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The Minertaur

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Posts posted by The Minertaur

  1. Fucked my jaw playing football :(

    Boy came in sliding in on me from the front, and I jumped and landed on the back of his head, jaw getting a smack. Bit right into both sides of my tongue, which starting pissing blood (now has bizarre white ulsers on it) and my jaw cracked. It's really quite painful, can still eat (very sore though) and it doesn't feel right at all the way its sitting.

    Hmmmm :(

    Bloody diver :P

    That sounds like a sore one! Hope it doesnt hurt for too long!

  2. No idea why really because it's tremendous. :D

    I got it a couple of days ago and am on my 3rd listen - tis a cracking album! Dont really no their stuff that well but decided I might as well get the album - its helped me get through writing half an essay :lol:

    Missing Beats (Of A Generation) is on right now :D

  3. I used to get it sung all the time at me a couple of years ago, usually at the fitba after a particularly loud rant.

    Also a few hilarious folk phoned me from the fives last year and belted out a drunken version.

    Most folk have forgotten it now thank f**k. :lol:

    Anyway, now:

    The Charlatans - Oh! Vanity

    :lol: Luckily my school nickname isnt in any songs so I am pretty safe for now :)

    Good choice of song there! Might put that album on due to it being free :lol:

  4. This isn't one of my wacky japes, it's completely true!

    He has wooden floors and I can hear them careering across them, whooping and cheering as they dance to the same tune for about four hours.


    That sounds hellish! Here in halls I live on the ground floor of a building and I dunno who lives above me but he or she has the worst taste in music plus they must weigh a ton cause am always certain the roof will collapse :lol:

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