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Posts posted by Jordo1872

  1. Sorry Jordo but that's complete bollocks.

    Some Rangers fans went onto the park. They were reacting to a large number of Hibs fans who had gone onto the park and tried to get to the Rangers fans end to cause trouble. Then theres the Hibs fans who assaulted Rangers players and staff.

    The sight of mounted police and a line of officers the width of Hampden is shameful and theres only 1 set of fans to blame for it. Theres no defence for the Rangers fans who reacted and entered the pitch to confront the Hibs fans but compared to the actions of those Hibs fans? Its a minor issue.

    Disagree. I make no excuses for the Hibs fans who headed for the Rangers end and attempted topic revoke a reaction. Why they did so rather than celebrate their clubs historic cup win with their own fans is a mystery. However this type of pitch invasion occurs on numerous occasions every year up and down the country, with the violence that followed today's.

    There isn't "only one set of fans to blame", there is fault on both sides. Had Rangers fans not reacted we wouldn't have had the on field fighting. In addition the police and stewards would have been in a far better position to protect the players/officials and deal with those Hibs fans intent on trouble, rather than having to focus on separating rival fans.

    The Hibs fans who did attack players/officials will hopefully be identified and dealt with, but let's not kid ourselves on here. Both sets of supporters deserve criticism.

    The biggest shame in all of this though is the fact we are discussing the behaviours of fans after what was a tremendous football match.

  2. There's a lot of people in this thread who are being blinded to the facts by their hatred / dislike / intolerance of a certain element of Rangers fans.

    Doesn't that kind of make you just as bad as those you are constantly trying to call out?

    They're are plenty of valid reasons for why people have very little sympathy or tolerance for the "certain element" of Rangers fans.

    I'll make the point again; pitch invasions happen all the time. Very seldom do they resort to any sort of physical violence. Apart from today. The difference being the opposition fans complete inability to take the goading on the chin and go home like normal balanced adults. Had they not entered the pitch there would have been no violence.

  3. This. Only because we beat Sevco was it an issue.

    Cost us £30,000 grand in our last home game for stewards as a hefty fine reported to be £100,000 would have been issued had one fan set foot on the pitch.

    Interestingly Ayr did worse than us in their play off final vStranraer and I seen or heard nothing on that. Don't want anything to happen to Ayr, but double standards all over the shop.

    Celebrating fans encase the pitch all the time though. Never usually a problem, unless Rangers are involved.

    What is it about that club that attracts the absolute dregs of society?

  4. Despicable fanbase with no shame.

    Congratulations on your victory and savour it the minority who stayed in the stands and celebrated without causing any bother.

    We Are The People.

    Hibs fans running I the pitch in itself didn't cause any trouble. A bit of goading yes, it's the football after all, but no trouble.

    The only trouble was when rangers fans also invaded the pitch. They had no reason to other than to cause trouble.

    Suck it up.

  5. Ladbrokes btts offer on last night, saturday and next saturday yielded £200 in free bets for me but some of the matches cost a bit to get on as prices cut nearer ko.

    Done that myself last night and made £127 profit. Planning on hitting it again for the Scottish cup final.

    Out of interest, did you place all you're bets in the same shop? All the £25 max?

    I basically covered the ht/ft market Liverpool/Liverpool, Draw/Draw and Sevilla/Sevilla. Overlaid the Sevilla bet after 20mins to ensure no loss as long as they didn't score before half time, which at that point they didn't. Laid the draw/draw 5 mins before the goal which was lucky I guess. Then laid the Liverpool bet when they went ahead, underlaying as I fancied them to win it but ensuring a break even if they didn't.

    Also backed 1-1 which I laid off after the equaliser.

    So a bit of risk in there but nothing I wasn't prepared for. Decent offer. I'll likely use a similar strategy on Saturday.

  6. Had a good month hitting just under £800 profit after only two weeks. My average monthly profit since Decenber being £400 so can't say I've been hampered much by the so called dip in offers.

    I would expect the euros to be great for offers. Plenty of competition and loads of televised matches should see us ok.

  7. And never mind our ability to get managers sacked, today is the anniversary of Third Lanark's last ever game, which was against us.

    We won 5-1 8) . They folded.

    If we're not beating teams who then sack their manager we're beating teams who just chuck it all together.

    Top boys.

  8. It could be argued, rightly or wrongly, that the fans played a marginal part in the outcome. Contributory negligence, but even at that you'd be putting a nominally low value on it. 1-2% for example. The other 98% lies solely with the authorities.

    I don't know what the criminal law said back then put had it happened nowadays the police and all the other parties that contributed would be held to account under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 for their negligence under the associated regulations. SY police should and probBly will face legal proceedings. I can't see how they couldn't following today's verdicts.

  9. I'm presuming this verdict will open the door for compensation ??

    Apologies if this has been answered already, I've not read through all the posts, but there will almost certainly follow a civil case and a significant compensation pay-out to the families and all those affected.

    For a civil case to succeed you have to demonstrate three key factors were at play; 1. That a duty of care existed, which everyone agrees it did. SY police, Sheff Wed, Ambulance all had a duty of care to those who attended that match. 2. That they failed in that duty of care and 3. That those affected suffered loss. Point three is obvious. Point to was what today's verdict confirmed.

    There should be criminal charges also. Whether or not there will be is open to debate.

  10. So our last away goal was 110 days ago - or to put it another way 30% of a year ago.

    That's pretty remarkable that, surely the longest away goal drought in Scottish football?

    I think that demonstrates pretty clearly how tactically inept we have been away from home this season, and the gaffer deserves the criticism for that. If you set up to defend a 0-0 for ninety minutes you're pretty stuffed when the opposition score and there's no plan B. We've done that far too often this season. Almost understandable at Ibrox and Easter Rd. Not acceptable anywhere else.

  11. Have you had an email yet saying they'll sort it Jordo?

    I received an email from Novibet on Friday saying my withdrawal had been approved. Finally received the withdrawals from both Novibet and NetBet today. More relieved than anything. The NetBet excuse was that I hadn't yet verified my ID, which I had when I first signed up with them, but I suppose these things can happen so I'm prepared to use them again as they have good offers from time to time.

    Novibet however will not see another penny from me.

  12. Looks like I might have a solution to the Novibet situation. If so I'll post up on PA once confirmed and send you a pm Jordo the whole situations been a disgrace.

    Thanks mate. Yes the whole situation is an absolute joke. I told them over the phone that if they didn't have enough staff to handle the 'heavy workload' then they should consider limiting the number of bets they take in the first place. Not that I believe their little tale anyway but the mini rant did make me feel better at the time.

  13. Having a few problems right now with withdrawals. Novibet owe me £455 following their promotional sign-up offer. I kept winning which meant I covered the rollover fairly quickly but the money is now tied up with Novibet and has been for three weeks now. I've been in constant contact with them over that period and they won't give a timescale for when the funds will reach my bank account; citing heavy workload as the excuse. Absolutely pathetic customer service and best avoided.

    In addition to that I have £799 pending withdrawal with NetBet. After waiting a week I contacted their CS dept to be told I needed to resent ID documents, even though I did this when I originally opened the account. Pain in the arse but hoping that'll be resolved this week.

    So I'm reluctant to fire more money into the exchange whilst I have over a grand already committed. Not great and it's stopping me from profiting elsewhere.

  14. As much as I can appreciate people wanting to try alternative options throwing Kirky in won't see an improvement in performance. He's had ample opportunity already this season and been disappointing every time I've seen him. Would much rather we stick to a settled starting XI unless forced to tweak things through injury/suspension.

    When is Lindsay back?

  15. I don't think anyone would be against us bringing in another striker. Unlikely to be a player that commands a decent wage as we're probably at our budget now, so more likely would be a young U21/19 youth on loan. Someone small and pacey to give us an alternative to the Fleming/Nade battering ram.

  16. Interesting signing. Certain looks full of potential from the clips posted above.

    Do we have some sort of contact at Sheff Utd? Who was the other boy we had on loan from there? Centre-half. Decent player if I remove correctly. Hopefully this chap will be another positive loan from our pals in Sheffield.

    Just need that elusive 20-goals a season striker now.

  17. Hi all.

    Looking for another piece of help for the newbie.

    I stuck a 37.5 quid double on at bet365.

    Stoke at 5.5 &

    Man City draw. At 4.50 hoping to lose to the exchange.

    I have laid off the first leg on the exchange losing 151 pounds, with a lay of 33 pounds.

    At the moment I can cash out for 161.08 is this 10 pounds profit ? Or am I missing the lay of 33 on the exchange.

    If the bet comes in with bet365 it is due to win 928 pounds.

    Is there anything I can do to maximise profit on this ??

    Thanks for the advice.


    I'm not sure if I'm reading this right but to me it looks like your current liability is £188.50.

    If you were to cash out you would get £161.08 from bet365 plus £33 from the exchange (minus commission), say £192.58 return

    Giving a net profit of £4.08

    Apologies if the above isn't correct, it's been a long day.

    I wouldn't personally cash out for that return but that's entirely up to you. Incidentally, was the original bet placed to initiate a bonus?

  18. I had an interesting situation last night that I thought people should be aware of. I took up the Dafabet sign-up offer of a maximum £30 free bet for a £30 initial bet. I placed this on Brentford and laid it on Smarket for a small loss of 81p. Brentford lost and so I won on the exchange. Happy days. However shortly after I received an e-mail from them stating that under clause 25 of their t&c's I would no longer be given any form of free bet, ever.

    Obviously I looked up clause 25 which basically stated they could do as they please without any justification or need to reconsider. A quick look on the PA forum shows a few others with similar fate.

    Pretty disappointed as you could imagine so fired off an email stating that I could no accept their decision without reasonable justification and that "as a relatively new player to online gambling" [snigger] I was deeply disappointed by their decision, asked them to reconsider or close my account with immediate effect! accused them of having no intention of honouring their promotion and threatened a formal complaint to the gambling commission. All empty threats of course.

    However this morning I had an email stating their decision had been reversed and bonus credited to my account. Which has been duly placed/laid on Man Utd tomorrow for a £20odd profit :)

    Worth baring in mind for anyone going ahead with Dafabet offers.

    £500-odd profit since Boxing Day.

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