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19QOS19 last won the day on June 18

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About 19QOS19

  • Birthday 22/04/1989

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    Queen of the South

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  1. Tbf, if these sides have agreed a draw they're doing a good job of hiding it. Both sides look to be going for it.
  2. Excellent bit of nostalgia from the Slovak there. Been years since I've seen a player roll for 3/4 times after a foul.
  3. Dion Dublin is a dribbling fucking idiot - CONTACT DOESN'T MEAN IT'S A FOUL YA FUCKING MORON!!!
  4. Pretty much this except I don't think there's enough contact initially (if even) for it to be a foul. The second contact is initiated by Hagi as you say. This game is very flawed.
  5. Good on them. I'd be happy enough if all our friendlies were behind closed doors as well.
  6. Slightly OT but of the folk who won't boycott and will attend next season - what kind of atmosphere is there at Caley Stadium when things aren't going well? Are we looking at a Falkirk situation where folk will be hounded in the car park if you don't hit the ground running? Given Ferguson won't be able to keep his mouth shut I'm fully expecting him to be flying into the crowd at one point next season if you're performing badly.
  7. Sad news to hear of Bill Goldie's passing. Thoughts with the family.
  8. He was married to the lassie who owns it and they split up. So needless to say he doesn't work there anymore.
  9. I was wondering if we would get any responses from Falkirk fans about him. Generally when we take an ex-Bairn there's nothing positive to be said about him from your fellow fans
  10. Well that's pleasing. I expect the reviews will be he's inconsistent and that's probably the case given he's playing here and not kicked on. But we've seen first hand what he's capable of, given he was the only player to consistently get the better of Gibson a few years back. If we can get him firing like that regularly he'll be lethal at this level.
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