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The Minertaur

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Posts posted by The Minertaur

  1. The Hangover - Loved this film. At least a 9/10.

    This song had me in stitches :lol: -

    What do tigers dream of when they take a little tiger snooze?

    Do they dream of mauling zebras or Halle Berry in her cat woman suit.

    Don't you worry your pretty stripped head were gonna get you back to Tyson and your cozy tiger bed. Then were gonna find our best friend Doug and then were gonna give him a best friend hug... Doug Doug, Dougie, Doug, Doug.

    But if you've been killed by crystal meth tweakerrrrss... Then we're shit out of luck!

  2. Not really petty but the death of our club captain Gordon Lennon, words cant desribe what I felt when I heard this. I know whenever someone dies everyone says "was one of the nice guys" etc but Gordon Lennon was the nicest man I have ever had the pleasure of speaking so even outwith football. Gordon and his Fiancé also have a young son only a few months old, my thoughts are with his family.

    RIP Gordon Lennon true Dumbarton legend

    Well said mate. A tragedy. Cannot bare to imagine how his family are feeling right now.

  3. Trying to find a job is a fucking nightmare.
    Tell me about it! <_<
    I'd shovel shite for 40 hours a week if i meant i got £130 week in an envelope.

    Currently job hunting and failing :( Did have a job over Xmas and they were gonna offer me hours but I missed a meeting I did not know I had (they sent a letter to my flat in Aberdeen while I was back home in Dunfermline) and so my contract was terminated. <_<

    Christ I would shovel shit for 50 hours a week for a £100 a week thats how bad it is right now :(

  4. Down playing 6-a-side tonight after playing yesterday. Feeling a bit sluggish as we started which was then made worse when one of the opposition players clattered into me wearing metal studs (which arent allowed!) and sent me flying which fecked my right knee.

    Got back up and kept playing (unable to run properly though) - 10 minutes later one of their players again comes in and goes straight into my left ankle with studs. So thats a sore knee and ankle with in 15 minutes of the game starting.

    Second half I get hit again on the same ankle twice as well as jarring my left knee.

    Plus we got fecking hammered :lol: Was one hell of a long walk back :(

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