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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran)


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One of the things that favours the Zionists is that they understand how western society thinks and operates. Given so much power resides with the US and those naive enough to think of them as allies that is important.

Hamas on the other hand does understand and probably doesn't care about the perception of western society. As a result of that they have no guile, they say what they mean and yes the want to clear the area of people who they believe are interlopers.

Many Israelis feel the same way about the Palestinians, some even express these views with equal candour but they are given little mainstream publicity and are dismissed as unrepresentative. The israeli leadership is less honest about their intentions, they are more subtle. They claim they want peace then, for example as someone has already pointed out, refuse to do anything when settlers ignore their own courts.

As for making peace offers it is easy to offer something when you know it will be refused. Hamas does not believe in a two state solution, and whilst many including myself believe it is the only way forward, I can sympathise with those who refuse to recognise any legitimacy of a Jewish state; there is none unless you are a religious zealot.

There is an oppressor and an oppressed in this situation, there has been for decades. I am on the side of the oppressed but I'm fearful that their suffering is not going to end anytime soon. Other posters have already pointed out the origins of Hamas so I'll leave that one be.

BTW I don't think you believe half the pish you post on here, nonetheless you seem to derive an immense pleasure from posting it.

I think that's just plain rubbish to be honest. They know fine well they have a section oif western society that is flatly anti Israel and they will play up to it. They know EXACTLY what they are doing at all times.

Correct, Hamas beleives in a no Jews at all solution.

That will very much depend on your definition of oppressed. Israel is a tiny little state surrounded by people that fucking hate it's guts and want it wiped off the map. Its a credit to them that they have survived at all given the odds. But there you go.

The ordinary arab punter who DID lose land during the initial carve up has been wronged and they have continued to be wronged by their idiotic fundamentalist leadership through the decades, yet Jews and arabs can and do live together in Israel. Can you tell me how the Jews are getting on living in the other arab countries around and about? Hows that going for them?

Edited by Reynard
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Do you also think Israel has a right to defend it's citizens from indiscriminate rocket attacks coming in from Gaza?

Absolutely (with your first part). Their actions are not the actions of "defending themselves" though. They are far, far beyond self defence. Also, all they have done is create the conditions to cause more attacks. Totally ineffective long term.

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Personally, i don't choose sides when faced with two evils, especially where religious fundamentalists lead both sides as they do with Israel and its enemies. I do however find such on-goings interesting and seek the truth without bias. Whether the Modern State of IS RA EL has a right to exist or not, i honestly do not know.

What does the name Israel mean?

Is it just a co-incidence that the name 'Israel' incorporates three gods/goddesses, or is it the reason for the name Israel?

The name 'Israel' according to the Jews, means "God rules", or "God shines" - http://the-red-threa...t/IS-RA-EL.html

Dinno, but it was Campbell Moneys middle name.:D

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Absolutely (with your first part). Their actions are not the actions of "defending themselves" though. They are far, far beyond self defence. Also, all they have done is create the conditions to cause more attacks. Totally ineffective long term.

Well I9 suppose that's one view of things. I guess Hamas could also try stopping launching rockets and there's a pretty good chance that Israel wouldn't bother their arse with them. Considering they volunteered to f**k off from Gaza and hand it over to the Palestinians, it's fair to say that what the Palestinians then did with their stretch of land is tantamount to a clusterfuck. Maybe they should concentrate on giving a better life to their punterdom and try and build up some sort of infrastructure with the aid money the get instead of buying military shit from Iran and the likes? It would be quite nice to have peace in the area but it's simply never going to happen so their's not much point in whining about it. This will go on until someone gets nuked, or when the US goes bust and cant afford to defend Israel any more and leaves it to it's lovely neighbours to tear apart. And that's basically what they want to do, they don't want their land, a flag, a seat at the top table or whatever else. They want to wipe Jews off the face of the planet. That is their stated aim.

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Well I9 suppose that's one view of things. I guess Hamas could also try stopping launching rockets and there's a pretty good chance that Israel wouldn't bother their arse with them. Considering they volunteered to f**k off from Gaza and hand it over to the Palestinians, it's fair to say that what the Palestinians then did with their stretch of land is tantamount to a clusterfuck. Maybe they should concentrate on giving a better life to their punterdom and try and build up some sort of infrastructure with the aid money the get instead of buying military shit from Iran and the likes? It would be quite nice to have peace in the area but it's simply never going to happen so their's not much point in whining about it. This will go on until someone gets nuked, or when the US goes bust and cant afford to defend Israel any more and leaves it to it's lovely neighbours to tear apart. And that's basically what they want to do, they don't want their land, a flag, a seat at the top table or whatever else. They want to wipe Jews off the face of the planet. That is their stated aim.

^^^ And so we descend into the realms of fiction.

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a stupid person's idea of what a smart post is

edit: SS-ICBM-blah-blah's post, obviously, before he deleted it

Anything that you want to say in reference to the actual contents of my posts, or are you too 'stupid' to indulge yourself in serious discussions? wink.gif You are not coming across as clever on this thread at the moment. You're more like the spoiled little brat who has a tantrum while mature adults involve themselves in adult discussions.

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Anything that you want to say in reference to the actual contents of my posts, or are you too 'stupid' to indulge yourself in serious discussions? wink.gif You are not coming across as clever on this thread at the moment. You're more like the spoiled little brat who has a tantrum while mature adults involve themselves in adult discussions.

I don't regard the three-gods etymology of Israel as a serious discussion on this thread. It's dumbassery and conjecture. Go and start a Hebrew thread so I can ignore it.

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And so we descend into the normal trolling operation

Well done. I guess you just can't help it.dry.gif

Everything you said was nonsense though! I mean criticising the Palestinians for the nick of Gaza? Seriously? Considering (in the article I linked) that the Israelis even control how much cement gets in, and bulldozed the place left, right and centre. And thats just for starters. Yet again, your post is a work of fiction, backed up by no evidence and with considerable bias. I've been surprised of late by just how many topics you actually do this on.

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I don't regard the three-gods etymology of Israel as a serious discussion on this thread. It's dumbassery and conjecture. Go and start a Hebrew thread so I can ignore it.

Ron Paul on the creation of Hamas. He is explaining how the Mossad Created Hamas to oppose Yasser Arafat and the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organisation).

He talks about blowback - a CIA term which means their policy did not only fail, but has worked against the interests of the policy maker.

Just like what happened when the US supported the Taliban, Saddam, Al Qaeda and the Mujahideen.

Mossad Created Hamas "A Story You Must Read, with photos"

Just like the CIA Created Al-Qaeda, the Mossad Created Hamas

Zbigniew Brzezinski visits a man thought now to be Osama bin Ladin (aka Tim Osman) in at the Afghanistan border in the late 1980's. The same tactic of funding one foe, via offshore accounts, to defeat another remains in place, only this time the Taliban are not being used against the Soviets, but marring the name of Islam to justify the War on Terror. (Photos: Sygma Corbis Agency, Paris)




"It's truly saddening and frightening to see so many people from the 9/11 truth movement and the nominally intelligent sectors of American society duped by the new government fairy tales that Americans Nick Berg and Paul Johnson and Korean Kim Sun-il were beheaded by al-Qaeda terrorists when in fact the perpetrators were international mercenaries who draw their paychecks from the subterranean murder bureau run by the United States Central Intelligence Agency, Israel's Mossad and the hired henchmen of morally bankrupt and Bush-connected Saudi Arabian royalty."

BIN LADEN’S BEGINNINGS: http://www.whale.to/b/bin_laden.html

Who is Zbigniew Brzezinski?

From Barack Obama The Naked Emperor:

"You only have to look at the cabal behind Obama, and those he has already appointed to his administration team, to see what his 'change' is truly planned to be. His mentor, svengali and main controller is Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor, and the co-founder, with David Rockefeller, of the Illuminati's Trilateral Commission. Brzezinski has admitted publicly that he began to fund and train what he would call today 'terrorists' in Afghanistan to oppose the Soviet-controlled government in the capital, Kabul, in the late 1970s. The idea, he said, was to entice the Soviet Union to invade Afghanistan to protect the Kabul regime and thus give the rival superpower 'their Vietnam'. The plan worked at the cost of a million Afghan lives during the Soviet occupation from 1979 to 1989, a consequence that troubles Brzezinski not at all. Brzezinski's 'freedom fighters' would become known as the 'Mujahideen' and later the Taliban and what is claimed to be 'Al-Qaeda'. This is the man behind 'anti-war', Barack Obama. It was common knowledge that President Carter would do nothing involving foreign policy without the okay from Brzezinski, the co-founder of the Trilateral Commission which chose Carter for president."

Read More: http://enjoyingthejo...eda-mossad.html

How about that then? huh.gif Did something said in the video or said above upset you? Or are you just a p***k end? smile.gif

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How about that then? huh.gif Did something said in the video or said above upset you? Or are you just a p***k end? smile.gif

First video: everyone knows that Hamas were a counterweight to the PLO. This isn't secret, Ron Paul didn't blow the lid on it. Even Israel would acknowledge this. It's like the mujahedin situation: do the various people reposting this think it isn't known?

Second post: This "Tim Osman" stuff is dumbassery.

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SS-IMDB is an admitted Anti-Semite. His views on this are more laughable than Ron Paul.

He's in good company. There's plenty of Jew-baiters on P&B. I fully expect the Trilateral Commission to be the next video posted.

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First video: everyone knows that Hamas were a counterweight to the PLO. This isn't secret, Ron Paul didn't blow the lid on it. Even Israel would acknowledge this. It's like the mujahedin situation: do the various people reposting this think it isn't known?

Second post: This "Tim Osman" stuff is dumbassery.

It appears that it is you who is posting "dumbassery". smile.gif


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