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The Minertaur

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Posts posted by The Minertaur

  1. Got up when I heard an electrician in the flat (they all have key cards to get in). Decided I better get up cause I have been having trouble with the lock on my door so presumed that was what it was about.


    Replacing a knob on the front of the oven. <_<

    Lets just allow folk to easily rob me, but if one hob on 1 of our 2 cookers isnt working then quick get that fixed! :(

  2. Another of my really stupid ones, but...

    I really, majorly dislike to hear the word "party" used as a verb.

    When folk say stuff like " Oh, on Saturday I'm going to party all night" - No you're not, you are going out to have a good time, meet some people, get drunk or whatever, you may even go to a party (noun) but there is no such thing a "to party" or "partying"

    As I said, really stupid, but it really bugs me.

    Since its my birthday am gonna party the night away :P;)


  3. It won't kill me but it's pretty frustrating......

    Had to go and see the doctor again, blood pressure is still pretty low, constantly feeling faint and they still don't know what's causing it..... I feel like a bloody pincushion as I've had so many bloody needles stuck in me!!!

    I'm just glad I'm not in as much pain as I was last week :)

    Glad to hear you are on the mend :)

    Must be all the Kirkcaldy bugs finally catching up with you ;):P

  4. Having a bit of trouble speaking now so I'm not sure if I'll be able to go in tomorrow. I think I've only got 3 45min sessions in a school in Dunfermline so maybe I can go spread some germs while I'm in Fife. :D Am pretty sure I'm only there for the morning and I've no sessions booked for the afternoon but knowing my luck the office would ring me up at lunch time and send me somewhere else.

    What school you off too?

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