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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran)


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On 29/08/2024 at 07:35, Freedom Farter said:


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I opened this thread to see if anyone else saw this lunatic on C4 news.

Basically "normally I'd say ethnic cleansing is bad, but Palestinians don't really count".

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3 hours ago, MazzyStar said:

Zionism is a colonialist ideology, so “colonialism is good actually” isn’t a minority opinion in Israel. 

There's only a single Jewish-Israeli MK who is anti-zionist (there's a handful of Palestinian-Israeli MKs who are also anti-zionist). 


To say he is a hate figure is an understatement.

Edited by Freedom Farter
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Just another example of the fact that the best way to do anti Zionist or anti Israeli propaganda is just to stick a microphone in front of these goon's faces.

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1 hour ago, MazzyStar said:

In what way? 

He's a visible anti-zionist Jewish Israeli. If more Jewish Israelis thought like him then the zionist project would fall apart. Thus, he's hated and viewed as a threat by most within Israel and certainly by the folk with all the power.

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34 minutes ago, Freedom Farter said:

He's a visible anti-zionist Jewish Israeli. If more Jewish Israelis thought like him then the zionist project would fall apart. Thus, he's hated and viewed as a threat by most within Israel and certainly by the folk with all the power.

Ok. I agree. I thought you meant something different. 

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That's an anti-zionist Hebrew account highlighting a social media video created by a West Bank settler.

The settler has the same attitude as the Manifest Destiny settlers in America or the Boer Voortrekkers in South Africa. It's about his and his children's freedom and entitlement. The Palestinians are to be cleared to make way for him as the indigenous Americans and the Bantus were.

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On 29/08/2024 at 07:35, Freedom Farter said:


Financial contributions to this activity are tax deductible and therefore incentivIsed in USA.

Some Jewish Americans are told some absolutely wild stories about the formation of Israel when they're growing up. For example, I've been told more than once that nobody was living in Palestine when WWII finished, and that the neighbouring Arab countries flooded the area with people when they realised the land was going to be used for a Jewish homeland. This lassie reminds me of them; "I've been fed a bunch of obvious nonsense, but it suits me not to question it".

Points I picked up from her:

  • you should colonise nations that are genocidal and have bad ideologies. Oooooooooft.
  • it's not ethnic cleansing because Palestinian isn't an ethnicity - literally the argument of every racist who thinks they're smart enough to have found a loophole to disguise their abhorrent plans for other members of the same species.
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That podcast is primarily aimed at non-Israelis (especially Americans). Until recent times, the genocidal rhetoric was only spoken in Hebrew and confined within Israel. Now its openly flaunted to an international audience. It's interesting to me why that has changed.

I think its because the political landscape has crystallised. We can now see clearly how the ground lies. We have popular public revulsion at Israel's colonial project among most of the world but only in some cases are governments aligned with their publics on that. So these global publics being against it doesn't matter, we do not live in a democratic world, as has been made apparent. World hegemon USA has made it clear there is no number of dead children too great. Its backing for the project is unquestionable. 

So for Israelis like those above, there's no longer a strategic utility to not say in English what they say in Hebrew. The cat is out the bag now, the pretence is over and in light of that, lines have been drawn. The side that says "this is wrong and should stop" is less powerful than the side that says "we know this is how it is but we profit from it so we're going to continue supporting it".

Edited by Freedom Farter
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27 minutes ago, Freedom Farter said:

That podcast is primarily aimed at non-Israelis (especially Americans). Until recent times, the genocidal rhetoric was only spoken in Hebrew and confined within Israel. Now its openly flaunted to an international audience. It's interesting to me why that has changed.

I think its because the political landscape has crystallised. We can now see clearly how the ground lies. We have popular public revulsion at Israel's colonial project among most of the world but only in some cases are governments aligned with their publics on that. So these global publics being against Israel doesn't matter, we do not live in a democratic world, as has been made apparent. World hegemon USA has made it clear there is no number of dead children too great. Its backing for this project is unquestionable. 

So for Israelis like those above, there's no longer a strategic utility to not say in English what they say in Hebrew. The cat is out the bag now, the pretence is over and in light of that, lines have been drawn. The side that says "this is wrong and should stop" is less powerful than the side that says "we know this is how it is but we profit from it so we're going to continue supporting it".

The irony that a Jewish guy wants a 'Final Solution button'...

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1 hour ago, Freedom Farter said:

That podcast is primarily aimed at non-Israelis (especially Americans). Until recent times, the genocidal rhetoric was only spoken in Hebrew and confined within Israel. Now its openly flaunted to an international audience. It's interesting to me why that has changed.

I think its because the political landscape has crystallised. We can now see clearly how the ground lies. We have popular public revulsion at Israel's colonial project among most of the world but only in some cases are governments aligned with their publics on that. So these global publics being against it doesn't matter, we do not live in a democratic world, as has been made apparent. World hegemon USA has made it clear there is no number of dead children too great. Its backing for the project is unquestionable. 

So for Israelis like those above, there's no longer a strategic utility to not say in English what they say in Hebrew. The cat is out the bag now, the pretence is over and in light of that, lines have been drawn. The side that says "this is wrong and should stop" is less powerful than the side that says "we know this is how it is but we profit from it so we're going to continue supporting it".

The pretense was actually over at the point where anyone with a mobile phone in Gaza could record and broadcast what they see happening around them. This bypassed news networks, and the 'modern', 'democratic' 'Western-style' image that Israel has long presented to mainstream media.

So now,  confident that the US will back them come what may, Israel doubles down on their odious behavour, and isn't bothered who knows about it. 

I somewhat disagree with some of what you've said. Democracies do eventually respond to pressure. The cat is very much out of the bag about what kind of a country that Israel really is..., an aggressive, expansionist, apartheid state, where Palestinians are viewed essentially as rodents. The UK government's banning of arms exports for 30 parts out of 300+ may look insignificant, but it's not.

Edited by beefybake
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1 hour ago, beefybake said:

The pretense was actually over at the point where anyone with a mobile phone in Gaza could record and broadcast what they see happening around them. This bypassed news networks, and the 'modern', 'democratic' 'Western-style' image that Israel has long presented to mainstream media.

So now,  confident that the US will back them come what may, Israel doubles down on their odious behavour, and isn't bothered who knows about it. 

I somewhat disagree with some of what you've said. Democracies do eventually respond to pressure. The cat is very much out of the bag about what kind of a country that Israel really is..., an aggressive, expansionist, apartheid state, where Palestinians are viewed essentially as rodents. The UK government's banning of arms exports for 30 parts out of 300+ may look insignificant, but it's not.

You're right. We do have democracy, of course, but its diluted by so much plutocracy. This means trying to reverse a policy which has so much private financial interest tied to it can be like trying to turn around a tanker. It happens but only very slowly.

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57 minutes ago, Freedom Farter said:

Reporting on Israeli murder is unusual for New York Times.

Said it before, will say it again.  If this was happening in any other developed country there would be outrage and condemnation from the West.

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On 03/09/2024 at 18:19, Freedom Farter said:

That podcast is primarily aimed at non-Israelis (especially Americans). Until recent times, the genocidal rhetoric was only spoken in Hebrew and confined within Israel. Now its openly flaunted to an international audience. It's interesting to me why that has changed.

I think its because the political landscape has crystallised. We can now see clearly how the ground lies. We have popular public revulsion at Israel's colonial project among most of the world but only in some cases are governments aligned with their publics on that. So these global publics being against it doesn't matter, we do not live in a democratic world, as has been made apparent. World hegemon USA has made it clear there is no number of dead children too great. Its backing for the project is unquestionable. 

So for Israelis like those above, there's no longer a strategic utility to not say in English what they say in Hebrew. The cat is out the bag now, the pretence is over and in light of that, lines have been drawn. The side that says "this is wrong and should stop" is less powerful than the side that says "we know this is how it is but we profit from it so we're going to continue supporting it".

According to his LinkedIn, Eytan Weinstein works for a company called Palo Alto Networks. I wonder if his employers agree with his views. 

Email address for Palo Alto Networks:unit42-investigations@paloaltonetworks.com 

UK phone number for Palo Alto Networks: +44 20 3743 3660

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