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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran)


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Yet another time the mislead and ill-informed liberal left in this country back radicals and extremists. What these people seem to be unaware of is that groups like Hamas draw their strength from the popular hatred of Israel, but in reality they and their fellow jihadists couldn't care less about the plight of the people they so righteously claim to defend.

Despite being vastly outgunned they focus all their efforts and the majority of their resources on pointless acts of aggression, deliberately targeting civilians, rather than accepting the fact that Israel isn't going away and it is an enemy they cannot beat. These are not the actions of men concerned with the long suffering of their people.

I feel it's also worth making a distinction. Whilst all civilian casualties are tragic, there is no question that the intentional targeting of civilians is more reprehensible than those killed accidentally in the resulting counter-strike. Again, if Hamas and similar groups concern lied with the people of Gaza they would not launch their rockets from schools and densely populated civilian areas, the fact is it's good for propaganda to see a child's body carried from a smoldering wreck of a building and they honestly don't give a shit how many innocent people die as they fight their cause.

We can go through the history books and pick out who did what and how Israel is evil etc. etc. But that doesn't get us anywhere, and Israel is here now so deal with the current situation and it's resolution instead of trying to assign blame to the people you feel were originally responsible. You don't have to back Israel's actions in the past and currently to see that the actions of groups such as Hamas are disgusting and only perpetuate the suffering of the innocent.

Read their charter that I posted up yesterday. They have zero interest in a Palestinian homeland. That isn't their game at all.

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Who were the great leaders of the fine nation of Palestine prior to Yasser Arafat? I simply can't think of any at all. But I'm sure they would have resided in the capital city fo Palestine, but damn! I forget the name of it because I'm soooo old! Maybe you can enlighten me? Ask your muslim flatmate burds, they'll know!:D

Capital of Palestine, Jerusalem. A previous leader, Herbert Samuel. Google tells you that. I just popped on wikipedia. There we go. I answered your question. Now, I look forward to you going on the climate change thread and expanding on your own statement about ice caps. Or perhaps you could answer whether you think the UK is an independent country?

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Capital of Palestine, Jerusalem. A previous leader, Herbert Samuel. Google tells you that. I just popped on wikipedia. There we go. I answered your question. Now, I look forward to you going on the climate change thread and expanding on your own statement about ice caps. Or perhaps you could answer whether you think the UK is an independent country?


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What are the thoughts of people on this latest attempt to find the final solution?

For the last couple of years Israel has been gradually starving the Gaza strip, in an effort to break Hamas (which was originally democratically elected, just like Arafat was), and then they act all surprised when an oppressed and starving people get violent!

At the moment they are (amusingly enough) trying to find a final solution, ignoring hundred of years of precedent about what violence achieves. Short of killing everyone in the West Bank and Gaza (which even they probably wouldn't do), there is no military way for them to achieve peace. This latest invasion will achieve the square root of f**k all, just like all their previous attempts.

What is your solution to Israeli civilians threatened by rocket attacks from Gaza, if not a military response?

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Well? I made a statement. You claimed I was wrong. I am waiting for you to explain why....

Do you know what a territory is?

You are laughably wrong here. Who was running Palestine prior to the well known British aristocratic Jew Herbert Samuel? :lol: :lol:

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What is your solution to Israeli civilians threatened by rocket attacks from Gaza, if not a military response?

That was 2008 I posted that, and has the military solution worked? Has the military solution EVER worked? Violence begets violence on both sides. If you starve a people, take away their livelihood, leave them with no hope, no rights, and no opportunities, what do you expect to happen? Oh, and then throw in the occasional killing, and you have the conditions for an uprising.

By the same token, if you constantly nip at another country, constantly snipe at it, fire rockets, etc. then you are only ever going to get a violent response back.

So whats the solution? Frankly, both sides need to ease it down. Israel are committing 99% of the aggression, whether in the form of settlements, reprisal killings, assassinations, checkpoints, or starvation blockages, so need to tone it down. If they do that, then they will find that support for more extreme organisations by ordinary palestinians just melts away. You know, the same as it does the world over. By the same token, the Palestinians need to stop firing rockets.

So essentially, both sides need to grow the f**k up, else war is not going to end.

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I seriously can't believe he embarrassed himself by posting that!:lol:

I'm sure all the Palestinians everywhere have posters up of their glorious leader Herbert Samuel :lol:

Herbie was actually a Jew. But don't tell fuzzy heid about it.:lol:


It was a territory being administrated by a British politician after the break up of the Ottoman Empire you fucknugget.

Do you know what a territory is?

You are laughably wrong here. Who was running Palestine prior to the well known British aristocratic Jew Herbert Samuel? :lol: :lol:

I think I'd rather just go to my bed laughing at you frankly.

What a c**t! :lol: :lol:

Well, that proves me wrong! Observe, I answered his question directly, and when he claimed I was wrong, asked him to explain. That is what I got. Are those the posts of someone who is administering a "history lesson"?

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That was 2008 I posted that, and has the military solution worked? Has the military solution EVER worked? Violence begets violence on both sides. If you starve a people, take away their livelihood, leave them with no hope, no rights, and no opportunities, what do you expect to happen? Oh, and then throw in the occasional killing, and you have the conditions for an uprising.

By the same token, if you constantly nip at another country, constantly snipe at it, fire rockets, etc. then you are only ever going to get a violent response back.

So whats the solution? Frankly, both sides need to ease it down. Israel are committing 99% of the aggression, whether in the form of settlements, reprisal killings, assassinations, checkpoints, or starvation blockages, so need to tone it down. If they do that, then they will find that support for more extreme organisations by ordinary palestinians just melts away. You know, the same as it does the world over. By the same token, the Palestinians need to stop firing rockets.

So essentially, both sides need to grow the f**k up, else war is not going to end.

In anywhere else in the world you might be right that it would see a decline in the conflict, but you're missing the critical point that these islamists are bound by an insane ideology that believes the score will not be settled until Israel is wiped from the face of the earth. The radical movements might start to lose favour within Palestinian territory but that won't stop countries like Iran as well as individuals pumping money and arms into a cause that is determined to inact harm on any Israeli it can.

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a cause that is determined to inact harm on any Israeli it can.

Apart from the Israeli Arabs, who will ultimately constitute a majority of the population going by current demographic trends.

Personally I hope the Israeli Arabs vote their nasty little state out of existence, though sadly I suspect the current Jewish majority will impose some form of informal apartheid system long before that could happen.

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