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Everything posted by Yoss

  1. da_no_1 is one of the last people on the board I ever expected to have a love-in with, but cheers. It's mutual too, Dunfermline's strong stance was all the more impressive for the fact that you might have had more to gain by trying to curry favour with the SPL. Now give us a kiss ...
  2. Ah, cheers for that Hank. (I'd set up an ft account and PMed 12th man to see if we can assure anyone that we could ringfence funds for a specific purpose, and also mailed the club about costings or whatever - not yet heard back from either. But you're right, we should get on with this while there's still a will for it.) I shall go and donate my own pledge right away.
  3. Cheers for the response, everyone. Been a bit busy at work today but will mail the club this evening.
  4. Some response then but we'd obviously need a lot more. Any chance someone could suggest it on fantalk?
  5. Right, I'm about to head out for the day, but just before I leave I'm going to throw in this idea. My relationship with the club has been strengthened by their stance over the past few days, and over time that will of course be reflected financially in one way and another. But I know they're tight for cash right away, so I was trying to think of some way of making an immediate and concrete gesture to show my support. One idea I've come up with - we've got this game at Wick coming up, something myself and a lot of the matchgoing fans are well chuffed about and looking forward to. But for the club it's the worst draw they could have got financially, a significant extra cost they could have done without. So how about we have a whip-round (probably best done via the Trust, or somesuch) to see if we can sponsor that specific cost for them. I'd imagine it'd be in the region of a four figure sum but we can mail the club for costings if need be. Not only would it help the club, it'd be a very visible demonstration of loyalty and support for their stance, both to the club itself and to the wider world. There's been a fair amount of focus on us this week - and on the relationships between clubs and their supporters more generally. If we were able to do something quickly and tie it directly and explicitly to our support for their stance then it'd be something we could publicise and I expect there are at least some corners of the press would be happy to mention it. Does that seem like a plausible idea? FanTalk would have been a better place for this, but I don't have an account there. If it looks like it might catch on I'd invite someone to transfer the post across. Happy to start with a pledge of £100, though I wouldn't be expecting others to put up that much. If enough people could find ten or twenty I'd hope it ought to be doable. If anyone has any other ideas then please, fire away.
  6. I was feeling reasonably optimistic about a Murray / Smith partnership, but if Brown is now available he's a serious candidate.
  7. Reid won't get the job. (Though I don't really get the hate anyway, he's perfectly capable of doing a decent job for somebody else somewhere, at some point.)
  8. Didn't really notice Anderson for Hamilton last season - I do remember noticing him for Stenny the year before though. Looked useful. Happy with that.
  9. That'd be my preference, I think. I agree it's a bit early for Ellis. Billy Brown would probably have been a good shout if he were out of work, but I imagine we'd be offering him a big pay cut. Can't see it happening, and I'm happy to appoint from within anyway. "having a business head" does not mean trying to screw folk for every penny you can get. More often than not it means treating people decently.
  10. If it weren't for the obvious emotional appeal I'd say this was entirely the wrong move for Cameron. Even if he was the right manager for us, which I'm not convinced by anyway - much as I'm delighted to see him doing well along the road. I'd prefer to keep as much continuity as possible, I think, and I'd hope Grant Murray would be in consideration.
  11. Genuinely upset, yes, he's been brilliant for us, we'd improved year on year until last season's setback; but he's transformed the whole club over and above what's happened on the pitch. He's a grafter, works hard on all the details; treats players as people rather than shouts at them, and (as far as is possible to tell) commands total respect from everyone at the club. The hoofball thing is mostly rubbish, but like any manager he adapts his tactics to the players and resources available.
  12. The BBC story suggests McGlynn is the only person they're talking to. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/18528608
  13. Yeah, the avatar is McGlynn in his playing days at Berwick. I think HibeeJibee dug the photo out from somewhere.
  14. Mate of mine skipped his brother's wedding for a pre-season friendly. Hardcore, that is.
  15. It'd partly depend on whether McGlynn took Paul Smith with him.
  16. To be fair, I'd say that gives him better credentials to be a football manager than Claude Anelka had.
  17. If Hearts want McGlynn and McGlynn wants to go we owe him more than to stand in his way by being obstructive about compensation. It'd be a big blow, but he deserves his chance.
  18. Yeah, what I meant to say was - bring back bring back the twa hoops.
  19. I've got a mate in Thurso I can stay over with. She's coming along to support Raith too. Not sure yet if I'm going up on the Friday or Saturday though.
  20. Away at Wick? Fucking fantastic, just the draw I wanted.
  21. As far as replacements go, I'm sure we'll sign someone else, but maybe Callachan will get some games this season. Interesting to hear McGlynn's comments on him in that interview on the website, saying how he's a very similar player to Davo.
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