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Posts posted by Jordo1872

  1. If i'm right i think our improved league position must be worth about an additional £100k this season, between the final standing and the new league set up.

    There's also the bonus of TV money. Assuming we get a minimum of two televised games to accommodate the sevco circus the additional income that will generate would be interesting to know.

    As someone said previously, it's very seldom economics rule over heart when it comes to football fans but the club need to manage that carefully. The hardcore support will pay over the odds because seasons like the coming one don't come round often, if at all. The casual fan will not though and if we don't get our pricing structure correct we could miss a golden opportunity to attract floating fans and increase our core support.

    For what it's worth I'd accepted already that I'd be paying around the £200 mark. £230 would be pushing it, £250 is harder to justify. Would I still pay it though? Damn right I would.

  2. What more can Murray achieve? I think he may be making a mistake signing a two year deal. Next season the league will be much stronger and they will be aiming for 8th place. If Cowden go down 9th would be a very real possibility.

    Alternatively, you could look at it as a no lose position for Murray. If we are relegated next season people will point to it having been a far tougher league. If he keeps us up it'll be hailed as yet another achievement, what with it being a tougher league and all that...!

    Contrast that with a move to St Mirren where a top-six finish would have been an achievement, but a tough call. Anything less would have been a steop back from what Lennon achieved.

  3. I'm pretty stunned that Hearts have ditched Gary Locke.

    He's had his team on a good run of form considering the circumstances and for Hearts to appoint Levein as Director of Football is laughable. Levein shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a football club again after his 10 man defence tactics v Czech Republic debacle.

    I spent over £400 travelling to Prague to watch us try and defend a 0-0, a crime against football. For that reason alone I'm delighted Levein is back at Hearts. The opportunity to boo him at the BBS next season is almost enough to make me renew my season ticket already.

  4. Hope we get the home end full on Saturday after tonight's events in Kirkcaldy. Things have changed in a very big way since 3pm last Saturday.

    Well I'm not exactly helping matters. I'll be down south visiting, wait for it, the in-laws. This on top of missing Aberdeen due to a previously booked holiday.

    Why is life so harsh?

  5. As we're up the back they usually let us away with standing up but they came up and told us to sit down last week. Makes you wonder how you can go to Livingston and they've got maybe 50-100 folk all standing and jumping up and down the whole game but 10 of us standing watching the game is far too dangerous.

    It's more to do with your hooligan tendencies. Probably.

  6. It'd be with a heavy heart that Gilhaney leaves the club, as overall he's been a very good servant for the club. However he's no longer as effective as he once was, all too often failing to beat his man and his service into the box has let him down this season. That said, if he was kept as a back-up I wouldn't be overly bothered but I'm not convinced he'd settle for that.

    Phinn, Ronald and Smith will be away, probably followed by Marko, Shug, Ewings, Prunty and possibly Agnew. I'd punt McDougall as well, freeing up a wage for someone who is prepared to give more than 20% effort per game.

    Grindlay will no doubt leave in the summer, and if he does it should be with the thanks of everyone at the club. He's been a great servant and his contribution over the years far outweighs his occasional mistakes.

    Turner is a a massive coup and we should look to shape our team around him. Add McGinn, Graham, Kirky and Megginson and we have the foundation for a reasonable side.

    I'd suggest however that our priority signing in the coming months should be Ian Murray.

  7. Quick question here; what is the away allocation that we will get next week?

    Noticed that the stand holds 2000 and we had about 800 yesterday. If we win on Tuesday then I can see that number being added to a bit.

    I'm quite confident that you can accommodate everyone but sometimes the stewards get a bit of a shock and haven't thought things through properly.

    The away end holds 800 I believe, and next Saturday's match is all ticket presumably to stop Dundee fans turning up and being unable to gain entry.

  8. Out of interest and I'm not wanting to start a war here just mearly posing the question.

    Why are BRABCO the villains here?

    What have they done? Is it purely because they haven't made their self known to the wider community or is there more to it?

    Putting aside the Stadium rumours, It seems very much a them and us attitude with quiet a lot of fans on here.

    I'd say that the lack of transparency from our owners is the single biggest factor in people's unease. In any business openness and transparency, particularly to your biggest stakeholders, can only be a good thing but we're not seeing much of either present.

    On a similar note, the "them and us" attitude stems from years and years of our boards failure to engage with the fans.

    Someone earlier said that the club already do enough to market itself within the local community; near choked on my bacon roll reading that.

  9. Two solid bits of business today from the Murraymaster. The loan extension of Kane is a huge boost which although expected is still great to hear. I also think the loan signing of a promising Celtic youth player who can play/cover both centre half and at full-back will only add strength and robustness to the squad.

    Can see us winning the league now. All aboard the promotion bus. Beep beep.

  10. Great news to hear Murray has signed til the end of this season and Kirky extended his contract even further. Both will be key players during the run in, in particular Murray who like most defensive midfielders doesn't often get the credit he deserves.

    McNiff is a local lad and was a good servant for the club but it was clear to most we needed something extra at this level and he wasn't the player to offer us that. He should leave with everyone's best wishes and I hope he finds a new club soon.

    Another centre half please.

  11. Doubt Coleman would be released as there is genuine potential there.

    Wouldn't be surprised to see Ronald and K.Smith released in the coming weeks as the former doesn't appear to be good enough for this level and the latter has done very little since his arrival. Personally I'd also free Nish but Murray appears to rate him so that looks unlikely, maybe he's a valuable asset for the dressing room in terms of having an experienced head around.

  12. Not sure about McShane. He doesn't seem to have developed the way I thought he would after his initial, and very successful, spell with us. He's a big lad though so if we're looking for someone in the Lister/Nish mould he'd certainly be an option. Not sure if he'd go pastime though, assuming he's on full time terms at the Accies.

  13. I don't think we are too lightweight. Our back 4 can handle themselves and Hugh Murray and Chris Turner are hardly what I'd describe as lightweight. We don't need big bruisers in this league. Would you say Alloa and Queens are more "heavyweight" than us? I don't think so. Maybe we do struggle when teams press us, but I'd put that down to composure and movement more than strength. I think Hugh Murray's done reasonably well and it's no surprise his best performances have come when Turner and Agnew are in there next to him pulling the strings. Murray is never going to play killer passes or score from 30 yards, he's there to break up play and give it to someone with passing ability. I agree with your point on Gils, Mitch and Kirkpatrick that when they're not on their game it really harms our attacking options but in Gilhaney's case, his work rate is excellent these days and I certainly don't think he's one we can drop. Agree on Nish, I've said it before that if we still had Lister we'd be doing far better than we are this year. I do find it a bit baffling how Nish looks so poor having played at a higher level pretty much all his career. MacDougall is a strange one, god knows what's happened to him. He was excellent at the tail end of last year but has been missing this year. Phinn, I forget every week that we've even signed him.

    Queen of the South are cetainly more heavyweight than us; although we agree in the sense that too much emphasis is put on this. Graham and Turner certainly aren't pushovers and we get plenty of dig from Murray, Fleming and Barry when it comes to physical contribution. In any case, I'm not sure how we could strengthen in that particular area given you don't find many 6ft plus wingers out there. However where we do fall short is in the forward positions. Consider the impact Lister had when played in the lone striker role, now compare with that of Nish and Smith.

    I'd be willing to let McDougall, Smith and Nish go in Januart, and send McKerrecher(sp?) out on loan if he isn't getting a chance in the current first team. I'd like to see us bring in a centre-forward and another central defender, regardless of whether or not Barry stays.

  14. It'll be a Yes from me. Nothing has changed, I have always had the belief that Scotland deserves the right to self determination and the No campaign have done absolutely nothing to convince me that we'd be better of remaining part of the Union.

    My partner, who is English, is also leaning towards a Yes vote. We would rather not have our daughter brought up within 20 miles of nuclear weapons.

    Having previously lived south of the border for over five years I'm convinced that the social needs and political wishes of Scotland and England are different. We deserve the right to shape our own future, a right shared by millions of people worldwide.

    "If not us, then who? If not now, then when?"

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