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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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Imagine that Barrhead is occupied by a group of people who feel that the government are not the true government and instead of attempting to resolve issues through politics resort to having a terrorist group run things. Now imagine this terrorist group carries out unguided untargeted attacks against say the city of Glasgow. Imagine you are a citizen of Glasgow. How do you feel? What do you want the government to do knowing that political dialogue simply isn't working?

Oh and I am in no way pro-isreal, I can just look at both sides of the argument.

But what if the people living in Barrhead feel they're 2nd class citizens to the ones living in Glasgow and are excluded from society? Can the people in Glasgow really blame the people in Barrhead for thinking and acting in the way they do. When they continue to trample over their human rights, and subject them to all kinds of oppression. Wouldn't it be fair to say the people in Barrhead are resisting occupation? Rather than being portrayed as something as vague and condescending as "terrorists"

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But what if the people living in Barrhead feel they're 2nd class citizens to the ones living in Glasgow and are excluded from society? Can the people in Glasgow really blame the people in Barrhead for thinking and acting in the way they do. When they continue to trample over their human rights, and subject them to all kinds of oppression. Wouldn't it be fair to say the people in Barrhead are resisting occupation? Rather than being portrayed as something as vague and condescending as "terrorists"

Late reply - Sorry!

I agree with your premise but if you feel you are being treated badly, is the solution either:

A) Open discussions and sort the problem like adults using mature dialogue, persuasion and negotiations.

B) Fire an unguided missile into a random populated area not targeting those who are causing you harm but instead harming innocent civilians.

Clearly neither side is 'right' in this ridiculous event but I kinda think at least Israel target (or at least attempt to) Hamas rather than just blindly bombing housing estates.

Again - Neither side are dealing with this well but I honestly believe that Hamas are the greater of the two evils.

Edited by ham89
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Late reply - Sorry!

I agree with your premise but if you feel you are being treated badly, is the solution either:

A) Open discussions and sort the problem like adults using mature dialogue, persuasion and negotiations.

B) Fire an unguided missile into a random populated area not targeting those who are causing you harm but instead harming innocent civilians.

Clearly neither side is 'right' in this ridiculous event but I kinda think at least Israel target (or at least attempt to) Hamas rather than just blindly bombing housing estates.

Again - Neither side are dealing with this well but I honestly believe that Hamas are the greater of the two evils.

Google operation cast lead.

1500 Palestinians killed, mainly civillians as a retaliation to rocket attacks.

The rocket attacks killed 4 people over 2 years. 4.

While these went on, Israeli artillery attacks killed 58 people, also mainly civillians.

So, if the IDF outkill civillians by a factor of 100 when compared to hamas, which group most deserves to be classed as terrorists?

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Disgustingly disproportionate attacks from Israel yet again.

Yes they are backed into a corner and feel threatened but how is killing innocent civilians the right thing to do?

I doubt the rockets are any threat what so ever.

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Can you imagine if the British government bombed dublin or Dunegal after an IRA attack killing dozens injuring 100s and justifying it by saying , well we deserve to live in peace ?

Its not quite the same scale or issues but it's a fair point.

As for the figures on deaths, a quick Google from me shows about half the websites reporting that the Palestine's are the 'worst' and the other half the Israelis. I'm just arguing that this is more balanced than many perceive.

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Disgustingly disproportionate attacks from Israel yet again.

Yes they are backed into a corner and feel threatened but how is killing innocent civilians the right thing to do?

I doubt the rockets are any threat what so ever.

A home in Palestien usually has about 3 generations of families livening in it if not more ,so when the Israelies talk about civilians deaths and say they are only targeting Hamas members homes, you have to wonder are they just as bad as the terrorist launching random rockets into Gazza.

As I said previously it'd be like the British government blowing IRA members family homes in Southern Ireland killing women and children and then saying it's our only option?!

It's beyond belief that a so called democratic country is allowed to repeatedly do this without so much as a whisper from the West,is it any wonder Muslim extremist use our defence of Israel as a recruiting tool.

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Watched a news interview recently when both Israeli's & Palestinians were asked about how they felt towards the recent deaths of the Israeli teenagers & the young Palestinians and both parties showed not one iota of compassion for their couterparts loss.......regardless of who started what and who's more at fault that the other, until both sides show any sign of compassion never mind respect for the other the blood spilling will continue as will the lack of fcuks given (sadly) by the majority of people elsewhere in the World.

Edited by sjc
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Interesting theory behind the ongoing Gaza attacks.

Recently, Natural Gas was found in Gaza, and the mayor of Gaza cut a deal with few private European companies to investigate this matter. The mayor of Gaza was advised by these private European companies that Gaza has lots of natural gas enough to support Gaza, and to sell to other countries as well. For the time being Gaza gets its Natural Gas from Egypt, and so is Israel and Jordan. The Israeli government found out about the new discovery in Gaza, so they thought hard to find a reason to invade Gaza. The Israeli government kidnapped 3 kids from their own people, and claimed that Hamas kidnapped them, and therefore Gaza must be bombed and invaded. The Israeli could not release the 3 boys in-case that the 3 boys may talk, and then tell the truth, so they killed them. Had the boys been live and released they will more likely tell the truth at least to their own families. If that happen, and more likely it will, the Israeli citizens won't ever trust their government again, so, the 3 boys had to be killed. 911 again, and again, one for Oil, and one for Natural Gas. Usually, if the Palestinians do kidnap an Israeli, it will most likely be a soldier, and they will keep him alive and fed for as long as it takes to trade him for some Palestinian prisoners, as they did some 5 years ago

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Late reply - Sorry!

I agree with your premise but if you feel you are being treated badly, is the solution either:

A) Open discussions and sort the problem like adults using mature dialogue, persuasion and negotiations.

B) Fire an unguided missile into a random populated area not targeting those who are causing you harm but instead harming innocent civilians.

Clearly neither side is 'right' in this ridiculous event but I kinda think at least Israel target (or at least attempt to) Hamas rather than just blindly bombing housing estates.

Again - Neither side are dealing with this well but I honestly believe that Hamas are the greater of the two evils.

I couldn't disagree more. Israel's behaviour is as usual absolutely disgraceful. They have no desire for peace at all - it's not in Israeli interests.

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I couldn't disagree more. Israel's behaviour is as usual absolutely disgraceful. They have no desire for peace at all - it's not in Israeli interests.

Its a fair point. I agree that this latest salvo is well over the top. I just dislike the fact that many seem to completely ignore the fact that Hamas are firing untarget rockets towards population centres. Because their rockets are poor quality and Israel have missile defences doesn't mean it isn't an issue to be considered.

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They bomb the home of a SUSPECTED Hamas member killing 5 children , the bombed a packed cafe during the World Cup semi finals killing 8 people who were just watching the game, just an absolute vile entity .

Edited by THE KING
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Israel going to give a warning about an attack.

What is the point of that? Surely if they know there's Hamas leaders or the like in a house then why warn them?

They're just indiscriminately attacking anyone.

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Israel's actions throughout the decade have only been achievable with the active support of the US.

Obama has been as guilty as every other post war US president in assisting the war crimes of Israel.

Not the worst US president but the most disappointing.

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Israel stopped attacks on Gaza yesterday for six hours in an attempt to end the conflict. Hamas fired 123 rockets into Israel in that time which has caused it to escalate further. Why won't Hamas accept a ceasefire?


This basically. Half of my facebook news feed is left wingers writing #FreePalestine on £10 notes and the other half is English jews posting about the ceasefire yesterday. About time the Western world just realised that both sides are as bad as each other and instead of being passive-aggressive on social media about it the West has to either ignore it and let them sort it out or wade in there and sort it out ourselves. Honestly.

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