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Strong performance from yung Jay tonight, he really held the episode together.


I'm not very keen on the new Johnny, however. Since Phil's face turn, it's been a party hard show to stay invested in and returning characters like that, the most disposable of the Carters (and that's saying something when Lee's in there), are not the way to make amends.

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Jay has been in fine form recently, shame this'll eventually lead to him being outed as a total paedo.

I'd considered this eventual outcome to the story but then remembered her first appearance. Didn't she sit in the cafe so she could take her drunk mum (who just happened to be mentioned shortly before she appeared -it's almost as if they wanted to remind us who she was!) home? Did they get a cab or something? What would be the point in that?

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Someone at work told me that Masood will accompany Tamwar and Nancy on their trip to Italy.


It would be a damn shame to lose them, especially at the same time - they're three of the best characters of the show and bring a real depth to their performances.


Paul will be no great loss. The way he grimaced as he looked over at Ben during the tedious will-they-won't-they angle was wince-inducing.

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Louise in Eastenders is smokin' hot.

The actress is 19 by the way.

She looks like a blonde NuLauren, and can't pull off being a fourteen year old. She's meant to be the same age as Lucy, Lauren and Peter when they were played by the young teen actors, ffs - she looks the same age as their recasts!

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