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Posts posted by Jordo1872

  1. As good as Murray has been for us he still has experience to gain before taking a job in the Premiership or elsewhere, but especially at a club like Hibs, where the expectations are often unrealistic, bringing a different and unforgiving type of pressure. Will he manage at that level one day? Almost certainly, but I have a feeling it'll be a while yet.

    Right now Murray is doing a good job at a club where expectations, at our current level, are relatively low, and objectives relatively easy to achieve. He won't be going anywhere.

  2. No one on here, including myself really knows what happened, but some of the derogatory comments aimed at the McCanns, is in my opinion, disgusting and in many cases unfair.

    They are guilty of gross stupidity, no question, as we're the other members of the tapas party who were fortunate not to suffer a similar fate, however they don't deserve this life long punishment. No one does.

    Yes they made a mistake, leaving their kids alone, but there isn't a parent out there who hasn't made a mistake when it comes to their children. To say they haven't been brought to task about that, is a moot point, I think the guilt they will feel about it for the rest of their lives,will be punishment enough.

    As a parent of a young child , i can only imagine the pain they have went through and are going through every day of their lives. However some people appear to criticise them for the ongoing media campaign; surely if it was your child you'd want round the clock 24/7 365 coverage until your child was found? Just find that particular criticism unfair.

  3. Possibly not but to be fair to the current board compare where we are now with where we were when they took over.

    I'm not disputing that. My point was more that any land sale, and subsequent profit, is unlikely to benefit the club.

    On the Brabco/Denny Holmes issues; is it inconceivable to suggest that those involved are using the Denny Holmes company as a mechanism to gaining planning consent, with a view to approaching appropriate third parties thereafter? Land with approved planning consent is far more valuable than land with potential for planning approval.

  4. I'd hope a statement from the board comes soon.

    You'd like to think so eh? I wouldn't hold my breath.

    I'd agree with Pete in that any sale of land will almost certainly be of little tangible benefit to the club. We're in the unenviable position of being owned by property developers, and now we have a proposal for land development. Didn't see that one coming. You can bet your last pound that any money made from the sale of surrounding land won't be used for squad strengthening.

    Some clarity from the club would be appreciated but we've more chance of the travellers coming back to tidy up.

  5. Shuggie Murray signing on loan till January.

    Excellent signing.

    Another interesting signing. Does wee shug have a bit of a poor disciplinary record, or am I thinking of someone else?

    From wiki: "Murray ran towards the edge of the 18-yard box to control the ball with his head. He not only did this, but managed to juggle the ball on his head past the defence, then stroke the ball past the keeper". Against the Bankies no less. :thumsup2

  6. I think it remains to be seen if it's good business or not.

    Time will tell but if anything he will add a bit of much needed experience to the squad. We don't have many players with experience at a higher level and that's something Nish can offer. I thnk we can slot this in the 'decent signing' category for the time being. I've not been impressed with what Kevin Smith has offered so far so Nish is a welcome addition in that he'll offer us another alternative. What Murray needs to do now is decide what his frst choice attacking line-up is and give the one or two players concerned a run of games to build a decent partnership.

  7. Players who can play centre back: Graham, Barry, McNiff, Smith, Ross, Coleman and Murray

    So a list of players capable of playing centre back. Good work. Ross would be a last resort and a such no exactly ideal. Smith would be an option but not if either he or Linton were also unavailable. Coleman is a prospect but not sure if he's ready just yet. McNiff would struggle.

    No idea why you've included Murray.

  8. I don't think we need defensive cover, I think a centre mid would be more beneficial.

    We absolutely do need some additional cover at the back. If we were to lose Barry or Graham our options are very limited. If we lose one of those plus Smith we're in trouble.

    A central midfielder would be nice, as would a 30-goal a season striker, but for now the priority should be additional defensive cover.

  9. Exciting game! No doubt it will be all ticket affair.

    Not sure if it'll be all ticket. A good mate of mine is an Arab and doesn't think United would take the 7-800 on a Tuesday night they'd need to for it to be ticketed.

    Should be a decent crowd though, and a welcome boost to the club's coffers.

  10. Let's all agree that Murray will be fully aware of our defensive limitations and will have a solution in mind. Whether or not we can get in a suitable player before Falkirk turn up at the rock we'll just have to wait ans see, but we are where we are.

    Let's at least get the season underway before we start with the negativity. Would make a nice change

  11. Good performance from the Sons yesterday. I thought McKerracher looked like a good prospect. Simple finish for his goal but you have to get yourself into those positions in the first place. Smith and McNiff looked solid at centre back. Meggison looked lively throughout and Kevin Smith also did well.

    The most pleasing aspect for me was that we looked well organised and tight at the back. Hibs had the better of the possession without creating many clear cut chances in front of goal.

    Have we reduced the width of the pitch? I think Murray hinted at doing just that last season and it did look like it'd been brought in a yard or so.

    Finally, Ally McCoist spotted in the stand and by half-time we'd run out of steak pies. Coincidence??

  12. Putting one or two decent crosses in per game, whilst failing to do so every other time does not make Lamont the golden boy some fans thought he was. Gilhaney, over the course of the season was a far more effective player for us.

    To say Lamont was a "key player" when he only turned up for the latter part of the season is a bit if a joke to be honest.

  13. Lamont wasn't a key player at all. No scapegoat here, just an opinion on a player who all too often failed to produce a decent final ball, and was never willing to put in a tackle. A player not willing to do the hard graft is a wasted jersey.

    Gilhaney, Agnew, Nicoll and Lithgow were our key players that year. Lamont wasn't even close.

  14. Few harsh comments on Creaney. A decent enough player at 2nd division level but a step to the first proved too much, as it did for most if not all of our defence.

    Creaney played a part in our promotion from the second and deserves a bit of credit for that. Fans love a good scape goat though.

    He won't sign for Morton, but I'm sure he'll find himself a contract in the 2nd and go on to have a good season. Good luck to him.

  15. Thanks but I don't have time to shop around tbh. I'm a landlord and the boiler has been shut off pending a repair. Can't have the tenants with no hot water for any longer than absolutely necessary so it has to be done tomorrow. Just wondering if I can get him down a bit on price. I don't mind paying it if it's a fair quote though.

    Have a look here for parts prices


    The parts seem slightly expensive but not to the point of rip off. The labour sounds about right.

    Cheers mate. I'll have a gander and see what the typical cost is for the parts.

    Expensive business when yer boiler goes on the blink.

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