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Posts posted by Div

  1. My advice, which is fucking obvious, if you intend to go to both remaining games with availability is to go for Hungary tickets first, get them in your basket then go for the Munich ones.

    Good luck folks!

  2. I think the resale platform that UEFA will open up in Spring could see potentially thousands of tickets become available.

    My reading of that is that to get access you must have entered the public ballot so I’d absolutely do that even if the chances of getting tickets seems remote.

    There are only 10,000 tickets going to the associations of each team in any game and that leaves 30000+ up for grabs in other markets.

  3. 49 minutes ago, Virtual Insanity said:

    Update : Switzerland game appears to be sold out, Hungary only Cat 1 left. Germany still Cat 2 and 1.

    Have to think nobody in their right mind would buy a Cat 1 ticket when Cat 2 was still available.

    There were 1046 Cat 1s in the allocation (600 Euros) so a very good chance 10 pointers, and even below, will get an option on those.

  4. Just now, Jord85 said:

    Is it possible to swap tickets for different games between ssc members?  Say I got 2 cat 1 tickets for game 2 or 3 could I swap these with someone with cat 3 tickets for game 1?

    They said they are not transferrable but not sure how they enforce that.

    As far as I'm concerned if someone had your UEFA login details they could use that on their phone to download the digital tickets.

    These aren't like traditional QR code tickets, you will download them to your Apple or Android wallet and then they become an RFID ticket using your wallet.

    We had those at the NFL games in London in October.

    End of the day if someone has your login details then they should be able to to download the ticket to their phone as far as I can tell.

    They ain't gonna check passports at the gate so not sure how else they could stop it?

  5. Delighted and massively relieved to have got my tickets.

    Can only go to Munich and Cologne and got Cat 2 tickets for both.

    Much more than I was originally intending to pay, but fuck it, you're a long time dead.

    That waiting room was fucking torture.

  6. 7 minutes ago, lubo_blaha said:

    Pretty much impossible unless they sell you a burner phone with a ticket loaded onto it.

    Public ballot tickets can be easily transferred from one user to another. I assume there will be some block on the SSC member tickets to remove that function but of course since you are able to get 4 tickets in the public ballot you must therefore be able to transfer them on.

  7. I initially laughed at the idea of paying 400 or 600 Euros to watch one game of football I'm coming round to the idea of "fuck it".

    As someone said, you're a long time dead. I didn't go to France '98 so this is my first major.

    The fanzone's will be amazing, so if that's all I can get them fair enough, but I'm desperate for a ticket for at least one game.

    Fingers crossed at noon I get lucky!

  8. 4 minutes ago, welldaft said:

    I went to Paris with 3 pals and none of us had tickets. I did meet Joanna Lumley at Waterloo on the way across and got my photo taken with her and the lion rampant flag. That made the trip worthwhile  regardless of everything else. Ended up watching the game in a basement bar with Iranian 🇮🇷 football fans…

    Been a Tartan army member for over 25 years. Rarely miss a home game but only have 9 points due to getting a freebie ticket for Ukraine game and not travelling abroad. Do not expect to get any tickets so 3 of us decided to go to the Switzerland game. Less Germans and mad Hungarian fans. Paid well over the odds for category 3 tickets. Well over the odds ! So will be surprised and disappointed if there actually are any left come Sunday🤷‍♂️

    All that said at one point I was considering paying 1800 Euros for hospitality. Now we have the whole trip plus tickets for less than that. Is what it is. 

    How did you get the tickets for the Switzerland game if you don't mind me asking?


  9. I've no issue at all with how the tickets are being allocated.

    Possibly what they could have done is introduce one more tier in the sale, perhaps 20+ points on day 1, then 12+ points day 2, then drop by a point each day after that but I think suggesting releases dropping a point every hour is far too complex an idea for an association that couldn't even get the dates of the games right never mind email the codes to the correct people.

    The big issue here is the price of the tickets and for the opening game they are a fucking disgrace.

    That isn't the SFA's fault and it's the ticket prices that is causing the issue for the 12+ pointers who at the end of the day are all guaranteed a ticket (rightly) but who (again rightly) aren't overjoyed at the prospect of shelling out 400 or 600 Euros for a single ticket.

    The 2nd and 3rd matchdays aren't quite as bad IMO. Expensive yes, but not the eye watering numbers of MD1.



  10. All our group are on 11 and we all got our codes this morning.

    I expect that they won't work today but you're damn right we will all be trying them at noon on the off chance they do.

    If they do work, the SSC is going to implode and someone is going to be fired.

  11. Just now, TPAFKA Jersey 2 said:

    Thinking about this a bit deeper, have we just been kidding ourselves a bit.

    When we talk about “when we were playing much better earlier this season” does that actually stand up to scrutiny?

    I thought the home game against Aberdeen was the best I’ve seen us play for a very, very long time. I also thought we were excellent at home to Hearts. You could argue that the first game of the season against Hibs was a good old cavalier type performance but let’s not pretend we weren’t ropey as f**k at the back that day as well.

    Numerous other performances tho were not great. Dundee home. Livvy, Motherwell and Killie away. Motherwell at home in the LC. In all of those games we got results, but I’d suggest that was down to the paper thin margins Div refers to above, not because we were great. 

    So other than a couple of games, is this early season 1970s Ajax team a bit of a figment of our imagination?

    I think the main difference now from early season form is the style of our play rather than the quality. Gone is the fast paced passing game and ferocious high press that caused teams problems (whether we always capitalised on them is another matter) and they have been replaced with a more predictable, lethargic, long punt game that other teams just gobble up. 

    Still think we're a good team with plenty very good players and a fantastic spirit, but I wouldn't say we're miles better than any of the other ten teams we are realistically competing with.

    At home I'd fancy our chances against any of them. Away from home, not so much.

  12. Just 2 wins in 8 now for us, and it's clear we've lost a bit of our early season mojo.

    I genuinely don't think there is very much between ten of the teams in the division, as always games are decided on very fine margins.

    Had we got the penalty we should have got last night at 0-0 we may well have gone on to win the game, even though we did not deserve to.

    Had Livingston's header gone in at 0-0 on Saturday we might not have went on to win that game.

    Paper thin margins.


  13. If the supporters club actually get all 10,000 and the players/sponsors/staff and all that are tickets over and above that then I'd reckon those on 11pts will have about a 1 in 3 chance of a ticket.

    There's 7869 members on 12 or more and you have to assume that the vast majority of those supporters will take up their tickets, let's say as many as 7500 do.

    That would leave 2500 to distribute across the 7102 11 pointers so about a 1 in 3 chance.

    You'd also assume that most of those 11 pointers, punters like me, mostly go to home games only with the odd away, and I'd say it's fairly likely that many of those fans will be unable to stay for all three games.


  14. Wondering what plans any of you have made for actual travel to Germany yet?

    Our group of 10 have booked hotels all over Germany to cover all the host cities for the first week but we're holding off on booking travel until;

    1) We know where Scotland will be playing

    2) We know the results of the ballot (we've all put into this as we all have 11 SSC points which I don't think will be enough for an SFA ticket)

    We've hedged our ballot bets on the Rhine Valley area, as we've booked a hotel in Duisburg which we reckon can easy cover Dortmund, Gelnsenkirchen, Dortmund and Cologne from.

    Obviously Germany is a really easy country to get to via any number of different routes but I'm assuming direct flights from any UK airport are going to be ridiculous once the draw is made, if not already.

    My thinking was maybe to hop over via a well connected country who aren't playing (ie; Dublin) as you can fly to pretty much anywhere in Germany from there, I think?

    What's your plans?

  15. 30 minutes ago, German Jag said:


    You heading over?

    Yeah going for the first week, booked hotels all over the shop, will pick the ones we want once we know where we are playing and the results of the ballot cos we've all applied for tickets in and around the Rhine Valley for the whole week.

    Should be mega!


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