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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. I loved the pink strip but seems like I was in the minority. Quite like the idea of us having a more outlandish away strip, though. Seen us have a boring one way too many times.
  2. Fans rep is a weird one. I know that it’s an important role and one that a lot of people fought really hard for but even I, as a fully signed up, passionate, lifelong-supporting season ticket holder, don’t really know what the role entails. Now, that might be through ignorance on my part, but I doubt if you asked 100 people in the South Stand on a Saturday if you’d get more than 10 or 15 who really understood it and could tell you about it and that’s probably why you’re seeing the non-reaction from the majority on the issue.
  3. Been saying this to folk for weeks. If we can sign him, we absolutely should. Don’t imagine he will be short of Championship offers, though.
  4. Come on, mate. The close season is a week old and you bought a stitch up from a poster on an internet forum. Plenty news to come over the next 4 or 5 weeks.
  5. I honestly cannot wait to see all the mad ways folk can find to spell Ruaridh’s name over the next few years.
  6. So what are you both saying? Is there a nationwide refereeing conspiracy against Falkirk?
  7. Can any one the Falkirk fans who have said something along the lines of, “I agree it was a penalty, but that would never be given for Falkirk” over the last 5 or so pages explain what they mean, and why that would be the case? Be specific.
  8. I didn’t even go to the second leg of the play off at the end of 17/18 when we went into the game 2-0 down to Alloa. You’d need to be mental to as a Falkirk fan to go to this second leg.
  9. Hutton has absolutely stitched the referee up there. Looked more like a penalty than a red card to Falkirk. Good.
  10. It was absolute dreadful for about 10 years before they decided to come along.
  11. Only thing from the interview is this mock up of what the new outside of the main stand might look like.
  12. I mentioned him a few pages back. Only 22 so if Livi offer him a contract of at least equal value of what he’s currently on, whoever signs him will be due a fairly hefty development fee. This is where the Bosman is actually a little unfair on players. You saw it with Lewis Strapp at Morton last year. There’s no way bigger clubs than Morton weren’t interested in him but refused to pay the development fee, meaning he had to play another year for Morton when he could easily be off earning more dough elsewhere.
  13. I’m not sure Masson is up to it, to be honest. He’s been ok at best. Still young, will get better, but not sure he will be the level we need him to be. Young kinda similar but I think his ceiling is a bit higher.
  14. I don’t think we will retain, for one reason or another: MacDonald, Nolan, Lang, Spencer, Connolly, McBride, Ngwenya, Mahady, Young, Mitchell, Masson, Akio, Goncalves. Out of the players who aren’t already contracted. I think the following will stay: Thomson, Dick, McGill. In other words, a complete overhaul of the squad.
  15. I had heard Lang would be going to the Pars as well, along with two other first XI members of our squad. Lang is no great loss, honestly. I’d be fine if he signed, also fine if he leaves. Too rash, too many mistakes.
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