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Everything posted by RayBees

  1. Holy shit, what an arrogant fanny. You rank way below the level of SandyCromarty or Sophia in w****r points but I'm sure you've got more to come. Keep it up Stonedsailor!
  2. Herchie would've dished up some citizen's justice to the pitch invader if he weighed a few stone less. Who was the blonde haired fanny celebrating for Elgin?
  3. The Town Bank robber thriller in the vein of The Departed or Heat. Set in Bawwston, directed by and starring Bennifer Affleck and Mad Men's John Hamm. Very much enjoyed this. Although I'm usually bored to death during shootouts and car chase scenes, i wasn't in this film. Very watchable and not overly long either. 7/10
  4. Couples Retreat An absolute disgrace. The lack of effort put into this thing is astonishing. No laughs whatsoever, just a whole lot of smugness. You could argue that I was probably letting myself in for it given the cast but the presence of Jason Batemen gave me a little hope. Vince Vaughan and Jon Faverau need to get a grip. 0/10
  5. Thank god we never kept Kevin MacDonald on. He might've ended up as manager.
  6. The Runaways The story of Joan Jett and The Runways starring her from Twilight and Maebe from Arrested Development (who's barely got a role). Garbage, no story or script. Just tiresome rock biopic cliches. 1/10
  7. Just this week found a band called from The Mice who were a big influence on Superchunk. Well worth checking out.
  8. Why would you want to benefit Sandy? I met up with PRS who was in town from Edinburgh on Saturday night for a few beers with him and a couple of other Caley fans. The highlight of which was PRS showing he didn't have a clue how to use his new £1,000 camera.
  9. Mudhoney on October 8th at the Tunnels in Aberdeen. They were terrific in Edinburgh last year.
  10. Had some time off so I've been to the cinema 3 times this week to watch Inception, Predators and Toy Story 3. Toy Story is by a distance the best of the lot. Inception bored me, Predators was ok.
  11. Exactly. I don't bother making tweets as I've no interest in telling the world I'm about to take a piss and I don't think they'd be interested to read it. Twitter can be a really useful source of news/rumours. It's important to build up a big list of interesting folk to follow so it's constantly updating.
  12. Yeah it's good for following journalists too, as they quite often post links to interesting articles, blogs etc. Sid Lowe from the Guardian football site is pretty good. I follow about 160 celebrities in total. A few footballers - Maurice Edu, Jody Craddock (who posts some of his art) and even Diego Forlan. The downside to him is he selfishly tweets in Spanish, the upside is that he posts photos like an excellent one of the Uruguay players having a barbecue in between world cup games. Stephen Fry is really boring as has been said.
  13. On Jools Holland horriblly bland little folkies Mumford & Sons and then Hole blatantly ripping off Molly's Chambers by the Kings of Leon.
  14. Kick Ass Not a big superhero fan but it was easy to be charmed by this. Really good fun. 7/10
  15. Are you going to get paraletically drunk and insult them?
  16. An absolutely lame post Sandy. I would've expected something much more demented than that. Where's Sophia when we need her?
  17. Surfer Blood - Catholic Pagans I'm loving Surfer Blood at the moment.
  18. Crazy Heart Jeff Bridges is ok in this, nothing more, and definitely won the oscar because he's Jeff Bridges and hadn't won before. Nothing else really to recommend about this one. Maggie Gyllenhall is a fine looking and extremely bendy limbed woman. The music is ok, plot is predictable, Robert Duvall is pretty good in his small role. Meh. 4/10
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