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Everything posted by Swarley

  1. I've had a few dreams where I've been panicking because I have an exam soon which I haven't studied for or an essay or homework that I haven't done. Then I remember that I finished school 19 years ago!
  2. You'll just have to start getting up (ooh madam) early to watch her on this new ITV morning programme.
  3. In 18 months of watching the NRL I don't think I've seen one punch up yet it seems to happen in every Origin game. I think the players know that they can get away with it whilst playing Origin. There might be a bit of revenge taken in the 3rd and last game of this year's series.
  4. I'd check the Help or FAQs on this internet shopping site to see if they have anything in writing about it. Maybe worth sending them an email to ask what their policy is. Shouldn't take more than a couple of days in this day and age.
  5. Have you checked the freezer temperature dial - if there is one?
  6. 3 years ago and you just got a letter last week?! That's shocking. I almost had a prang yesterday. Was at a junction looking to turn left. I saw a car approaching with it's left indicator on. So assuming it was turning into the junction I eased forward slightly but was still behind the white give way line. Thankfully I looked to the right again only to see the fecking idiot crawl past me - he must have thought I was going to pull out so had slowed right down. The stupid fecker was indicating to pull into a petrol station about 200 yards to the left of the the junction.
  7. The link I quoted says that Adidas only started making footballs in 1963. Of course that may be incorrect but personally I'd trust a site called soccerballworld.com! Didn't World Cups prior to 1963 use rags wrapped into a ball or an inflated sheep bladder?
  8. Well the racism scandal didn't really lead to the punch up. That was due to a shocking tackle by O'Connell on Boyd. The fight was the only bit worth watching, I switched off soon afterwards. QLD are an awesome side with tremendous players. NSW are simply an embarrassment. The 3rd game will see a bigger winning margin in front of a stadium packed full of Banana Benders.
  9. This one? Carlton or Pure Blonde for me please mate Clicky
  10. Why would Slater be suspended? It wasn't a deliberate elbow apparently. And even more shocking news, Hayne was let off because his head butt wasn't deliberate either. Methinks if it weren't Origin time he'd have faced a while on the sidelines. NSW will lose again, the camp has been rocked (and distracted) by Timana Tahu's withdrawal over assistant coach Andrew John's racist outburst. Johns has stepped down. Clicky
  11. Tremendous result, I would have thought we'd have been severely tanned by the Pumas.
  12. Is that available on the basic Sky package or do you have to subscribe?
  13. Get an A3 piece of paper and roll it into a cone shape, et voila.
  14. Yet another positive job lead comes to nothing. If I were a lemming I'd be typing "cliffs edge" into my sat nav
  15. Three quid per item according to this
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