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The Minertaur

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Posts posted by The Minertaur

  1. What course is that for? Sounds quite interesting to me actually but then again I did Zoology at Aberdeen. You dong something similar?

    Its for geography. Got stuck with it after I missed a tutorial :lol: To do with species becoming extinct etc.

    It actually ended up going well I think.....had to sit and listen to other talks for an hour and 45 minutes and then we ran out of time so I had to skip half it but the tutor said he could tell I was going to get a good mark.

    Huzzahs are in order! :lol:

    Oh and too AndyC27/11 - I never meant to cause any offence....was half asleep and crabbit when I posted that. i hope we can put this aside and focus on hating each other for our football teams :lol:

  2. I went to the cinema at the weekend to see Die Hard 4.0. I thought it was absolutely brilliant, albeit a little over the top. McClane seems to have changed from a believable policeman some sort of superhero ie Jack Bauer. Still it was an enjoyable film with some great action scenes. Probably the best since the 1st one IMO.

    Never thought I would agree with a Townie but he is correct. Saw Die Hard on Wednesday and it was superb. Some of the scenes are unrealistic but it is still a very enjoyable film. Definetly recommened to other people on here!

    9/10 - great but some bits unrealistic!

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