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Everything posted by mozam76

  1. The standard of these two qualifiers (?) is already better than some of the stuff that Dolan was throwing - Dolan hit a 28 I'm sure in his match. French unlucky on that 140 shot.
  2. Well that is as much of a doing as you'll ever see. Not even convinced Huybrechts played all THAT well - but Dolan was was all over the shop.
  3. First night of being able to watch the darts - going to enjoy it as well! Really good start from Huybrechts, and with him hitting winning darts it means we get to see his stunning missus. Really poor from Dolan though, his three double attempts at the end of the first set were honking.
  4. Richard Osman tweeted the Pointless answers to the Darts question this morning. Hurrah!! There were seven in total - Jelle Klaasen, Richie Burnett, John Walton, Tony David, Steve Beaton, Mark Webster and of course, the kilted legend that is Les Wallace.
  5. Out for a late lunch with Mrs Mozam last Sunday, I said that we'd forgot to record Boardwalk Empire from the night before. No worries I said, it'll no doubt be on Sky Anytime. "Will it be on tonight then? What time do we need to be home for?" Fair enough she was firing into her second bottle of Pinot Grigio at the time, but still. Unacceptable.
  6. Was pretty surprised to see how low their three answers scored (Langer, Garcia and Jiminez were all in single figures) - I thought they'd be worth at least thirty or forty each. This was my best round by far, I got J-M Canizares, Soren Hansen and Costantino Rocca, who were all Pointless.
  7. I got Gustavo Keurten (sp) and Michael Chang, but none were pointless. None of the Pointless answers rung any bells.
  8. Like a few others I'm sure, Arsenals overall shiteness has cost me today. Also Raith Rovers done me on my other line. Bad day at the office.
  9. My wife ordered a frame for the wee boys room, for one his posters. When it arrived, it was clearly too small. Sh had got her inches and centimetres mixed up. That's bad enough, but when I asked her if it said anything else, she said "aye it said A4, but I thought that was the name of the frame".
  10. That was brilliant! dream question for most of us I reckon. I got Ricken and Boli, and also got Kluivert.
  11. I got Anthony & The Johnsons, Portishead and, I'm ashamed to say, M People. Didn't have a clue with the Verdi operas yesterday though. Love this show.
  12. That 20 minutes or so before drinks was akin to watching second year rounders. Cracking fielding there right enough
  13. Pietersens knock was terrific, agreed. It's fascinating watching him once he's out, his facial expressions tell a hundred stories - especially if he knows it was a daft one! I think Bells stupidity has kinda blinkered my earlier posts on him - on reflection his performance was fantastic. It'll be interesting to see what is said in the coming days, because I'd imagine soon enough there will be more and more dissenting voices regarding what Dhoni had done. I can only imagine what could have been had it happened in an Ashes series! The only reason I picked out Prior and Morgan is because they, as lower order batsmen, I'd imagine would not be expected to score as heavily as they did. Granted a lot of that may have come down to the fact that the Indian bowlers heads were bowed after the Bell incident, but there's evidence that their heads were never up over the course of the day anyway. It'll be a fascinating day tomorrow.
  14. One of the few times I've watched the highlights on Five, after having watched much of it live. What a day it turned out. Some phenomenal batting from Morgan and Prior, although to say the Indian heads were down is an understatement. I'd have thought the incident with Bell would have had the opposite effect. Moving on to Bell - he seems a bit of an arrogant twat. He doesn't seem to realise how lucky he is. He was out, pure and simple, spirit of the game or not.
  15. Bell's idiocy seems to have been forgotten very quickly. Happen to think he is a very lucky batsman.
  16. So it's going to be Bells word vs whoever called "over". That'll be interesting! Has Bell not got history for crazy outs, being a bit lazy etc? Or am I thinking of someone else? TMS Inbox stuff is absolutely brilliant - "spirit of the game, what what" - what law does that come under again?
  17. The outrage on the BBC TMS regarding that out is brilliant, Tufnell especially. Dunno what they're complaining about. He's out, surely?
  18. Having not been to the pictures in ages, I've managed to go twice in 5 days. Saw X Men First Class on Saturday, and thoroughly enjoyed it. kevin Bacon was outstanding. Saw Senna last night and have to say, outstanding. Absolutely outstanding.
  19. Having problems with the Music Player on my Galaxy S - it won't play anything at all, instead I get a message saying "sorry, the player does not support this type of audio file". Annoyingly I was using an MP3 file as my ringtone which didn't work - cue four missed calls whilst the phone was in my pocket............... These files have all played no bother in the past and I'm 100% certain that I haven't inadvertently changed any settings. Any ideas??
  20. First time poster on this thread. On my third bottle of Innis & Gunn - two Originals done and dusted, one Blonde still to go.
  21. I'm using the wifes desktop PC just now whilst my laptop is getting sorted, and practically EVERY image on the screen is replaced with a tiny wee red cross. Even the options on the post editor page that I'm looking at just now, all the options at the top ( strikethrough, superscript etc) are replaced with these wee crosses. Under folks avatars, there's fuckin hunners of them. Any idea how to sort it folks?
  22. Horrible, horrible news about Wouter Weylandt today - some horrible tv pictures (possibly unaware of the state of his injuries), not surprised to hear of his death having seen them.
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