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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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The leader of the ethnic supremacist, genocidal, apartheid entity speaking in front of congress with almost total support. Shame on every single last person that thinks Biden is anything other than an evil geriatric c**t. Even Ronald fucking Reagan was willing to ,and did, stop supplying Israel with arms for crimes far less severe than we are currently witnessing. 

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58 minutes ago, MazzyStar said:

The leader of the ethnic supremacist, genocidal, apartheid entity speaking in front of congress with almost total support. Shame on every single last person that thinks Biden is anything other than an evil geriatric c**t. Even Ronald fucking Reagan was willing to ,and did, stop supplying Israel with arms for crimes far less severe than we are currently witnessing. 

I genuinely find it difficult to watch the way that piece of shit is revered over there. It's absolutely sickening and really highlights how unaligned these people are with the interests of ordinary people.

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Nothing like a bit of genocide to bring some bipartisan healing to the fractured American ruling class.

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https://www.aa.com.tr/en/americas/netanyahu-faces-boycott-from-nearly-half-of-democrats-during-us-congressional-address/3284901#:~:text=The total of at least,of the lawmakers present Wednesday.



Amid persistent protests during his visit to the US capital, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faced an unprecedented boycott from about half of the Democrats in the House of Representatives and Senate as he addressed a joint session of Congress on Wednesday.

Based on an exhaustive analysis of public statements, media reports and video footage, Anadolu determined that a historic number of House representatives and senators skipped Netanyahu's speech. The total of at least 96 lawmakers is nearly double the number of Democrats who boycotted his 2015 address -- 58.

The sweeping volume of holdouts stands in stark contrast to the dozens of standing ovations Netanyahu received from many of the lawmakers present Wednesday.

While many lawmakers had previously announced their intention to boycott the address, Representative Rashida Tlaib, the sole Palestinian-American lawmaker, chose to attend, donning a keffiyeh and holding a sign reading "war criminal" on one side, and "guilty of genocide" on the other in a prominent display of defiance.

After Netanyahu concluded his remarks, Tlaib said the standing ovations for the Israeli premier were "disgusting.”


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6 hours ago, MazzyStar said:

The leader of the ethnic supremacist, genocidal, apartheid entity speaking in front of congress with almost total support. Shame on every single last person that thinks Biden is anything other than an evil geriatric c**t. Even Ronald fucking Reagan was willing to ,and did, stop supplying Israel with arms for crimes far less severe than we are currently witnessing. 

Getting a standing ovation for shooting weans.

It's almost like those psycho serial killers that had a traumatic upbringing.

"Holocaust? Well here's a genocide."

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The killing of innocent Israeli children is sad and tragic but the coverage by the MSM of this relatively small number of casualties in an occupied territory compared to the mass slaughter of Palestinian children tells you all you need to know about the relative value placed on the two groups.


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4 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

The killing of innocent Israeli children is sad and tragic but the coverage by the MSM of this relatively small number of casualties in an occupied territory compared to the mass slaughter of Palestinian children tells you all you need to know about the relative value placed on the two groups.


No Israelis were killed. Occupied Syrian Druze were killed. Israel occupies the Golan Heights, including Majdal Shams. Israel also plonked a military base near to Majdal Shams putting the town in harm's way.

Edited by Freedom Farter
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Clip of a father identifying by her clothing, his daughter's dismembered and beheaded corpse. I viewed it because I want to know the full reality of events but only click after consideration for how it may affect you. Musk works with the ADL et al to censor content showing Israel's crimes so the clip will soon be removed from the site.


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13 hours ago, Freedom Farter said:

Clip of a father identifying by her clothing, his daughter's dismembered and beheaded corpse. I viewed it because I want to know the full reality of events but only click after consideration for how it may affect you. Musk works with the ADL et al to censor content showing Israel's crimes so the clip will soon be removed from the site.



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Anyone who followed the changes in Russian society after Russia's full invasion of Ukraine won't be too surprised by this. When a war fever or war hysteria grips a society, the politics just becomes a dogfight between increasingly extreme factions. The accusation is always that "you're not being pro-war enough" and it has a cumulative effect, constantly ramping up. That's how things get to this point. 

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Hezbollah and others are living in a fantasy land where Israel disappears. An incredibly destructive belief system they feed to Palestinians. Of course, as is the way with things there, disturbing trends are appearing in Israeli military at base level not just leadership



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18 minutes ago, Freedom Farter said:

Anyone who followed the changes in Russian society after Russia's full invasion of Ukraine won't be too surprised by this. When a war fever or war hysteria grips a society, the politics just becomes a dogfight between increasingly extreme factions. The accusation is always that "you're not being pro-war enough" and it has a cumulative effect, constantly ramping up. That's how things get to this point. 

Im sure loads of people adequately remember folk just shouting 9/11 at each other louder and louder so yeah.  

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2 battalions redeployed from Gaza to try and quash the potential civil war over criminalising rape.

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3 hours ago, Freedom Farter said:

Anyone who followed the changes in Russian society after Russia's full invasion of Ukraine won't be too surprised by this. When a war fever or war hysteria grips a society, the politics just becomes a dogfight between increasingly extreme factions. The accusation is always that "you're not being pro-war enough" and it has a cumulative effect, constantly ramping up. That's how things get to this point. 

Of course our politicians would be criticising acts such as this if they were being carried out by Russian soldiers.  I have a funny feeling they’ll be keeping their heads down on this though.


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13 hours ago, Freedom Farter said:

Anyone who followed the changes in Russian society after Russia's full invasion of Ukraine won't be too surprised by this. When a war fever or war hysteria grips a society, the politics just becomes a dogfight between increasingly extreme factions. The accusation is always that "you're not being pro-war enough" and it has a cumulative effect, constantly ramping up. That's how things get to this point. 

We're really seeing peak levels of "every accusation is a confession" in Israeli society now and while the dehumanisation has undoubtedly intensified since October, the sexual abuse of Palestinians has been endemic for decades. Quite incredible though that the mere idea of "soldiers who have unquestionably raped a detainee will be arrested and may face a ridiculously weak slap on the wrist" is enough for riots to start.

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9 minutes ago, Freedom Farter said:

An "Are We the Baddies?" moment for this Israeli. Not before time but given the extreme propaganda they're subjected to from childhood, I'll take it.

(If you don't have Twitter: https://nitter.poast.org/academic_la/status/1818044188673589733#m).


This morons opinion clearly hasn’t changed a lot. Wtf does he mean it wasn’t meant to make Israel look bad? As for the “intended to make it better” line, he’ll be waiting a long time. What we are currently witnessing is zionism in action. What is happening in Gaza right now is exactly what the state of Israel was created to do. David Ben-Gurion himself said this. 

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2 hours ago, MazzyStar said:


This morons opinion clearly hasn’t changed a lot. Wtf does he mean it wasn’t meant to make Israel look bad? As for the “intended to make it better” line, he’ll be waiting a long time. What we are currently witnessing is zionism in action. What is happening in Gaza right now is exactly what the state of Israel was created to do. David Ben-Gurion himself said this. 

"My post; which shows how poisonous zionism can be, has been picked up by anti-zionists for some reason." I genuinely don't think a single thought passes through these c***s heads before they say things. 

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There was a bit more to this tweet where he was warning about the risk of war between Israel and Iran but I cropped that out as its not as immediately relevant. What he puts here is useful analysis on why exactly Israel did this now (its a fairly safe assumption it was Israel). Haniyeh was not a militant. He was leader of the political wing of Hamas and therefore very much "above ground" and visible. That means Israel could've assassinated him in this manner at any time but they chose this particular moment. 


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