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Posts posted by Jordo1872

  1. I work in Glasgow, Monday-Friday 8:30-6pm. Anyone care to tell me exactly how I'm supposed to pick up a match ticket?

    I'm getting a bit fed-up with this to be honest. Either the club start catering for their customers or I'll find another way of spending £20+ on a Saturday afternoon.

  2. about 2 years ago concrete drainage was being put in, yet reasons for this were, its the railway, it's the pylons, I said it then, and in a previous post that I'd bet it was the start of our new stadium

    No the work done on the site about 2 years ago was on the railway culvert that carries the stream under the Balloch line..

    Carry on...

  3. Hey there guys! Newbie here!

    Aww I'm gutted to see Prunty leave but hey that's life I suppose, what can ya do! I think Kane looks even better than he did before, a little bit more physical and has certainly been on the chicken and eggs over the summer (which one came first eh?) cause he has bulked up big time.

    Glad I stumbled across this place, looks like there are loads of Sons fans on here. Great stuff :)

    Welcome!! Good to have another Son on the board.

    You make a good point about Kane. Certainly looked like he's added weight but retained his sharpness and pace. There's no doubt he'll be a huge asset for us over the coming months.

    Like most I'm gutted to see Prunty leave. Hope he does well at Airdrie.

  4. Prunty has shown great commitment to DFC over the years and no one can doubt his contribution during our rise up the divisions. However I don't believe he can offer us anything more than what we already have for this level and if Murray has an opportunity to get someone better in then we should put sentiment aside and wish Prunts all the best elsewhere. Kane coming back would be fantastic.

    Not seen anything of McDonald so I will reserve comment but it's obvious we need to strengthen at the back and maybe Murray sees the left-back position as our achillies heel. Linton hasn't looked at his best so far this season, although I'm in no way blaming solely him for our poor start.

    What's clear is that Murray feels the squad requires further strengthening. That's in itself is positive.

  5. I wouldn't class it as a must win. Clearly that is ridiculous at this stage of any season. We do need to get off the Mark though as the longer we go without the greater the impact on team moral.

    I'm hoping for a good performance tonight at Easter Road that we can build on going in to the Livi game on Saturday. Hopefully we'll see Fleming in for Nish with him partnering Archie in a 4-4-2.

  6. Hringsson had two spells with us did he not? IIRC he averaged over a goal a game in his first spell but didn't do so well in his second. Maybe someone has the stats.

    Boghead will always have a place in my heart because it's where I fell in love with football, but the time was right to move the club forward. I often feel the BBS would have been greatly improved with small terracing behind each goal. Similar to Forthbank. The initial cost would have been relatively low with next to no ongoing maintenance cost.

    Back to the Boghead days; Mooney was a favourite of mine. Anyone with a suntan in Dumbarton was to be idolised. Hugh Ward was another favourite of mine, as was Meechan and Toby King. Rolland Fabiani was a player I liked but have no recall as to why.

  7. Fancy somthing like that for the bigger games Grindlay Graham. Mair. McglauchlanVan zanten. Linton H.murray Turner. Kirkpatrick Megginson Nish

    Like the look of that, with Murray sitting deep to pride cover when Van Z or Linton go for a wonder up the line.

    Fairly relaxed with our squad now, although we're still short in depth but I don't think anyone expects anything else. Another striker would be good and I'd expect an addition or two through the loan system in the coming weeks.

  8. The petrofac cup was originally going to be called the dumbartonfirstrounddefeat cup. Better luck in league cup draw hopefully.

    I like the negativity of this post. Ties in nicely with the thread title and means we'll probably go on to win the whatsitcalled cup. Not been to Stranraer for a while so looking forward to it.

  9. I tend to agree, but how would the bookies know?

    The biggest risk for me would be your second point. Slightly easier to mitigate against if your betting online. Not so easy if your arbing in shops.

  10. On a more serious note; Murray may well take the job, but I'm a lot more relaxed about that since he signed the 2-year deal. He'll leave at some point in time but if it happens to be now we'll at least have the comfort of a financial settlement.

    Let's relax a little though, I can't bare the tension.

  11. Could it not be done over the phone there and then, or a form sent out today via email which I could have completed during my lunch hour? The option would have been nice, instead of the rather obvious wish to be off the phone as soon as possible.

    Getting down the club isn't an option unfortunately.

  12. Ahead of the season in which sales of season tickets should rocket I hear that there is something of an admin and PR shambles at DFC right now - anyone else heard similar ?

    Funnily enough, I called this morning to renew my season ticket. Phone answered by Mr Lawrie in a very dour and unprofessional manner, asked rather abruptly if I had filled out my renewal form and when I told him I hadn't I was told "you won't be renewing today then" in a rather condesending manner. That'll be that then. Gave the impression he was being inconveniedand overall a pretty poor experience from a sales perspective

    Now, as a long time season ticket holder I'll renew later this week, but I'd be surprised if that sort of response to a sales enquiry didn't put others off.

    Not the first time the club have fell short on basic customer service.

  13. Just watching last minutes of Hamilton taking hibs apart. Could very well be a championship with four big teams hibs hearts rangers and dumbarton.

    Only three of those teams could realistically be classed as "big teams".

    The Rangers have never even played at these lofty heights.

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