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The Minertaur

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Posts posted by The Minertaur

  1. So if Federer beats that lanky Argentinian streak of Piss Murray is threw....... but if Del Asshole wins is he out or is it all down to sets won or lost?

    If Federer wins then Murray is through.

    Del Potro wins in straight sets then Murray and Del Potro go through.

    Del Potro wins 2-1 then Federer and whoever has more games won (?) goes through out of Murray and Del Potro.

    I think :lol:

  2. I wish Terry Butcher would stop his terrible puns on the Champions League Highlights Show. That's 3 now:

    "He's been mullered at his near post" - After Muller scored a near post header for Bayern.

    "The writing was on the wall at that stage" - When Grafite scored his second for Wolfsburg.

    There was another shit one in there.

    Also the fact that every 10 seconds he used the word "bang" when describing a shot.

  3. Played football tonight - team were 3 nil down but battled back to win 5-4 with me scoring a late equaliser before setting up the winner. Had me in a right good mood so when I got asked to play another game I jumped at the chance. Even better its against a team I used to play for so the banter was great.

    Unfortunately one of the guys on my team was a complete and utter fanny. Never passed and had the cheek to scream his head of at me when I had the audacity to shoot from 3 yards outside the box. He kept moaning at me from then on and when I had the cheek to say "aye whatever" he threatened to "rip my fucking head off" if I ever spoke back to him again. He missed a late sitter and he managed to blame me for it despite me doing a great tackle and then gave him the ball when I could easily have ran on.

    Its fair to say this has left me in a bad mood - luckily am a pussy so I managed to avoid getting my head kicked in by ignoring him :lol:

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