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Posts posted by Jordo1872

  1. If you want the history fine, it'll cost you £140,000,000 worth of abandoned debt. You want the titles, fine they come free when you settle the debt, except the ones that will be removed when you are inevitably found guilty of cheating of course.

    That's it in a nutshell for me. If they want to keep their history they'll need to settle their historic debts. You can't pick and choose your history based on all the good bits whilst ignoring all those naughty moments.

    If they don't want to settle their historic debts then accept it's a new club (albeit with the same majority of moronic support), accept Scottish Football bent over backwards to accomodate them through fast tracking to the 3rd division and let everyone get on with the football.

    Two straight options: A or B. Take your pick.

  2. Jordo, my mrs felt quite unwell after a massage when heavily pregnant. Does your mrs have the huge pillow thing she can put between her knees? recommended by us if not. Unfortunately the last few weeks will be uncomfortable but the big pillow may help.

    Yes she has! Funnily enough it was the first thing her sister suggested when she mentioned she was finding it difficult to get quality sleep.

    That's what got them in to this mess.


  3. We're now at 34 weeks and I'm getting more and more excited. We didn't find out the sex either but more because I wanted the surprise. The other half works in the ultrasound dept at Forth Valley Hospital so every day is a torture for her as she wanted to find out but is forbidden...!

    I know people said having a baby was expensive but only know do I know just how much. We've got the nursery furniture delivered but since we're moving house next weekend I've dodged having to build it yet biggrin.gif

    It's all happening. Can't wait.

    Only downside is that the missus is really uncomfy and finding it difficult to sleep. Anyone got any good xmas ideas for a Mother to be?

  4. Recipes or it didn't happen.

    I'm making the Yellow Beef Curry tomorrow night after seeing that post. Sounds brilliant.

    I've made up my own recipe, I'm going to throw it all in tonight, turn it on low heat tomorrow on the way out to work and see what happens when I get home, but that's just how I roll.

    400g beef chunks

    3 tbl poons of thai yellow curry paste

    750ml of coconut milk

    1 chopped yellow pepper

    1 red onion

    1 chilli

    Throw it in, see what happens. I'll report back my findings :D

  5. Three words - Phil and Teds ;)

    I had no idea what you were talking about. A few minutes post-Google and I'm still none the wiser :lol: I have much to learn.

    Think you've been out voted on that one several times on here mr x!!

    You see now I'm just confused. :lol:

    I think the missus hs a particular type of pram in mind. However, so that i can appear clever and impress everyone with my range of pram technical knowledge, can any of you experienced P&Bers give recommendations or features to look for?

  6. Long time lurker of P&B so decided to finally register and start posting.

    This is going to be a very long post so bear with me.

    Jesus!! Glad everything worked out well eventually, and that your partner is on the road to full recovery. We're expecting our first baby in January andstories like yours really make you think about what could go wrong, which is good I suppose.

    We've had all our scans and so far everything is going well, although the missus is having trouble sleeping at night as she's ued to lying on her stomach. She's also been unable to shake off a cold for the last fortnight which we've put down to the pregnancy.

    Apart from that everything is going well. I'm getting more and more excited as the time goes on, although to be fair I've been looking forward to it since day 1. I lost my own Dad when I was really young so the thought of being a good Dad to my own child is something I find really special and important.

    We're heading for Glasgow on Saturday to have a look at prams. In the morning obviously, as its Scottish Cup day ;)

  7. My mate has now decided he wants to do a Subcrawl for his birthday the Saturday before this.

    If I go to that one as well I'm probably going to be banned from the underground for life after these two weekends.

    Consider your mate's birthday a damn good training exercise.

    I'd have been well up for joining you mutants but I'll be in a Cardiff jail after berating Levein.

  8. I can see us being in line for special treatment by the corrupt c***s for simply ousting them as what they are; greedy, lying, corrupt c***s. I'm just pleased our board have the balls to do it.

    Well done Mr Alexander and all on the board. Hopefully the statements lead to the right thing.

    Have to say, since I now live in Cumbernauld I will make it my mission to get along and see them this season. I'm sure they'll welcome the cash and it's the least I could do given the proactive, reasoned and brave stance they've taken on this issue.

  9. 1336935829[/url]' post='6232807']

    Feck off. I have despised them for 40 years and them going to the wall will be delicious.

    Problem some of the 'diddies' have is they have no one to hate, so they chose the OF as a single entity. Might be a poor upbringing, lack of education, etc etc, who can tell, but they choose the OF to hate because they want to look cool but cant take sides in case they are labelled a 'closet case'.

    A bit like if you are not the first to scream 'racist' then you are the racist.

    Rangers are evil and must die.

    A Celtic fan citing a lack of education against others? Jesus Christ! The irony is making my eyes bleed.

  10. 1336775537[/url]' post='6226335']

    If the *** support finally realise what a dire situation they are in I wouldn't be surprised if one of the peeeepl do an insurance job.

    What would be utterly brilliant, would be if some of 'ra bears', in an ill educated sense of well-being torched ibrox in the misguided RangersMedia inspired belief that an insurance job was the only option left.

    Only for Jim 'exclusive' White to exclusively reveal on SSN tomorrow that Sir Whyte hadn't paid the premiums.

  11. 1336774629[/url]' post='6226295']

    As an aside to this (apologies if posted over the last 2 or so pages) Knighton walked into a bookies, requested the odds on him ever playing for Man Utd (bookies offered him generous odds as you would imagine). He then tried to buy the club (looking to make money on the bet) with the intention of coming on as a sub for the last 5 mins of the first game after taking over :lol: :lol:

    I really want this to be true :D

  12. Did someone actually say that?

    If so were they corrected? :lol:

    No, they never even noticed it was bullshit.

    Keevins then said that if Rangers were in the 3rd division, they would only play 1 away game against each team, not 2

    Dalziel then said that Rangers would not sell out away games at Berwick, Stranraer and Peterhead.

    I had to turn it off after those comments. First the comment from some muppet claiming Dundee were deducted 29 points and relegated to DIVISION THREE. Yes really. That must have passed me by. Not corrected by one 'football journalist' on the SSB panel.

    Then we had wee Hugh claiming clubs in the third division wouldn't benefit all that much from Govan Teddy Bears 1960 FTP FC as they'd only play them at home once. Yep. Just the once. One of our top Sports Journalists doesn't know the lower leagues play home and away twice. Again, stood uncorrected.

    Finally wee Dalziel claiming the "seaside teams" wouldn't sell out when Govan teddy Bears 1960 FTP FC came calling.

    These guys are paid for this sh!te.

    The only highlight was confirmation from Kenney that we have now reached the point where a CVA is no longer possible due to lack of time. Shock horror. biggrin.gif

  13. A poster on rangers media has put a link up for a survey he's created.


    Perhaps a sabotaging of this from posters on here? ph34r.gif

    Outstanding work :rolleyes:

    Cmpleted it. May I suggest Q9 is sabotaged by selecting all options. Also, where asked to enter how much you would have spent (thus assuming you'd vote they way they want) you simply enter a negative figure. Tht should f*ck their figures :lol:

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