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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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Keep seeing Iraq getting brought up here. Are Hamas pilliging Iraq atm or do the likes of Tryfield just like using Muzzies = violent animals as some kind of actual argument about the Gaza conflict?

yes, A muslim terrorists done something in thailand..ergo Israel has a right to level Gaza. Edited by THE KING
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Jeremy Bowen the BBC senior middle east reporter fron Gaza......"We have seen no evidence that Hamas are using Palestinians as human shields"

unlike the IDF who like to tie children to their vehicles to stop them being attacked.


Edited by THE KING
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Another phoney Ceasefire this morning (which Israel says doesnt apply to Rafa or any current held poitions)....so how many minutes will this last?

About 5 minutes

Israel already firing missiles into Gaza

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Israel; the terrorist state


Gaza school attacked as children queue for sweets.

10:24PM BST 03 Aug 2014. Ban Ki-moon condemns attack, which killed 10 people including children, as 'a moral outrage and a criminal act', as Israel announces seven hour 'humanitarian ceasefire' on Monday

Israel's military assault on Gaza drew fierce international criticism once more on Sunday after 10 people, including children, were killed and at least 30 hurt in a missile attack at a UN school sheltering refugees forced from their homes by nearly a month of war.

It was the second such incident in less than a week and prompted another broadside from Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary-general, who called it "a moral outrage and a criminal act" and appeared to blame Israel.

"The attack is yet another gross violation of international humanitarian law, " said Mr Ban, who had strongly condemned an attack last week on another assault on a UN school in Jabaliya, that left 16 dead.

"United Nations shelters must be safe zones not combat zones. The Israel Defence Forces have been repeatedly informed of the location of these sites. This attack, along with other breaches of international law, must be swiftly investigated and those responsible held accountable."

The Israeli army said it had targeted three members of Islamic Jihad on a motorbike near the school - contradicting witnesses who said they saw no vehicles - but was investigating the effects of the attack.

It marked the third deadly strike on a UN shelter since hostilities broke out between Israel and Hamas on July 8.

Witnesses to Sunday's incident said a missile that appeared to be a rocket hit an area just outside the gates of the Rafah Preparatory A Boys School where children were queuing to buy sweets and biscuits from stalls.

The school had been providing shelter to more than 3,000 people - the same number that had been seeking refuge at a girl's school in Jabaliya last Wednesday when it came under attack from a hail of Israeli shells.

In contrast to that strike, which wrecked a classroom full of sleeping woman and children, the physical destruction this time appeared minimal: just a small but deep hole in the road where the missile had landed.

But that clinical effect masked a devastating human cost. Pools of blood, some of it partially washed away, were seen inside and outside the school, demonstrating how the blast's powerful impact had washed inside the grounds of what was supposed to be a safe haven.

Refugees had flocked there to escape the violence that had enveloped Rafah - a town on the Egyptian border that has long been a dangerous flash-point - throughout the 26-day conflict but which had intensified in the previous 48 hours.

Among the dead were at least four children and Hazen Abu Hilal, the school's caretaker. He was inside the school gates when he was struck by flying shrapnel, according to Yousef Musa, of the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) which runs the shelter.

Four others, including a seven-year-old boy, were laid out in shrouds on the floor of a makeshift morgue at the local al-Kuwaiti hospital, which specialises in elective surgery and was under-prepared and overwhelmed by the sudden deluge of casualties.

Eyewitnesses voiced a mixture of anger, panic and bewilderment over why the school, in western Rafah, had been targeted. Most of them had fled their homes in the town's eastern neighbourhoods, which have faced a terrifying bombardment since Friday following the reported capture of an Israeli solder who was subsequently declared dead.

"We don't feel safe to go out," said Ali al-Shawi, 54, who had brought his family of 12 to the school from the eastern suburb of Janina on Friday after it was bombarded following the collapse of a 72-hour ceasefire.

"Children go outside the gates to buy sweets and suddenly there are fragments flying in all directions.

"For one soldier they [israel] kill hundreds of people, and all the world is with them. They have committed massacres because of one soldier and everyone is blaming us. Are these children firing rockets?"

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About 5 minutes

Israel already firing missiles into Gaza

I child dead 30 injured , no doubt we'll hear how it was Hamas fault that another ceasfire that they never signed up for failed and Israel was forced to blow up more children.

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"If I was an Israeli", I'd be shitting myself after seeing what ISIS has committed among their own.

No doubt the lefties will back up the beheadings and atrocities. Harumph. Rant over, let us keep our heids.

Is there any topic you can't make yourself look like an utter buffoon on?

Edited by Gordon EF
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I tend to reply like with like. Unfortunately you posted a pile of shite and got the only response you merited. Hamas job centres ffs.

I do seem to have upset you though, so apologies on that score, tiny tears.

Hamas job centre rather amused me. Apology accepted though, your royal rudeness.

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Israeli parliment speaker calls for "concentration and extermination" of Hamas an ALL its supporters http://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/concentrate-and-exterminate-israel-parliament-deputy-speakers-gaza-genocide-plan

In describing Adolf Hitler, Feiglin is quoted to have told her, "Hitler was an unparalleled military genius. Nazism promoted Germany from a low to a fantastic physical and ideological status. The ragged, trashy youth body turned into a neat and orderly part of society and Germany received an exemplary regime, a proper justice system and public order. Hitler savored good music. He would paint. This was no bunch of thugs. They merely used thugs and homosexuals."


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No holiday pay but 72 virgins promised on completion of contract (or 72 sultanas, dependent on Koranic interpretation).

That would be one for each part of his body after he completes his mission...

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