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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Im not questioning your combative nature im questioning your deep desire to transform a tribal sport into an idealogical theatre. Your burning need to add on political and religious motivations which for most of us simply do not exist. There are many sticks to beat both your old and new club with. You have chosen to retaliate by attempting to label others as bigoted through your constant assertion and questioning of political motivation.

WhiteRoseKillie did have a very troubling post about despising Rangers, and noticing he was a Kilmarnock fan I felt why not get to the bottom of this type of hate that usually only emanates from Celtic fans? Turns out I did and it was what I thought. I untangled the tentacles of hate into something I could understand.

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WhiteRoseKillie did have a very troubling post about despising Rangers, and noticing he was a Kilmarnock fan I felt why not get to the bottom of this type of hate that usually only emanates from Celtic fans?  Turns out I did and it was what I thought.  I untangled the tentacles of hate into something I could understand. 



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WhiteRoseKillie did have a very troubling post about despising Rangers, and noticing he was a Kilmarnock fan I felt why not get to the bottom of this type of hate that usually only emanates from Celtic fans? Turns out I did and it was what I thought. I untangled the tentacles of hate into something I could understand.

So you believe you managed to confirm your preconceived prejudices? How convenient.

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WhiteRoseKillie did have a very troubling post about despising Rangers, and noticing he was a Kilmarnock fan I felt why not get to the bottom of this type of hate that usually only emanates from Celtic fans? Turns out I did and it was what I thought. I untangled the tentacles of hate into something I could understand.

In other words your attempted to reinterpret a post into language and values you understand. I believe that the above post reveals more about you than you intended.

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I wonder if he believes that he is fooling anyone but himself?

If Osama bin Laden can hide in plain sight then WhiteRoseKillie can. Think of this thread as his Abbottabad compound and me as the Rangers SEAL Team 6 sent in against all the odds. We'll call the film, half past twelve.

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What a tool that guy is ... there is evidence of serious financial irregularities .. I'll have to (be seen) do something soon. Integrity oozes from that clumpany ....

Think this one from Charlotte is the most damning http://i.imgur.com/rVKI08I.jpg

Of course it damns the company when the chairman is saying things like that. Enough you would think to get the polis chapping on the door again.

But it also damns Murray. You would have thought that those who hold directorships or is chairman realise they can no longer turn a blind eye to suspicions of this sort. The legal obligation is on them is to find out. Just as John Greig, Bain etc looked away when Murray (Sir D) fiddled so Murray the chairman is doing the same.

I think that email knocks his comeback attempt on the head. Can't see how McColl or Blin can accept him with that attitude.

This company needs people who will NOT turn a blind eye, no matter what they are paid (bribed with).

How much longer can this be tolerated by the authorities? (Exclude the SFA from that, they always look away.)

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In other words your attempted to reinterpret a post into language and values you understand. I believe that the above post reveals more about you than you intended.

Hatred like that is only pumped out by Celtic fans, he fiercely denied being one, and even goes to the extremes of posting a denial to ridicule those who make that accusation in his signature. He underwent the duck test, and passed with flying colours.

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Hatred like that is only pumped out by Celtic fans, he fiercely denied being one, and even goes to the extremes of posting a denial to ridicule those who make that accusation in his signature. He underwent the duck test, and passed with flying colours.

This is an unreasoned assertion. Therefore your whole argument is meaningless. Troll harder.

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Matthew 22:36-40

36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the great and [a]foremost commandment. 39 The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.”

You really need to stop jumping in feet first....

But we were told the quote was Matthew 23:40, that's 22:36-40

Honest mistake?

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Question 1 - In your opinion, does God regard homosexuality as a sin?

Rev Dr William R Stayton (Baptist -- minister, certified sexologist, associate professor of psychiatric and human behaviour, servant on faculty of LaSalle University's graduate department of religious studies, holder of master of divinity from Andover Newtown Theological School and a Th.D. in psychology from Boston university):

Q1: Absolutely not! There is nothing in the Bible or in my own theology that would lead me to believe that God regards homosexuality as sin. God is interested in our relationships with ourselves, others, the things in our lives, and with God (Matthew 23:36-40). There is nothing in the mind of God that could be against a loving, sexual relationship, freely entered into, without coercion, among sincere adults whether gay, bisexual or straight.

Round ye, ya dick.

The original post with the quote.

But we were told the quote was Matthew 23:40, that's 22:36-40

Honest mistake?

No mistake from me.

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