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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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No , by ethnic cleansing I mean ethnic cleansing, Of some 800'000 Arabs in the 40s. I know this fact doesn't sit well with your Zionist apologist narrative but it happened. https://answers.yahoo.com/question/?qid=20070413045950AAgdc7A

So if Israel committed genocide on Arabs and didn't want them in Israel. Why are there 2.5 million Arabs - over double pre-1948 numbers - living there now?

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So if Israel committed genocide on Arabs and didn't want them in Israel. Why are there 2.5 million Arabs - over double pre-1948 numbers - living there now?

who mentioned Genocide?

The Arab numbers are in proportion to the growing populaition thats all, if Israel wanted them there why do they have a policy of guarenteed acceptence of immigrants as long as youre jewish? But not if youre an Arab?

why do they refuse the right of the 2 million arab refugees to return home?...oh wait thats right the Arabs all left of their own free will?!

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who mentioned Genocide? The Arab numbers are in proportion to the growing populaition thats all, if Israel wanted them there why do they have a policy of guarenteed acceptence of immigrants as long as youre jewish? But not if youre an Arab? why do they refuse the right of the 2 million arab refugees to return home?...oh wait thats right the Arabs all left of their own free will?!

So if Israel committed "ethnic cleansing" on Arabs and didn't want them in Israel. Why are there 2.5 million Arabs - over double pre-1948 numbers - living there now?

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Israel going to give a warning about an attack.

What is the point of that? Surely if they know there's Hamas leaders or the like in a house then why warn them?

They're just indiscriminately attacking anyone.

Have you seen warning they give? A mortal shell to the roof of the targeted building to let them know whats coming... then 60 seconds later...


Edited by Enrico Annoni
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Have you seen warning they give? A mortal shell to the roof of the targeted building to let them know whats coming... then 60 seconds later...


Yup. I like how some folk seem to have just accepted that it's perfectly fine to blow up people's houses, with the inhabitants inside or not, so long as you warn them first, or hit them with a missile with no warhead - that in fact, anyone who stays in their houses and gets killed are actually engaged in an act of asymmetric warfare as "human shields", in some cases.

Of course, this isn't correct. There's no obligation on civilians to get out of the way of your missiles and bullets, whether you warn them or not - the onus is on you not to kill them. And that's that.

People who tell you the opposite are basically repeating one side's weak excuses for killing civilians, which isn't very nice or sane in my view.

Edited by flyingrodent
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its high time we turned our back on Israel, Theres a quote from an IDL spokesman which goes along the lines of, Civilians that dont leave their homes after a warning are willing human shields and I have no compassion for them, and anyone killed who has returned to their flattened homes was helping Hamas?! This from the mob that doesnt target civillians?


David Cameron has pledged his "unbreakable" support for Israel

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Have you seen warning they give? A mortal shell to the roof of the targeted to let them know whats coming... then 60 seconds later...


yeah it was on C4 news last night even the reporter seemed disgusted with it, if blowing up an entire residential block of flats because 1 suspect might live there isnt collective punishment, what is?

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Have you seen warning they give? A mortal shell to the roof of the targeted building to let them know whats coming... then 60 seconds later...


Funny how the camera was set up perfectly to film the warning knock then the bomb. Almost as if everybody knew exactly when it was going to happen. More on that - http://www.ibtimes.com/israel-roof-knocking-video-raises-question-warning-or-human-rights-violation-1628734

Basically the Israelis make a public announcement, leaflet an area, phone/text the occupants, give a warning "knock", then hit the place.

What do Hamas do? Tell people to go onto the roof as human shields to protect Hamas members. What are the people on the roof going to do? Catch the fucking thing?

Hamas are telling people not to move because Hamas want the death toll to be as high as possible.

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Hamas are telling people not to move because Hamas want the death toll to be as high as possible.

Hamas military wing and the IDF are both culpable for these deaths to a degree and despite not pulling the trigger the politicians have failed these people.

Obviously the IDF is the main aggressor and their martyr argument doesn't really hold up under investigation. This just sets another generation of palestinians who want nothing to do with Israel barring its destruction.

There is evidence of human shields but there isn't a lot of room in these ghettos and if the civillian residents don't do anything they will be homeless anyway. These people have little left to lose.

The Israeli Authorities control the vast majority of energy, water, food and medical supplies into these territories so could use sanctions rather than acute lethal force. However that is inhumane in its own right.

Basically it is totally fucked as the war pigs on both sides are intransigent in their outlook towards the opposition.

Ironically a de-militarisation of the area with peace keepers would be the only logical way forward but neither set of leaders would let that happen.

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Funny how the camera was set up perfectly to film the warning knock then the bomb. Almost as if everybody knew exactly when it was going to happen. More on that - http://www.ibtimes.com/israel-roof-knocking-video-raises-question-warning-or-human-rights-violation-1628734

Basically the Israelis make a public announcement, leaflet an area, phone/text the occupants, give a warning "knock", then hit the place.

What do Hamas do? Tell people to go onto the roof as human shields to protect Hamas members. What are the people on the roof going to do? Catch the fucking thing?

Hamas are telling people not to move because Hamas want the death toll to be as high as possible.

Allow me to repeat this - there's no obligation on civilians to get out of the way of Israeli missiles and bullets, whether they warn them to get out of the way or not. The onus is on combatants not to kill them. This isn't up for debate, from either a legal or moral standpoint.

People who tell you the opposite are basically repeating one side's weak excuses for killing civilians, which isn't very nice or sane. As a rule, I try not to parrot propagandistic excuses to kill innocent people, and I suggest that you try not to do it as well.

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Funny how the camera was set up perfectly to film the warning knock then the bomb. Almost as if everybody knew exactly when it was going to happen. More on that - http://www.ibtimes.com/israel-roof-knocking-video-raises-question-warning-or-human-rights-violation-1628734

Basically the Israelis make a public announcement, leaflet an area, phone/text the occupants, give a warning "knock", then hit the place.

What do Hamas do? Tell people to go onto the roof as human shields to protect Hamas members. What are the people on the roof going to do? Catch the fucking thing?

Hamas are telling people not to move because Hamas want the death toll to be as high as possible.

Aye am sure it's hilarious for the people now made homeless.

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