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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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Interesting choice of words from the Pope. He has compared Gazza to a concentration camp.As you would expect this has gone down like a lead balloon.

The pope,s proposed visit to Israel now in some doubt.

Edited by capybara
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I know some people would like to forget this whole mess and let the Israelis get on with their final solution, but saw this article today, which is interesting.

Part of the final solution?

Presumably this is more "collatoral damage" and can safely be dismissed as unimportant?

It's more probably a complete f**k up of co-ordination. Never ascribe to malevolance what can easily be attributed to incompetence.

Lets say soldiers of B company 2nd infantry regiment of Israeli 3rd infantry division puts people in a house to try and keep them safe. They communicate this to perhaps regimental level, no higher. Later the 4th Artillery battery attached to Israeli 5th armoured division gets a call from it's own infantry troops to call down fire upon a certain target, unaware that other israeli troops from another unit have put civilians in there.

Shit, it happens way to often, left hand and right hand not knowing what the hell they are doing.

Edited by renton
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The elimination of any threat to Israel of course!

so you would like to have people running about your country blowing themselves up on buses and in shopping centres,or lobbing rockets into your country at random???

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so you would like to have people running about your country blowing themselves up on buses and in shopping centres,or lobbing rockets into your country at random???

So you are in favour of Israel attempting a final solution to their problems? You don't think that violence will cause more violence?

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You don't think that violence will cause more violence?

Surely whether violence continues at the same or greater levels following their campaign is one of the key success criteria of it?

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Surely whether violence continues at the same or greater levels following their campaign is one of the key success criteria of it?

Yes. And history has proven that violent reprisals have always led to a reduction in the original violence with no examples of escalation.

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Yes. And history has proven that violent reprisals have always led to a reduction in the original violence with no examples of escalation.

Well, it escalates until one side or the other breaks. That's kind of what war is.....

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Yes. And history has proven that violent reprisals have always led to a reduction in the original violence with no examples of escalation.

History is very mixed on this matter.

What was clear was that the status quo of the Hamas rocket attacks couldn't be allowed to continue by the Israelis.

There were obviously a number of avenues they could have gone down.

Whether their actions make things worse or improve the situation only time will tell.

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Listen folks it's all kool and the gang.

I have sent my second born Anthony Blair to right the wrongs of my original planning mistake. I honestly thought if I put all the folk who won't eat pigs close by they would get on.

It appears though that my face is in direct alignment with egg, all I can say is thats why I gave you guns, there is only one way to sort this mess out. FFFFIIIIGGGGHHHT

I have furnished Tony with a grand new stage show to bemuse the illiterate lamb shaggers and reignite interest in me in all my glory.

Wait till these folk see Tony fly. I'm done with all this walking on water pish, this time he flies. Deny that Dawkins!

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Guest Bukowski

Hamas are firing rockets because Palestine is starved of their civil rights. Israel is like an apartheid state currently. The conflict has been fueled by military donations from the U.S. If the Israeli government had a long term plan to improve the lives of Palestinians then there would be no support for terrorism in Palestine. As soon as you break all support for a terrorist orginisation they of course don't function, much like IRA who have disappeared as Republicans have absolutely no sympathy for their tactics.

The Israeli occupation is inflamitory and illegal and while I understand the need to protect their country this is not the way to go about achieving peace.

If that is really God then why do we have arse hair?

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Hamas are firing rockets because Palestine is starved of their civil rights. Israel is like an apartheid state currently. The conflict has been fueled by military donations from the U.S. If the Israeli government had a long term plan to improve the lives of Palestinians then there would be no support for terrorism in Palestine. As soon as you break all support for a terrorist orginisation they of course don't function, much like IRA who have disappeared as Republicans have absolutely no sympathy for their tactics.

The Israeli occupation is inflamitory and illegal and while I understand the need to protect their country this is not the way to go about achieving peace.

If that is really God then why do we have arse hair?

You have arse hair :huh:

I'm as smooth as a dolphin back there.

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Guest Bukowski
You have arse hair :huh:

I'm as smooth as a dolphin back there.

I thought you were supposed to know Everything? MMM i'm not so sure about your authenticity. How many plums does Ronnie Corbett eat in a year?

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I thought you were supposed to know Everything? MMM i'm not so sure about your authenticity. How many plums does Ronnie Corbett eat in a year?

None, but he is a big fan of chinese pears.

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Correct. These two groups of people cannot co-exist.

Yeah, you Europeans could teach them a thing or two about drawing up national boundaries in a peaceful and ordered manner :huh:

This mob have got a fair bit to go before they match powering furnaces with eastern european hook nosed money lenders or carpet bombing kraut cities whose major war industry was dials.

When you draw you head from your colon I would direct you to the world at war, ably voiced by LarryOlivier.

Then please come back and furnish me with more of your pompous white cosseted existence. The most turmoil you numpties have in your life is hiding the shit stained underwear from your wife so she does not shout at you about wiping your arse properly(try hiding them inside a sock in furture clagnut king).

Until then shut the f**k up and keep sending money to the red cross.

There is a slim possibility Tony Blair will solve it all though.

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