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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. Please just choose someone we can all get behind. Please. Fucking please.
  2. Ross Matthews has been the brightest light in a dark season, became my favourite player. Praying we can hold on to him.
  3. SuperHans is Eric Drysdale, isn't he? Similar posting style and use of emojis. Anyone want to do an IP check?
  4. This is comfortably the best run down of M'Voto so far. A good Championship defender who I'm sure will be solid enough in a mid table side.
  5. It's a bit of a shame that he's left, but given the wages he was on it's not unexpected. He was probably our best player this year but fucked up in the majority of our most important games. There was no way he was going to stay anyway, so fair play to him for getting another Championship club lined up.
  6. Hard to believe folk still look at that Rovers Facebook page, let alone take things that people write on it seriously. It's a rabble of complete zoomers.
  7. How else do you do it? You cannae appoint the manager than tell him he can't sign the players he wants?
  8. Staying full time is definitely good news, means we can hopefully retain the core of the squad.
  9. Highly uninspiring that it's going to be the same four entirely unqualified board members to hire the new manager. Alan Young - accountant, Eric Drysdale - banker, Mario Caira - local businessman and Val McDermid - crime writer. I have no doubt they have the club at heart, but they're not qualified in any way to judge a football manager. Realistically, what more do they know about the intricacies of football management than any other supporter in the stand? Would a chef be on the interview panel for a mortgage advisor? Or a nurse on the panel for a car salesman? We need to be looking to get someone with some kind of football background involved, specifically during the recruitment process.
  10. Brechin were 100% interested in taking Vaughan, but they couldn't afford to pay all his wages, Dumbarton could, and did.
  11. No apology and he says he doesn't think the decision to appoint Locke was the wrong one. I'm struggling to accept that to be honest.
  12. Easton has already said to the board he doesn't want the managers gig.
  13. I'd take McGlynn back in a heart beat. Been there and done it before, and knows how to get the most out of a limited squad on a limited budget. He does have a great job travelling Europe as a Celtic scout, I met him at Charles de Gaulle a few years ago when he was on his way back from Italy doing just that. He's a football man who would find it hard to say no to getting back in to management, especially with us given his affiliation with the club. I didn't feel comfortable saying it on here whilst he was still in the managers position, but I'd heard from various sources that the players detested Hughes and his management skills. The fact that he didn't even turn up to the POTY night, coupled with the players giving their POTY to Bobby Barr, who Hughes effectively exiled from the first team, says it all. As for the players I'd want to keep, Cuthbert, Benedictus, Barr, Matthews, Callachan, Vaughan, Court and, although he's been quite poor of late, Bobby Barr, who I think would comfortably be the best player in League 1. Eight seems a high number of bodies I'd want to keep from a side who have been so rancid all season, but there's a very good spine there, especially a league down. The rest can go. We need to appoint a manager within a few weeks, whoever that is, or risk losing out on potential targets. Clubs have already started announcing signings for next season, we need to act quickly and get someone in and give them the time they need to build a squad capable of coming back straight away.
  14. I we release all of the under contracted players I'm going to support whoever Lewis Vaughan signs for.
  15. This next manager, whoever it may be, is the most important appointment in my time following the Rovers. Get it right and we could have a great season, adding an extra few hundred on to our gate before coming back up at the first attempt. Get it wrong and we could be stuck down in League 1 for god knows how long.
  16. Heard a wee rumour recently about Callachan and MK Dons
  17. Aye, we should've given them a fucking Frankie and Bennie's voucher eh?
  18. I fucking love Lewis. A total professional and a great wee player. If we go down I can't see us keeping him, which is a shame because him and Jonny Court have the makings of a great front two. Not only that, but a front two produced by our own academy. If we can get those two, Matthews and Callachan in the team then it's something I could really get behind. There's nothing better footballing than supporting "your own".
  19. Really? You need to pretty much go to every home game to make it worth while. Most of the folk I know who have season tickets miss 4-5 games a season minimum but do it to support the club during the months of low/zero income.
  20. You're not really buying the season ticket to get the value out of it, are you? You're surely buying the season ticket as a donation to the club, who you want to do well, so we can sign the players we need to perform in the league? This "my season ticket is now worth less" patter is tragic. It's probably been devalued by almost f**k all over the season.
  21. Just out of interest, when was the last time a first team player didn't play a single minute of football in an entire season?
  22. I could understand why he's going with the harsh approach if he'd tried and failed with literally any other method. As it is, he's come in, called all the players shite for two months and now they won't play for him. Perhaps trying to give them a wee confidence boost somewhere along the line wouldn't have been a totally out of the box idea.
  23. I've been bitterly disappointed by Hughes, truth be told. I thought when we got rid of Locke and he came in that he'd get us to 7th pretty comfortably. Instead it's been a fucking slog and his press interviews are bordering on shambolic of late. Given that he was, as agreed by just about everyone, the best possible candidate at the time I'm not sure what else we could've done. I see Albion Rovers have announced Young is leaving at the end of the season...
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