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Everything posted by Yoss

  1. More excellent stuff from Clyde. But I'm a bit confused about what they're anticipating will now happen - on the one hand they don't seem to believe this is over and are expecting the SFA to pull some stunt. On the other hand they're praising the first division teams for making it clear they would stand fast and have nothing to do with such a stunt. That being the case, what sort of wheeze could the SFA possibly come up with?
  2. Does Associate Membership mean they won't be able to vote on any subsequent league reconstruction proposals?
  3. I don't doubt that there were some players in that side who had potential in them that we might, in different circumstances, have been able to make something of, and that throwing them into such a shit disorganised team was never the way you were going to find out. Nonetheless, circumstances being as they were, most of those players looked like they didn't know what had hit them. So fair enough, it's hard to blame Hajovsky himself for his bunny-in-headlights act, but that doesn't alter the fact of it.
  4. I was thinking of Tomas Hajovsky, but I'm sure Quinny will do just as well.
  5. Agreed. Raith may have been the loudest of the opponents but Clyde have been the most eloquent. They're due a lot of credit.
  6. Browne wasn't free, no, we still had to pay a bit for him. Just a lot less than Villa were hoping for. Edit: £120K, apparently. http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football-1309616.html
  7. Yeah, I made it eight in his six years, if you count Calderon who released him.
  8. Here's a trivia question for you then: Greg McCulloch spent six years at Raith - how many different managers did he work for? (And name them all.)
  9. You could be right. I remember four summer signings being pictured togther in the FFP - Browne, Harvey and Twaddle were three. I'd thought Bonar was the other but wouldn't swear to it. (I'm trying to think who else it might have been, in that case.)
  10. Alex Keddie is apparently going to play as a triallist for Wimbledon this weekend.
  11. Was he there as early as that? Okay then, I stand corrected.
  12. (McCulloch, as I remember it, joined us during the 95/96 season, after Nicholl had left and Thomson had taken over. Bonar signed over the summer between seasons, at the same time as Paul Browne, Kevin Twaddle and Paul Harvey. Don't remember exactly when Duffield joined - I'd have said it wasn't until sometime in the following season, but I'm getting old and my memory isn't what it was.) (Speaking of which, the Raith Rovers manager is now younger than me. That's a bit of a shock.)
  13. We can afford the squad we can afford, and I'm happy just to see where it takes us.
  14. Stuart Anderson signs: http://www.raithrovers.net/4095/stuart-anderson-signs.htm
  15. Edit: Oops, I didn't realise reconstruction talk was hived off to another thread.
  16. Decent workout that. Very happy with Anderson; Malone I've always liked; and Callaghan did okay. Spence did enough to suggest he's worth a punt, particularly as we only have two strikers at present. I didn't know who the number 12 was either.
  17. Excellent. Glad that Aberdeen gesture has been acknowledged. Great stuff, that.
  18. It's not the mere fact of the SFL having to take a vote - it's the fact that the SPL, having been unable to vote for Newco, are now heavily pressurising the SFL into bailing them out by taking the decision that they were unable to. (Or at least, the SPL's Chief Executive is applying such pressure. If he's gone off-piste and is acting without the authority of his member clubs then I'd have expected to have heard some of those clubs having something to say about it by now.)
  19. I can. They were either waiting to see which of the two clubs proved themselves most pliant. Or at least, by leaving that possibility hanging in the air they were hoping to have some influence on a couple of the votes in what may be a very close-run thing.
  20. (Edit: I see he's already posted it himself. Apologies for duplication.) Right, huge thanks to thelegendthatis, who has taken my suggestion yesterday of having a page with a summary of club's positions and all the contact details, and put a good deal of work into his blog here: http://honestyinspor....com/index.html I realise it's info that's mostly duplicated from elsewhere but it's handy to have it all in one spot. You'll see our summaries of club's positions - and email addresses for all of them - on this page: http://honestyinspor...-sfl-clubs.html If anyone knows of better email addresses to use for your own club, please let us know and we'll edit (though I'd be very wary of personal addresses that were given out in a private capacity). The summaries are our own - if we've got any badly wrong, especially if we've missed a statement somewhere or something - then again let us know, but I don't want to get too hung up on that. The important thing is to keep the pressure up on the clubs. There's a lot of arm-twisting going on behind the scenes, we need to make sure in the remaining few days that our influence is heard.
  21. Good point, I do, but it's not my blog and I don't think it would be appropriate for me to use it directly for such campaigning. I think a dedicated page would be better.
  22. Right, we need to keep up the pressure on the clubs. Quick suggestion - it's just been observed to me that there is no co-ordinated action here, while lots of people have been very active everything is a bit haphazard. Similarly, all the information about where each club stands, who to contact etc etc is either scattered across different threads or lost in the depths of this one which no one can really plough through. So, the suggestion is that we create a web page - quick paragraph on each club outlining their official positions (or unofficial, if not available), plus details of who to email. And then a general suggestion of what sort of thing to say. Anyone got any time to spare? I could make a couple of hours this afternoon to gather up some of the relevant info. Be quicker if we can have two or three people maybe do a division each. And then - does anyone have webspace and the means to put something up on line if we can provide the text? (I'm about to pop into work for a bit but can reply to PMs in another half hour or so if anyone is interested and able to help.) Thank you.
  23. Recognised most of those goals but there were a few I was struggling to place.
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