of his own house? I'd have told her to sod right off, frankly.

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I think we might see a bit of a Vanessa break down now. She's been on the verge of it for weeks and judging by the spoiler picture that monkeyblair posted (yes, I'm not letting that slide :angry: ), she'll be around a bit longer yet.

I was near shouting at the telly during tonight's episode. There was so much going on though that I don't really know where to start. Obviously I've covered the fact that I don't like Lauren and that I thought her actions were fecking stupid. On to Max and Tanya though, I think Max truly does love Tanya and she'll always be the for him, cancer or not. I so wanted her to tell him what was happening and now I'm annoyed that Lauren's made him go, the spineless and witless Abi has let her older sister dictate what happens again and he doesn't know what's going on. I really fucking hate Lauren, I'm not sure if I made this clear. I also thought Vanessa had a fecking cheek telling Max he could say his bit and go - it's not her house and she was going to the Vic for a large vodka anyway, so technically, she should have buggered off if she didn't want to talk to him.

I hope they'll bring Greg back for a showdown. Max would likely make mince out of him, but it'd be worth a watch, particularly with Jack standing there with his "told you so" look on his face and I can imagine him now rolling his eyes and diving in anyway because "faaamly's faaaaamly an' all 'at".

No one seems too bothered that Lauren blurted it out the way she did. Someone should have told Tanya that, because the last she knew, Max was going to tell Vanessa himself even though she said not to. Then, Tanya should have slapped Lauren for opening her oddly-shaped pie hole. Tanya could really do with making it known that she was as up for it as Max too. I don't like that he gets all the blame. Poor Max. :(

Cora needs hoofed out as well. All this "that boy needs looking after". Would that be the same boy that she was ignoring and who fell down the stairs because she was too busy getting tanked up and trying for a Trueman Booty Call? Old slapper.

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If little Oscar hadn't been there then I think he might have threw a punch

I don't know, he just doesn't seem the sort to me. Although you've just reminded me, I also thought that Vanessa ranting and raving and slapping in front of Oscar was a little uncalled for.

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So, my sister's boyfriend makes his debut appearance in Eastenders tonight. Not sure how much he will actually be involved in tonight's episode, but he plays the part of Lee and is involved in a brief storyline with Whitney which will result in the return of Rob next week.

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I actually felt a bit sorry for Vanessa there. A tiny bit.

That fucking bint Lauren gets on my nerves. Why is it she can't just keep her big gob shut for the sake of everyone else regardless how she might feel about her dad? What a bitch. As for kicking her dad out of his own house? I'd have told her to sod right off, frankly.

I have to admit I thought that was a bit bizarre letting the kids heave you out your own house, I would have told them where to go.

Same. What a skelp she gave Tanya though. That was 'Footballers Wives' Vanessa we saw there!

I got the wife to rewind that slap twice, it was a fucking beauty I just had to see it again.

I think we might see a bit of a Vanessa break down now. She's been on the verge of it for weeks and judging by the spoiler picture that monkeyblair posted (yes, I'm not letting that slide :angry: ), she'll be around a bit longer yet.

Sorry about that, do you honestly never look at the BBC Eastenders website though?

So, my sister's boyfriend makes his debut appearance in Eastenders tonight. Not sure how much he will actually be involved in tonight's episode, but he plays the part of Lee and is involved in a brief storyline with Whitney which will result in the return of Rob next week.

Lucky boy....

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Sorry about that, do you honestly never look at the BBC Eastenders website though?

Nope, I don't. I don't read the updates on the Eastenders facebook page either. I like to be surprised.

That said, I saw a trailer for the week on the BBC the other day and it does look like a belter of a week coming up.

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