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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. I hate the college. I've handed in 4 EMA forms, so I should be due £120. I went and checked my bank just there, £30 paid. CUNTS!
  2. I broke my finger earlier on slamming the car door shut on it. Fucking hell it hurt.
  3. I don't think i've ever been so tired in my entire life. I'm going to try and sleep through until tomorrow morning the now.
  4. My ears are getting a rest just now after giving them a battering today. I listened to live sets from Endymion, Evil Activites, D-Block & S-Te-Fan, The Viper and Angerfist. Anyone in the know will know that that is an absolutely blistering set.
  5. Awwwwh man, The girl I was getting with is going to the party i'm going to tonight. This is going to be awkward as fuck.
  6. I've got a chest infection and i'm really worried about getting swine flu.
  7. No. I posted it from my phone and I'd already been up for an hour due to the clocks going back. Bet you feel like a right cock.
  8. This "extra hour in bed" pish. No. You just wake up an hour earlier.
  9. Aye, he's been fucking superb so far. Been pleasantly surprised by how well he's done.
  10. It'll just be the General Manager or anyone else in the office who its and answers the calls.
  11. Bought a webcam the other day and it arrived today, but the I dunno how to turn the wee lights that it has built into it on It's a colourvis if anybody knows anything.
  12. I'm playing football in Edinburgh today, but I can;t be arsed getting out my bed. I know that once i'm up i'll be fine, but everytime I put a toe out the bed, I realise how cold it is and get back in.
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