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Posts posted by Jordo1872

  1. Well, I've just made a huge mistake and didn't only get away with it, I made a big profit.

    I found a decent arb earlier on between BetFair and Smarkets for Wigan vs Gillingham. Normally, I wouldn't bother as bookies don't like arbs, but they are both exchanges and actually encourage it.

    Anyway, the bet was Gillingham HT at Back/Lay of 4.7/4.2. This would make about £5 profit for a £50 stake. Easy money for funds that were just sitting there and I don't mind them going between exchanges so I backed it.

    65 minutes in and went to check Smarkets as Gillingham won at HT and it hadn't settled. To my fucking horror it hadn't settled as I layed against Gillingham at FT. So had essentially punted £50 on a single at BetFair and risked £180 on a single with Smarkets. I absolutely shat it and in a blind panic went scrambling to try and work out different outcomes. Thankfully, since Gillingham were winning at HT my back bet came in and that would cover my losses when Gillingham won at FT......until Wigan scored 3 in the last half hour.

    I ended up £241 up due to my own major f**k up, but could have just as easily been £230 down. I'll be making sure never, ever, ever to jump ahead of myself again. Certainly don't want to risk funds I've put a lot of work and research into building.

    Oh and that fuckup pushes me up over £1000 now in four weeks. In a strange way, it's a bit anti-climactic to be honest as I didn't expect it to be from a lump sum..

    I had a very similar fck up that could have been a disaster but ended with a very reasonable profit.

    I backed Wigan pre kick-off for £50, but the lay odds weren't where I wanted them to be and I made that rather casual decision to wait and lay it in-play. Problem being I fell asleep and woke up to see Gillingham 1-0 at half-time. Watching the game I decided to cut my loses and place the original lay money on over 2.5 goals at 1.5. Hence cutting my losses when the bonus bet came through.

    Wigan's 90th minute winner meant the in-play bet came up as did the original bet. So a significant profit rather than a loss but won't be making that mistake again.

    Overall I'm around £350 up since Boxing Day, the biggest frustration being the time taken for bookies to credit the bonuses.

  2. Only just stumbled on this thread. I did a bit of matched betting in my student years about ten years ago. At the time I made a small profit, nothing significant but didn't fully capitalise at the time for a number of reasons; low income restricting cash flow and sticking to only a few better known bookies. I was eventually barred by PP for only ever using their offers, and fell away from it over time.

    I've just started back on it after reading this thread on Boxing Day and so far I'm £140 up with a fair bit to come from tonight's EPL matches. Now that I have a better capital I'll be able to generate a faster return.

    Mug bets are important if you don't want to make the mistake I did with PP. a couple of £5 accys midweek and on a Saturday with PP, Bet365, WH, 888sport etc will be well worth the loss in the long run.

  3. Cheers SD. Remember being told about Christmas fixtures a while back but couldn't remember if it was the day itself or Boxing Day. Was there a noticeable impact on attendances?

    Correctomundo, arguably the finest goal scored by a Sons player in living memory.

    Go on then, talk us young whipper snappers to young to have witnessed it for themselves through the goal...

  4. Aye, Merry Christmas everyone.

    Now, here's one for the oldies...what was significant about Christmas Day 1971, and who on here personally witnessed it ?

    I'm far to young for this but am I right in thinking we had a full fixture list on Christmas Day back in the 70s?

  5. Pendants are ancient and awful, I want a window sticker for the car, I'd imagine they'd fly out the door, mugs, pens, key rings,

    Oh what I'd do for a Sons branded mug for the office. Let's everyone know you're not an Old Firm supporter which really sets you apart on the intelligence benchmark. My last one was responsible for two promotions.

  6. I made a post about this, a few pages back. It's laughable that all they have for sale is a Car Pennant or a Pin badge.

    I asked the girl behind the counter why we didn't have any worthy stock a fortnight before Christmas and her exact quote was "they only but it in at the start of the season and refuse to re-stock". Make of that what you will.

    Could the Trust not look at running their own merchandising sideline? Or would that ruffle too many sensitive feathers?

  7. Not to put a downer on yesterday's result or anything but I'd forgotten my hat yesterday and decided I'd just buy a new one at the club shop, only to find two weeks before Christmas we had none. Not one. So anyone trying to pick up a hat for a Christmas present, or trying to spend some hard earned cash at the club would've been out of luck.

    Why is our club so poor at this? It's actually laughably pathetic but I'd love to know the business justification for it.

  8. As a qualified engineer I'd say the bridge was probably on annual visual inspections, possibly reduced to six monthly if there was any particular concerns. An entirely reasonable examination frequency. Would be interested to know if these defects were new or being monitored closely.

    The photo I've seen shows a fatigue crack at a critical connection. Obviously not ideal. The problem then is identifying how quickly it has fractured and the extent of damage in other connections given the same detail would be replicated over the entire structure. They would have done this fairly quickly, and the fact the bridge is now closed suggests they didn't like what they found.

    In terms of a fix, physically getting to these will be the biggest problem. Largely dependant on weather and whether or not it's reachable by a walkway (unlikely) or by roped access. Then you have to get steel plates done there to fix it. Interesting to see how this one pans out but glad it ain't my job. A month to fix it would be good going.

  9. If the problem was solely down to price then we'd have an easy solution. Drop the price, watch the fans flood through the gates and make a profit on associated match day spending.

    Sadly price is only one of a number of factors and its one that's entirely circular. Crowds are low? Fans pay increased ticket prices to compensate as clubs struggle to stay above water. Ticket prices increase? Fans are increasingly priced out of football.

    I've always thought we sell Scottish football short as a product. It's not easy when television will hype the EPL brand and can sell the top leagues in Europe for the cost of following a club on a Saturday afternoon. For me football is always best experienced in person and only part of that is down to whats on offer on the park. We used to have a Saturday afternoon football culture but a number of factors, including the inept de-valuing of our game by those who are supposed to be running it, have seen that culture weaken over the past couple of decades.

    I think the club could do more to get fans through the door. Unsold seats earn us nothing and my priority if I were in the boardroom would be to give tickets to local schools. Kids will buy snacks. Kids will make a noise. If only a handful of them each year enjoy the experience enough to want to come back with a parent or grandparent then its still a great result. Free tickets for unsold seats cost us nothing. For me it's a punt worth taking.

    But do we really sell our game properly in Scotland? My other team sells a razzle dazzle night out and it's done so very effectively. A lot of stuff that the Clan can do simply wouldn't translate to football. Hockey is a fast-paced sport and games can have plenty of excitement: Contrast that with much of whats on offer from Scottish football. Braehead is a modern, comfortable arena: Scottish football grounds range from functional to crumbling. The Elite League isn't competing with the NHL for fans: Dumbarton are competing with the old firm and with televised football. That said, hockey puts the fan at the centre of everything and that's something that football could do well to adopt. Social media offers fans access to clubs - and to players - and the family friendly atmosphere is a turn on for many families. I'd hate to see football sanitised beyond recognition but I'll admit to enjoying the friendlier and happier atmosphere at a hockey game as a relief from what can sometimes be the cynicism of football.

    To concentrate solely on price is to miss the point. You could set the entry price at the next home game at £1 and you'd still struggle to get more than the usual average crowd. Those who follow football but don't attend games get their fix from TV. Those who don't follow football are given absolutely no encouragement to do so. Kids grow up playing Fifa on their PS4 and pretend they're Lionel Messi - how many kids are going along to Scottish football matches to watch the wing play of Willie Gibson or Craig Sibbald?

    If you were starting Scottish football from scratch tomorrow, there's not a person out there who would come up with what we have today. That's the fundamental problem we've got.

    Excellent post. Agree fully with every point you make. Scottish football has a real struggle on its hands in attracting new fans, not just Dumbarton, but we do ourselves no favours with either pricing or the general match day experience.

    I'm taking my two nephews to see the Clan in December, and really looking forward to it.

  10. Yep.

    Surely a smaller bus would be the best option.

    Made my own way to Dumfries for the last away game, reckon I counted 70-80 Sons fans. Poor

    You have to be realistic. The recent run of poor form only plays a part in people's willingness to travel to games. Everyone knows football is overpriced, people have family commitments, work commitments and financial limitations in the build up to Christmas. I've got two young kids and work all week, sometimes away from home. Telling the missus I'm off to Dumfries at 11am on one of the two days I have at home all week, and that I won't be back 'til after the kids are in bed whilst spending the best part of £50 doing so gets harder and harder to justify.

    That said, I'm book on the bus for Alloa next week, but I've had to cancel the last two due to work commitments and can sympathise with other who maybe won't to travel but can't.

  11. Let's enjoy what we have.

    I think everyone will be enjoying our start. As i said on the match thread, this is about as good as it gets for us. The goals from open play/set piece ratio is an interesting observation but nothing more. Set pieces are won from attacking play so it's not like we're not getting forward. The goals will come. Let's not kid ourselves here, no one cares where they come from as long as the balls in the net.

  12. Just seen that Turner is out for 6 weeks. Gutted for him

    He was replaced by McKinnon in the first half. Disappointing to say the least. He was pretty injury prone in the latter part of his time with us so not surprising. Hopefully he can get fit and back into the team. Would like to see him do well.

  13. I quite fancy you guys to win the league. The Ross County Exile XI will be worth following.

    Also, if you have signed Craig, this is what will happen. Not every game, but possibly at least once.

    If we put Celtic out the Scottish Cup that'd be grand. Once would be fine.

  14. Heffernan screams overpaid journeyman to me. Another Nish. I'd love to see a Brophy or something on loan

    Agree with this. As much as there is an argument for having an experienced striker the reality is often a player who at the tail end of his career isn't as effective as he once was. I'd much prefer to see us bring in a young hungry striker looking to improve and impress. Nish vs Kane being the obvious comparison to support that opinion.

    Shankland would be excellent but that'll depend on what McInnes has in mind for him this season. McLean got his first goal in last nights impressive win in Europe so I'd expect him to be ahead of Shankland in the pecking order. A six-month loan to Scotland's premier part timers could be useful for all parties.

  15. Unfortunately you can't force people to take an interest in the club, and we suffer from the OF influence like every other club, but Dumbarton haven't exactly reached out to the community in recent years. Where are the free tickets to school kids I used to get as a youngster? Or reduced tickets for those on low income or unemployment? Maybe it's been looked at and for whatever reason wasn't deemed viable but it needs to be a two way street and too often the club fall short on the communication and PR front. In my opinion of course.

    An initiative where a child under 12 goes free with every paying adult wouldn't be a bad thing in my opinion.

    I've had a few problems when contacting the club in recent years; most recently another unsuccessful attempt to renew my season ticket. If businesses get the same level of service it'd be no surprise to me if they took their business elsewhere.

  16. The modern era of football demands that clubs maximise income streams out with your match day attendance. The club clearly recognise this and quite rightly put the revenue ahead of upsetting a few sensitive souls. If the company are willing to put cold hard cash in the coffers I couldn't give a damn what the stadium is called. If the owner is a Sons fan then more the better. It's more than likely this additional income has helped Aitken shape the team he has, and if we put a decent team on the park the stadium name will pale into insignificance.

    It will continue to be known as the Rock to the fans anyway, but hopefully the company benefit from their support of the club. I've got some car insurance due next month so I'll be paying a visit.

    I've not been able to get to a pre-season match yet but the results are encouraging; in particular the two clean sheets. Add another striker and I'll be as confident as I've ever been going in to a new season.

  17. Only three players start from last seasons team then? No disputing that Aitken has came in and put his stamp on the squad. Will be interesting to see how we get on today, albeit only a friendly. Shape, balance and style will tell us more than the result.

  18. I see Danny Rogers signed with Falkirk on a season long loan deal. With Aberdeen signing a new keeper on loan it was always likely hedge shipped out again. Would've liked to see him back with us but with Brown signed we're probably covered in that department now. Good signing for the Bairns.

  19. The squad is really starting to take shape now and I'm liking what I'm seeing so far. The signings have been positive and there already looks to be a good balance to the team.

    The primary focus now should be on strengthening our forward line; with at least two strikers coming in. Another winger and cover at centre-back would also be welcome. So four signings as a minimum. Let's hope the budget can stretch that far and bring in the right people.

  20. Long interview with Mark Gilhaney in the Helensburgh Advertiser. Not chuffed at not being re-signed.


    The thing I find slightly surprising is that Aitken hadn't seen Gils train. Granted the timing makes that difficult but how good an assessment can be made on the basis of a third party report? Who supplies the report?

    One of Gilhaney's biggest assets was his work rate, often overlooked but a key contribution none the less, especially in allowing McGinn to get forward in the previous season.

    I personally think he would have done a job for us and his departure may be slightly short sighted on the part of our new management team. That said the signings so have have been encouraging and if the managers has his own players in mind we'll need to trust his judgement.

  21. Why will people hate him ? We haven't had a barely-controllable bampot with a firm opinion of his worth since the Crilly fellow was in town. Bring him on, complete with his scaffolding poles !

    He could build us a temporary stand for all those Bairns.

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