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Everything posted by Yoss

  1. Yeah, likewise, hope we'll be seeing plenty more of him yet. get well soon, laurie.
  2. Don't think those auditions are a formality - and they're not necessarily looking for the best / cleverest contestants either. I know a couple of people who didn't get on, despite doing very well.
  3. Yoss

    Mad Men

    This week's is a belter. (Betty Draper / Francis is not more attractive than Peggy, btw, though that might be influenced by the characters as much as the actresses.) (Trudy Campbell, on the other hand ... )
  4. Yoss

    Mad Men

    Very harsh assessment. Every character has their good points and their bad points, and there are few blacks and whites. (The closest thing to an exception is Betty, whose characterisation has become a bit too close to cariacature, particularly during the fourth series.)
  5. Sorry if I wasn't clear there - it's a simple point of fact that the administrator's job is to maiximise returns for the creditors. Often the two things coincide, where that can only be done by selling the company on to someone prepared to put sufficient money in to pay a percentage. But that's not (in general) the case where there are saleable assets.
  6. Nah, the administrator works for creditors and his first duty is to them. (Why there hasn't been more talk of it in Rangers' case is an interesting and murky question - for one thing Ibrox is almost certainly not saleable for its nominal value; the main stand is listed, for a start, and there'd be a great deal of political pressure on the council not to allow permission for anything else on the land.) (Edited to add: both Gretna and Dundee - first time round - had to sell off the grounds, and in both cases are now leasing it back, albeit for a token sum. Different rules apply to Rangers. 'Cause, y'know, they're Rangers.)
  7. Yoss


    Alison Brie fans will probably already be familiar with these links, but just in case you're not ... Here's an article she wrote about her sex life at college: http://www.nerve.com/love-sex/true-stories/true-stories-homosexual-schmomosexual And here's another sketch of her talking filth:
  8. We didn't go into administration at the point when we were most in trouble because - unlike Livi and Dundee (second time round, anyway) - we owned the ground at that point, which the administrators would just have sold to pay the debts. We might as well have done the same thing ourselves (indeed, that's pretty much what we did).
  9. Yes to all of that. Thanks to Jim for his terrific efforts. The new site looks good, and like Paco I hope they cna transfer the archive of match reports and old player details and everything across - I still refer back to those quite often and it'd be a shame to lose ten years of such an excellent resource.
  10. Jimmy Nicholl's Millwall, top of whatever the Championship was then called, I think even as late as November, and went down.
  11. I would understand if McGlynn decides not to carry on come the summer, but if the club decide to dtich him I'll be quite angry in my own little way.
  12. Agreed actually, yeah. Edit: oh no, wait, sorry, I meant to say he's a c**t.
  13. It's just not fair, I've spent all these years being all lovely and kind to everyone and no one has ever invited me to the ground for a chat and a cup of tea. From now on I shall start calling everyone c***s instead.
  14. I don't really know how good a manager Calderwood is, I only know that he's an arsehole. For that alone, count me out.
  15. In my memory it wasn't quite as bad as that. They thought our injury was an attempt to waste time, when they took the throw they didn't keep possession right away, they put it out for a throw to us near our own corner flag, from which they stole possession back and scored. So still pretty shabby, but not quite the way it's always told. (It's entirely possible that I've misremembered, though.)
  16. I wouldn't take Baird having a moan at someone as being evidence of anything. On the Allan Walker thing, my sympathies are mostly with the player, some of the abuse has been well out of order.
  17. The fans were out of order, and Walker is a strong character. He shouldn't be getting involved, but I quite understand why he would.
  18. Very good news, that. I've always rated him, even if VikingTon doesn't.
  19. Yup, regardless. Firstly, I'm more interested in who's the best man for the job from hereon than in what's happened up to now. And regardless of the fact that some of his decision's last summer haven't worked out I still have more confidence in him for future decisions than in anyone else we might get in. Additionally, I think taking any uncertainty out of the equation and making it clear his job is under no threat is the best way of giving him the means to do the job in any case.
  20. For me, I'd make it crystal clear to everyone concerned that I want him to be manager for the rest of the season and for next season regardless of what division we're in.
  21. Yeah, there were some such shouts in the Main Stand on Saturday. Probably only from one or two people, I guess, but the individuals concerned tend to be quite conspicuous. Especially in the Main Stand where everyone else is mostly quiet / asleep / dead.
  22. And yeah, that post nails it. I wouldn't consider sacking McGlynn even if we were to go down.
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