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Posts posted by Jordo1872

  1. Speaking hypothetically, the signing of Nade wouldn’t be what we need. It’d be a gamble on a player who was able to do the business once upon a time but that time was some years ago, and is now injury riddled. Sound familiar?

    What we need now is pace. There’s a chronic lack of it throughout the squad. We should be looking at young, hungry players who want to make their mark on the game, not those looking for a final pay cheque. In that regard the signing of Armour on a development loan was welcome news. A gamble of course, but I’d rather we gamble on youth than injury prone experienced players given our current situation.

  2. 4 hours ago, albundy said:
    14 hours ago, FifeSons said:
    That would be sad about Dowie. Possibly the right time though. He was superb last season, but this season has maybe looked one too far for him. I have no idea if he’d be one of the higher earners, but it should free up a wage for a replacement. Saying that, if we can’t get one in time for next week, we’re in even deeper trouble.

    We don't have a game next week, fortunately.

    I see your point, however Scottish Cup game next week would have at least brought some money in through gate receipts.  As it stands it’s another week where expenditure exceeds income and that can’t help finances.

    Just been listening to Jim Duffy on Radio Scotland. Dowie has a job on the rigs offshore, starts today. Adam and Loy both have slipped disc back problems. Generally saying how difficult it is to make an impact when only with the players two evenings a week. He does come across well though, and alluded to bringing in a couple of players ‘soon’.

  3. As much as I would be willing to drive Hutton to anywhere he wishes to go, the midfield is not the current priority when budget is tight and loan options restricted. Which says a lot given how woeful they’ve been as a unit.

    Striker and left-back are absolutely top of the list for Duffy; followed swiftly by a left sided midfielder and goalkeeper if possible. In that order.

  4. Good first interview. Saying all the things you’d expect. Interesting he singles out Forbes. We all know what he is capable of and if Duffy can get him up to full fitness and performing well he’ll be the catalyst for a change in our fortunes.

    A fresh start for the club. Time for the fans to respond and get along on Saturday.

  5. 1 hour ago, Howlin' Wilf said:


    To be fair Jordo, whilst agreeing that Allan is both a passionate fan and a decent bloke, unfortunately he invited much of the ridicule on himself by some rather bizarre and ill judged comments. That I’m afraid, is the nature of social media. P&B is every bit as much social media as Facebook or Twitter. That said, I hope he recants and continues supporting the team. He’d be better giving up Facebook tbh.


    It’s a fair point, and if you’re going to comment on the likes of FB you’ll need to be prepared for any backlash. I get that. For me it wasn’t an isolated incident that followed the comment though, rather the culmination of weeks of baiting a small and specific group of Sons fans. That’s what doesn’t sit well.

    Social media eh!

    Anyway, back to the fitba, it’s be good to see a healthy following to Arbroath next week. Don’t see anything moving on the manager front until the 27th and east fife at home. Let’s hope with a new manager in place and the comedy night on there will be a more positive vibe around the place.


  6. Reading through that Facebook thread and the P&B response this morning, I wouldn’t call it epic. I found the whole thing rather sad actually. What we had was a guy who is a passionate Sons fans, a decent, harmless bloke making a rather crass comment. No one believes though that in the cold lift of day it was meant with any serious intent. Surely?

    What followed was mob rule. I’m not really sure what it achieved other than ridiculing an individual to the point where he lost the grid somewhat. The apparent glee on here by some is just a bit odd. We have a small core support; driving a wedge between it doesn’t do the club any good.

    The constant baiting of the Aitken Army on here is also rather distasteful and pretty pathetic. As is posting pictures of fans. A few need to take a look at themselves.

    ill be glad when this all blows over, we get a new man in charge and can get back to talking about the fitba.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

    That's my point. With sensible control of our budget no one would have put their hand in their pocket to empty Aitken, or to sign players for the first team.

    I don’t disagree, however it’s clear that club have met been run well financially for a number of years, if not longer. The board will be trying to put that right, but it’s left a legacy that can’t be overcome in a short period. It will take time. Which of course doesn’t help the current situation, but thems that facts.

    All of this of course isn’t helped one bit by the Brabco shambles, relegation and knock on reduction in season tickets and general match day revenue.

    My point is that getting rid of aitken via the overdraft and/or credit  card won’t help address past failing or the clubs current situation. That’s all I’m saying. It’s not as simple as some are suggesting.


  8. 2 hours ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

    Why would a fan have to stump up the cash to pay off Aitken? That's the boards responsibility.

    He's been underperforming for the best part of a year, the board should have had a contingency plan in place going into this season. If that meant not stumping up the wages for 2 or 3 players then so be it. I'm absolutely astounded that people are so easy going about the board not having enough money to rectify this situation. Why the hell would you sympathise with that? They knew going into this season that he was on a shoogly peg to begin with. They knew if he didn't make a good start he had to go. It's almost like a forced positivity/sympathy type thing going on, it's just odd.

    FWIW I'm absolutely convinced that if the board want to bag him they will find a way to get the funds to do so.

    Im sure you realise I wasn’t seriously suggesting a fan stumps up the cash, simply making the point that someone has too. That’s the reality. All very easy to demand someone else puts their hand in their pocket.

    For what it’s worth I now believe it is enevitable that aitken will move on, probably in the next week or two. It’s not as black and white as what you and others are implying though. There’s tough decisions ahead and I’m sure the board are well aware of their responsibilities and will act accordingly. Every chance though that Atken will take that decision out of their hands.

  9. 41 minutes ago, Stevie Aitken said:

    Yep, let’s just keep Aitken for the rest of the season to lead us to 10th place. I’m sure that won’t affect us financially.

    Maybe you could gift the club the money to relieve Aitken of his duties. Or you could sit on the internet and expect someone else too.

  10. 7 hours ago, squeezeboxson said:

    They cheered him off when he was subbed. Needless to say, I booed him and them for it. Fortunately he was pretty hopeless tonight anyway. 

    Nothing wrong with showing respect to an ex player who gave everything he had for the club. Thought Fleming did ok in the deeper role but it’s clear to me that League 1 is his level now. Good player for us in his day though.

  11. 19 minutes ago, albundy said:

    It is mentioned that they will aim to make up the shortfall in other areas as well as hoping for an up take in season tickets/gate price:

    "means we must increase sales and raise money through events to cover the gap. We need everyone on board to help with that."

    Most clubs will have 2-4 fundraising events per year. We should look to do the same but the novelty soon runs a bit thin when it's the same old sportsmans dinner type event. That's why I was pleased to see us try something a bit different with the Murder Mystery night. Not everyone's cup of tea which is fair enough but equally it will hopefully appeal to a different demographic.

    The club needs events like this to work so hopefully the fans get behind it.

  12. 1 hour ago, Cheeko Green said:


    While it’s great news that prices have been reduced I think this may actually see a reduction in season tickets sales as if you miss more than two homes games you would have been better off just paying at the gate (unless I’ve calculated it wrong). Hopefully the lower walk up prices lure a few new supporters in or encourages others to return.


    Whilst I understand that line of thinking it’s not an opinion I share. I’ve never bought a season ticket on the basis of saving money over 18 walk up prices, or not bought one because I’d miss x number and therefore tip the balance away from what I’d perceive to be value for money.

    I’ve bought a season ticket because it’san investment in my club that allows season long budgets to be set. If the reality is that I win or lose by a few quid either way I’m not that bothered.

    The club have made a pretty bold move here imo. They’ve listened to fans views on pricing and reduced them as far as practicable, but that comes at a risk. Reduced pricing needs an increase in sales or we’re looking at a financial deficit and this a reduced playing budget.

    I’d encourage fans to reward this move by buying STs and show the board that reduced pricing can work. If not, we can’t have any complaints when the price is back up next year.

  13. 28 minutes ago, sonsanorak said:

    Aye, the Trust doing the hard work again to attract fans is a welcome reaction. But why aren't the club asking for our help earlier in the season? Why are these initiatives only considered when we're skint at the end of the season?


    Well, maybe now is the time to draw a line under that and look at how we can make things better. For generations the board at dumbarton have failed to reach out and engage with the support, never mind the wider community. I think that is acknowledged by the club and there is now a realisation that things need to change.

    Now we can either stand on the sidelines and moan about it if we can get involved and try to make things better from within. I know what position I’d rather take.

    This Saturday the club have live music in the bar pre-match, the local poet in, post match awards ceremony including the chairman and gaffer making an appearance, and there’s even a few things on this planned for the kids. Big kids too. The local estate has also been leafleted to try and encourage a few along.

    Its a few small things. But its a few small things in the right direction. If the club is to improve off the field these things matter. Better fan engagement, better match day experience and (crucially) a more proactive community engagement policy. That should be the baseline going forward regardless of what division we find ourselves in next season.


  14. Good to see the club marketing this and the new chairman (and gaffer) willing to come out and talk to the fans. Hopefully plenty of fans head along after the match and give the players a bit of a boost ahead of the play-offs.

    Despite all the doom and gloom I here, we’re not down yet.

  15. 2 hours ago, The Moonster said:

    Let's not get carried away. The play-offs are as good as ours. It's good to know we've not given up but it's time to give everything for the last few games and see where we end up.

    Exactly. All today has given us is a platform to build on. We’re going to need plenty more battling performances both on the pitch and off it in the coming weeks and months.


  16. I'd be disappointed if we took anything less than 2000. The novelty factor alone will bring out many, plus our standard 5-600 hardcore and many exiled Sons who will fancy a trip home for the big one off games. The club really need to play their part here though and capitalise on the clubs first major final in lifetime. As does the local papers.

    I had a Dumbarton based Celtic fan at my desk today asking me about the final. A decent guy despite his allegiance to one of them, and general apathy for the club. Saying this morning he fancies coming along for the final. Slightly condescending maybe, but welcome nonetheless.  There will be a fair few who fancy the day out.

  17. 33 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

    Are we to take it that we've all seen the last of The Prince in a Sons strip ?

    As disappointing as that would be I think Nade's ability to influence a game is now all but over. With a small squad and finite budget we can't afford to carry anyone who isn't capable of giving us a full 90mins.

    The signing of Andy Stirling is a major boost. 

  18. If anyone is new to this and fancies giving it a go Profit Accumulator are offering commission on new members if signed up through existing ,ember affiliate codes. Happy to provide ongoing guidance to any newbies in return.

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