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The Minertaur

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Posts posted by The Minertaur

  1. Playing 6 - a - side football tonight down at Garthdee. The game beside my game ends up turning into a brawl with one team of absolute arseholes throwing punches at the team of good guys.

    One of the arseholes then threatened the guy who runs the whole thing and then said he was gonna come back next week and cause "chaos"

    What a total fanny of a human being >:(

    Oh and my team lost 9-3 :lol:

  2. My flatmate in the room next door to me has been rather excited about going to see the Killers earlier this evening.

    Yesterday he played their music from about 1pm till midnight (No breaks! Even listening to the same songs repeatedly).

    Today he played them from about 10am to 5pm.

    He went to the gig and since he got back its been him singing along to them for the past hour now.

    If he listens to them tomorrow I will kill him :lol: I dont actually mind the Killers but I am beginning to hate them :lol:

  3. 1. In my 2nd year at Aberdeen uni doing geography and management. Hating it right now :lol: Got 2 exams coming up on Wednesday, one at 9am and one at 7pm <_<

    2. I did stewarding at Glastonbury this year despite being a total wuss with no muscle - got started on quite a few times but also had a great time. The highlight was seeing Amy Winehouse drive past with her head out of the window having a smoke :lol:

    3. I recently finished working at Toys R Us over the Xmas period. Twas a good laugh but some of the customers who came in drove me mad. Have also been working at Pittodrie on matchdays in the Legends Lounge for nearly a year and a half now :) Sunday was a good day :lol:

    4. I support Man Utd as well and have since I was a wee kid - only been to one game though and what a game it was! 7-1 v Roma :D

    5. I am absolutely useless with women :lol:

  4. Day 3

    Now been told I have another 2 essays to do for management for within a week. Working from Sunday to Wednesday so I have to get them done today. Still not started the geog essay yet.

    I will get these essays done even if it kills me :lol:

    Day ?

    Got the 2 management essays done and handed in (both shite probably :lol:) and have now reached 1250 words on my geography essay due on Friday. Suddenly my life seems to make sense again :lol:

  5. There is a girl sitting in the next bank of desks in the computing lab I'm in who is trying to explain something to a mate of hers.

    I'm pretty sure she has used the word "basically" 379 times in the past 14.3 seconds.

    I fucking hate that word :angry:

    I am in a computing lab right now and 2 people have came in sitting 2 computers down from me and havent stopped laughing since they came in 7 minutes ago now. I mean ffs grow the hell up and let me get on with my essay :angry:

  6. Run, Lola, Run

    German film about three alternate possibilities when a girl has to find 100,000 marks to save her boyfriend from gangsters.

    Excellent and a bit weird. 8/10.

    I remember watching this at High School - really enjoyed it!

    Last couple of nights have been spent watching the Silence of The Lambs and Hannibal on ITV2. Both were excellent and would give both at least 9/10.

    Had to explain the ending of the second one to my flatmate who couldnt understand how

    Lector lost his hand at the end as opposed to him cutting of Starlings hand!


  7. This is why I don't bother with a part-time job during semester time.
    Aha, I mind my undergrad days well. Watching my fellow students scrabble around to hand in stuff for mediocre marks. Far better to work during holidays and concentrate on uni during semester.

    I agree fully but due to having to purchase a new laptop (which I still havent done :lol:) and my amazing laziness in the summer mean I have to get a job just now. Well I actually have 2 jobs now :lol:

  8. Day 2

    Having more problems now I have decided what essay I am going to do I cant think of anything that I could write about :lol: Thankfully have 3 weeks to get it done so I should be able to put something together

    Still its bugging the shit out of me :lol:

    Day 3

    Now been told I have another 2 essays to do for management for within a week. Working from Sunday to Wednesday so I have to get them done today. Still not started the geog essay yet.

    I will get these essays done even if it kills me :lol:

  9. Being unable to come up with any ideas to start an essay. Ok sitting on msn, watching family guy and eating mccoys could well be distracting me a tad but its still annoying :lol:

    Day 2

    Having more problems now I have decided what essay I am going to do I cant think of anything that I could write about :lol: Thankfully have 3 weeks to get it done so I should be able to put something together

    Still its bugging the shit out of me :lol:

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