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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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Did you have a point?

The existence of muslim terrorists justfies Israel in killing as many kids as they want?

It's called "news." This thread is about Israel and the Palestinians. These are "news" stories relating to Israel.

Here is some helpful information if you are still confused http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/news

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Firstly ,you better look up what self determination means before posting again.

Second, "Israeli Arabs" don't choose to live in Israel, rather than gaza,,,,they live in Israel because it's their country and that's where they're from?!

noun: self-determination
the process by which a country determines its own statehood and forms its own allegiances and government.
The Palestinians did that. They voted in parties whose idea of government is lining their own pockets with the €2.3 Billion the EU gave them for rebuilding and regeneration (on top of the UN money, the Saudi money, etc), spend zero on their own people, & lobbing a few missiles at the neighbours when the natives got too restless for even their street thugs to control in order to please their more moronic residents & in the hope the Israelis would do their dirty work for them flattening the rest to give them something bigger to worry about.
It's almost like they read the Bush & Blair memo on how to keep the proles under control while you & your friends bleed the country dry, but read it upside down! Or got some tips from Norsefire in V For Vèndetta (take that, P&B autotext!) - "their target should not be an enemy of the country, but rather the country itself.... the true genius of the plan, was the fear. Fear became the ultimate tool of this government."
But that's self-determination for you. You vote f**kers like that in, you take the consequences of what comes with their troll politics.
Edited by WaffenThinMint
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noun: self-determination

the process by which a country determines its own statehood and forms its own allegiances and government.

The Palestinians did that. They voted in parties whose idea of government is lining their own pockets with the 2.3 Billion the EU gave them for rebuilding and regeneration (on top of the UN money, the Saudi money, etc), spend zero on their own people, & lobbing a few missiles at the neighbours when the natives got too restless for even their street thugs to control in order to please their more moronic residents & in the hope the Israelis would do their dirty work for them flattening the rest to give them something bigger to worry about.

It's almost like they read the Bush & Blair memo on how to keep the proles under control while you & your friends bleed the country dry, but read it upside down! Or got some tips from Norsefire in V For Vèndetta (take that, P&B autotext!) - "their target should not be an enemy of the country, but rather the country itself.... the true genius of the plan, was the fear. Fear became the ultimate tool of this government."

But that's self-determination for you. You vote f**kers like that in, you take the consequences of what comes with their troll politics.

poor stuff...Self determination includes freedom of trade freedom to run your economy..impossible when you're blockaded.....

but dont take my word ..only last year the UN general assembly voted overwhelmingly in favour of it for Palestinians. ..


Edited by THE KING
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noun: self-determination

the process by which a country determines its own statehood and forms its own allegiances and government.

The Palestinians did that. They voted in parties whose idea of government is lining their own pockets with the €2.3 Billion the EU gave them for rebuilding and regeneration (on top of the UN money, the Saudi money, etc), spend zero on their own people, & lobbing a few missiles at the neighbours when the natives got too restless for even their street thugs to control in order to please their more moronic residents & in the hope the Israelis would do their dirty work for them flattening the rest to give them something bigger to worry about.

It's almost like they read the Bush & Blair memo on how to keep the proles under control while you & your friends bleed the country dry, but read it upside down! Or got some tips from Norsefire in V For Vèndetta (take that, P&B autotext!) - "their target should not be an enemy of the country, but rather the country itself.... the true genius of the plan, was the fear. Fear became the ultimate tool of this government."

But that's self-determination for you. You vote f**kers like that in, you take the consequences of what comes with their troll politics.


ooopss sorry forgot to mention ..apparently palestine isnt a country or state according to isreal/US/west....so your post is irrelevant.

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poor stuff...Self determination includes freedom of trade freedom to run your economy..impossible when you're blockaded.....

but dont take my word ..only last year the UN general assembly voted overwhelmingly in favour of it for Palestinians. ..


The Palestinians certainly haven't been completely denied their freedom to trade by the Israeli blockade - they still manage to get lots of fertiliser and suger in to make those lovely Quassam fireworks that are so popular with their neighbours. Pity they don't use that fertiliser and sug@r (take that again P&B autocheck) for what it's intended for ie. food & the growing of more food, but that would be denying their self-determination I suppose.

Edited by WaffenThinMint
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The Palestinians certainly haven't been completely denied their freedom to trade by the Israeli blockade - they still manage to get lots of fertiliser and suger in to make those lovely Quassam fireworks that are so popular with their neighbours. Pity they don't use that fertiliser and sug@r (take that again P&B autocheck) for what it's intended for ie. food & the growing of more food, but that would be denying their self-determination I suppose.

Don't forget all the concrete for those lovely tunnels. Self-determination is great when you can decide to use children as slave labour to dig tunnels for your cause. Yeah 160 kids were killed building the tunnels but when they aren't killed by Jews it doesn't matter.

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I always like how they quote Albert Einstein. He had different political views to many of Israel's founders but ultimately he was a zionist.

In 1947 Zionist leaders asked Albert Einstein to work a miracle and persuade a sceptical India to support the birth of a Jewish state. His fascinating correspondence with Jawaharlal Nehru has recently surfaced in Israeli archives. Benny Morris analyses their exchange[/size]

Albert Einstein was a somewhat reluctant Zionist. To be sure, he often referred to himself as a proud Jewish nationalist, and declared that though the Zionist enterprise was threatened by "fanatical Arab outlaws" (as he phrased it in 1938) the country would become "a centre of culture for all Jews, a refuge for the most grievously oppressed, a field of action for the best among us, a unifying ideal, and a means of attaining inward health for the Jews of the whole world". In a letter to the Manchester Guardian in 1929, he lauded the "young pioneers, men and women of magnificent intellectual and moral calibre, breaking stones and building roads under the blazing rays of the Palestinian sun" and "the flourishing agricultural settlements shooting up from the long-deserted soil... the development of water power... [and] industry... and, above all, the growth of an educational system ... What observer... can fail to be seized by the magic of such amazing achievement and of such almost superhuman devotion?"

Einstein's four-page letter of June 13 1947 to Nehru focused on moral and historical arguments. He opened with praise for India's constituent assembly, which had just abolished untouchability. "The attention of the world was [now] fixed on the problem of another group of human beings who, like the untouchables, have been the victims of persecution and discrimination for centuries" - the Jews. He appealed to Nehru as a "consistent champion of the forces of political and economic enlightenment" to rule in favour of "the rights of an ancient people whose roots are in the East". He pleaded for "justice and equity". "Long before the emergence of Hitler I made the cause of Zionism mine because through it I saw a means of correcting a flagrant wrong."


great story..but heres his letter to Zionist calling them terrorists. .

btw ..im sure Gandhi cared....Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French. It is wrong and inhuman to impose the Jews on the Arabs... Surely it would be a crime against humanity to reduce the proud Arabs so that Palestine can be restored to the Jews partly or wholly as their national homeMahatma Gandhi


Edited by THE KING
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It's called "news." This thread is about Israel and the Palestinians. These are "news" stories relating to Israel.

Here is some helpful information if you are still confused http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/news

Strange how any mention of the only way to win a war on terror is completely irrelevant but a post about muslims in another country being bad is 'new's and relevant.

It's almost as if there are certain facts you'd lke to pretend didn't exist.

Can we say 'willful ignorance'?

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Strange how any mention of the only way to win a war on terror is completely irrelevant but a post about muslims in another country being bad is 'new's and relevant.

It's almost as if there are certain facts you'd lke to pretend didn't exist.

Can we say 'willful ignorance'?

You've said this a large number of times. I've still no clue what you are talking about.

In any event your rambling opinions aren't news (note - not new's) and you do realise that things happen in Israel that aren't actually relevant to Palestine? Just because rabid Israel haters like yourself would like to portray the country's entire existence as revolving around Palestine doesn't make it true.

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Leader of Hamas Khaled Meshaal gives a press conference from his home in Doha, Qatar.


"The Holocaust perpetrated by Israel is twice as great as the Holocaust perpetrated by Hitler, because it bombed schools and hospitals," Mr Meshaal said, in speech broadcast from Doha, Qatar where he lives.

Mr Meshaal praised the Palestinian forces for achieving "a balance of terror" with Israel, the Middle East's strongest army, and threatened that this war "was not the last campaign for the liberation of Palestine, only an important way station on the way to victory."

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Netanyahu. ."Half the people killed in Gaza were terrorists"

JP......."Genocide is permissible"

Chier Rabbi....."Genocide in Gaza allowed under jewish law"

Health minister..."Hamas are committing Self genocide in Gaza"

Deputy PM "we need to bomb Gaza back to the stoneage"

PMs Son.."we need to flatten Gaza Flatten it all no water no power nothing moves"

Micheal ben ari Knesset member...There are no innocents in Gaza, don't let any diplomats who want to look good in the world endanger your lives -- mow them down!"

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Leader of Hamas Khaled Meshaal gives a press conference from his home in Doha, Qatar.


"The Holocaust perpetrated by Israel is twice as great as the Holocaust perpetrated by Hitler, because it bombed schools and hospitals," Mr Meshaal said, in speech broadcast from Doha, Qatar where he lives.

Mr Meshaal praised the Palestinian forces for achieving "a balance of terror" with Israel, the Middle East's strongest army, and threatened that this war "was not the last campaign for the liberation of Palestine, only an important way station on the way to victory."

This encapsulates the problem anyone has in dealing with these halfwits - the moment the other side agrees to ceasefire, they start jumping around screaming "we won, we won!" like primary school kids at the end of a hotly disputed jumpers for goalposts match, and shouting out inflammatory remarks. It doesn't exactly make anyone hopeful that they have learned any sort of lesson from this appalling waste of lives. It's the same sort of shitgibbonry you saw for years in Northern Ireland from both sides until they were forced to grow up.

Of course, it's easy for Meshaal to be smug in his sumptious Qatari lifestyle, rather like General Haig's crocodile tears for British troops in the hellhole of the WW1 trenches whilst urging them to remain resolute to the last, as he toddled off to another 4 course dinner hundreds of miles from the frontline. 100 000 Palestinians left homeless - some "victory", shit for brains.

The one good part to all this has been the Egyptians' intervention. They are the natural leaders for a future more secular orientated democratic Middle East & demonstrating they can bring parties successfully to the peace table without UN or superpower involvement bods well.

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The one good part to all this has been the Egyptians' intervention. They are the natural leaders for a future more secular orientated democratic Middle East & demonstrating they can bring parties successfully to the peace table without UN or superpower involvement bods well.

Aye, getting power with a military coup over a democratically elected Government and executing your opponents sets a good example for the region. :blink:

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Except that El-Sisi won an election in May this year, getting 10 million more votes than the previous incumbent.

Yes, he did marvelously, a miraculous 96.7% of the vote after the serious opposition were either murdered, gaoled, banned or just decided to boycott the sham.

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There's a lot of people who don't seem to get their heads round the fact that a lot of muslim extremism agianst the west is based on the fact that we supported the handover of someone elses country to a bunch of people who claimed their imaginary friend gave it to them.

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