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Posts posted by morrison

  1. I've got my Garmin so can keep track and will be fine once I get going, just need to make sure I get at that pace early enough.

    Good luck battling the temptation to go at your normal pace! I'm not sure I trust myself to step up to that.

    Cardinal - The pace runs (at least in Edinburgh) seem to coincide with milestones of various note. There was one for the 250th run a month or two back, and tomorrow's the five year anniversary. There will be tea and cakes :thumsup2

  2. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - 4/10

    I went in expecting to be disappointed, and I was. Not spoilers as such but:

    I don't like what they've done with Donatello, and Shredder - as was clear from the trailer - was massively over the top. The pish from Raphael near the end was embarrassing. Michelangelo wasn't too bad, though.

    The Equaliser - 7/10

    Good stuff. It's a long film that didn't feel it; was pleasantly surprised.

  3. Good luck tomorrow, Grantown. Do you have a target time in mind? I'd had a look at the half after Loch Ness, but entries were already closed by then :(

    Well done Consolidate - sounds like we'll be seeing lots more of you on this thread! Cardinal; the marathon's a noticeable jump but if you're sensible enough with the training and paying attention to the various grumbles your body'll throw at you, you'll get round. But then you'll want to beat that time and...

    Another Saturday morning, another Parkrun; 19:38 in really good conditions. I'm chuffed that I'm regularly able to get under twenty minutes now - I'm sure I've posted here before to say those sort of times were but a distant dream.

  4. I think I may have used all my greenies for the day on the last page of posts. Scorge, massive respect for completing the run, that sounds absolutely horrific. I'm not sure how wise it was, mind :P Hope the recovery's going well.

    Kenzie; that's a brilliant time, well done! The sunglasses makes me a bit surer I saw you then - were you wearing green under the Macmillan top? Should've taken the chance of making a tit out of myself. That really is some time on that course. I passed the man collapsed as well; the ambulance being considerably closer to him by the time I got there, where 3 people with him kept waving the rest of us on by. I haven't heard anything anywhere since about him, which I'm going to take as a good thing.

    Congrats Reina, a solid effort! A much deserved weekend off the races this time round?

    Munter, sounds like you had a very similar race to mine. I had lots of stops from around 18 miles on, just really struggled. Managed the last two without it as we came back into Inverness; couldn't let the crowds see me walk!

    Thundermonkey - did your friend run? How did they do? Six weeks is very ambitious indeed!

  5. Hills are not my thing - well done for persisting Blootoon!

    Loch Ness is over...my word, that was tough. Fell into the trap of going off to quick, despite my earlier caution, and crumbled a bit later on. Finished in 3:30:05, which I'll take under the circumstances. Oh, the pain. How any of you lot can do that regularly is a mystery.

    Kenzie, I think I saw you at the start but couldn't see the name to be sure - hope you had a good one!

  6. Already ran Inverness to Dores and back a few weeks ago to check out the infamous hill. Really is nothing to worry about - if your running a 3:20 marathon frankly you could crawl up it and still set a good time. That said its 500m of fairly steep gradient followed by 1km slight uphill and a final 300-400m slightly steeper section again. Hardly a nightmare, but appreciate after 20 miles anything uphill is an extra challenge!

    Enjoy the run!

    Thanks Munter, have a good one yourself! After you said that I had a look at the gradient - it's not as steep as Arthurs Seat here, and that 'break' in the middle makes it that bit more manageable. Easy to say that now, though, especially with Kenzie's shudder at that reminder :lol:

    If things go as planned we'll likely be near each other. Feel free to encourage or abuse me, I'll be in a green Marie Curie t-shirt with 'Kenzie' on it.

    Loch Ness was my first marathon last year (ran Lochaber and Edinburgh this year), biggest bit of advice I can give is keep to your planned pace in the first half, and probably up until the before mentioned hill, then empty the tank after then.

    Cheers, I'll keep an eye out for you. I'll be in a light blue Helsinki HM t-shirt so you're welcome to do likewise - no name printed on it, mind! I'll be trying to resist the temptation to motor off down the slope at the start. More than that, I'll try enjoying it - a PB's guaranteed after all!

    Went out for an undulating 10k tonight as the last 'proper' run at marathon pace. As ready as I'll ever be, now.

  7. Have you set yourself any goals timewise?

    I'd like to think I could challenge last years time of 3:19:37, but it's unlikely. Will be preparing myself for the long hill at 20/21 miles this time, that defeated me big time last year.

    I'm looking for somewhere in the 3:20 - 3:30 range, so I expect you'll be up the road somewhere! This is my first marathon, so anything past 20.5 miles is going to be new to me, including that hill.

    Sounds tough but like you're going in with the right attitude! Yes, I'm 'only' running the 10k though. It's one of my favourites! This is the last in a series of events I've been doing for charity (every Sunday in September, I've done some kind of challenge - Great North Run on the 7th, 26 mile Kiltwalk on the 14th, 45 mile cycle 21st and now this on the 28th) and I've raised over £1300 for a small local charity so I'm chuffed to bits! Looking forward to a weekend off :-)

    Good luck to you and morrison!

    Fanny, I'm really sorry to hear that :-(

    That's some effort Reina, a massive well done! Enjoy the 10k; knowing it's the last in the series might help. And thanks!

  8. That would be good, especially given the numbers that can turn up at Cramond. Portobello can be just as windy though, although would be good to have an option. I've always wondered how big a Parkrun at the Meadows could be.

    Reading their Facebook page, appears it'll be based in Figgate Park rather than along the promenade, which sounds decent.

    Who is running in Inverness on Sunday?

    I'll be there. Looking forward to it now.

  9. I've always wondered about the Park Runs. Are they run on the same courses every week. Cause I know there's one down in Cramond, Edinburgh. Considering I live here and probably run the route quite a bit as it is. I'm tempted to get down and give it a shot. Not that I'd be especially fast, 5km would probably take me about 25 minutes right now.

    That said my boss did the course the other week and got just over 20mins so I'm gonna aim to beat him by the end of the year! :lol:

    Which I know I can do, I've ran sub 20 before when I was a fair bit fitter, it's just about getting back into it I suppose.

    The Edinburgh Parkrun's a good one. Being an out-and-back course, one way can feel substantially easier than the other depending on the wind, though! Being on the same course makes it handy to compare where you're at with your training, too.

    Would quite like another around this part of the world to try out; the Glasgow runs are a bit too far out of the way to justify the trip through.

  10. Went through to the Falkirk Parkrun this morning. Haven't ran for a week due to a foot injury, so was really pleased with 20:30; within a minute of my Edinburgh PB. It's a really fun course, with that one notable hill being a decent test. I'd have been a bit quicker but got held up quite a bit at the start. I'll try and head back through some time after Loch Ness to try topping it.

    Is anyone on here that's running Loch Ness planning the Inverness Parkrun on the Saturday?

  11. On my way back from the Scottish Half. Provisional time of 1h 34m 41s is both much quicker than I had expected, and frustratingly 10s short of a PB! I trusted my Garmin for distance/pace and thought I was comfortably on to beat it, but it measured 21.6k vy the end. Hey ho. Felt really good today so I'll take it.

    Good luck to everyone running GNR tomorrow.

  12. Went out after work tonight; just under 12k in 54 minutes with 203m of ascent, most of which was going round Arthurs Seat and up Dalkeith Road. I won't make it out before the Scottish Half on Saturday now, but feel pretty happy with where I am. Will use it as a tempo run, a PB's a bit beyond me even if it is meant to be a fast course.

  13. I know it's all relative, but that's a great run, Bishy. Within 90 seconds of your PB when you're ill? You're being harsh on yourself!

    Paul, the form comes back quickly. I was 3 minutes off mine 6 weeks ago but nice and close again yesterday. Stick at it.

    Time for my own bit of negativity - my 30km LSR didn't go well today. I'm putting it down to the sun and it being really warm; I had 170ml of water and a couple of gels, but ran out of water at 18km and felt rotten coming back in. Stopped to walk after 24k, and intermittently on the way back after that. Not good at all.

  14. Edinburgh parkrun for me this morning, clocked an unofficial 19:56 for my second sub 20 5k. Was looking good for a new PB at 3k but coming back into the wind killed that hope off; still fair chuffed with it, mind.

    My next LSR tomorrow morning & then the Scottish Half in East Lothian next Saturday next up. Unsure whether to run for a time or use it as a training run for Loch Ness in 4 weeks...

  15. A PB on the Eglinton Parkrun yesterday. 24.12, following up last weeks 23.38 at Strathclyde. Finally feeling I am getting back to a semblance of where I was 2 years ago.

    Aim no is to get into the 22's at Strathclyde.

    Well done Wee Bully, nothing better than a PB :thumsup2

    I did my first ever proper run today, a wee cafe near my work did a charity run for the Trussel Trust. I did four miles in 36:55. I realise that isn't a great clip but I was pretty pleased with it and really enjoyed it. I'm going to look our for any Edinburgh events in the next few weeks to have a go at another one.

    Good effort. If you don't mind the trek across town, the Parkrun at Cramond on Saturday mornings is really well ran. And flat, which is nice!

    Managed my first 20-miler this afternoon, coming in at a little over 2h 50. Some of it hurt like hell but I'm glad I persevered; makes me feel that little bit better about Loch Ness now.

  16. Have been upping the distance in preparation for Loch Ness, running 16.2 miles on Sunday in 2h 12. Plan's to run 18 on Saturday, but had a bit of a worry with some knee and hip pain. Nothing major, but I've dropped one run from my schedule to give me a bit of recovery time.

    Will be volunteering at Edinburgh Parkrun on Saturday morning for their 250th event. There's going to be cake! It'll be my first time volunteering there, chose well by the sounds of it.

  17. I don't get the appeal of the EMF races at all, the route's quick but really dull. Did the half (my first) in 2012 and that was enough. I just got on the 26 from Pinkie Road back into town, much easier than the buses they put on.

    Anyway, was out for 16.5k last night, with the middle 13k at my intended pace for next weekend's half. Felt okay, should be able to PB I think. I'm hoping for sub 1:33 but that'll be touch and go. Parkrun tomorrow's next on the agenda.

    Brilliant running again Bishy, that's huge!

  18. 19:19 for me today, just sneaking a PB. Real struggle on the way back from going out a little too quickly (was sub 19 pace for first 2.5km).

    Did you get your sub 20?

    Brilliant effort, well done. I did indeed; clocked 19:36 so I'm fair chuffed.

  19. Sub 20 was my target for the year but I wasn't expecting to beat it as quickly and by as far as I did.

    I'm heading down again this week - taking the bus down this time so I can have another go at a PB.

    This gives me hope. I'd thought similar but with a decent day hopefully Saturday'll see me crack it. Based on that form your 1:35 for the half next weekend sounds achievable; my PB's just under that.

    Am Muilleach - that's brilliant. I've done a couple of runs abroad before...I'll be honest, I'm tempted. What made you go for it?

    Some effort from BishyTON too. I'm tired thinking about that pace.

  20. I must have been just ahead of you, watch time at 19:57 but official time of 19:59.

    A second sub 20 for me, 35 seconds outside the PB but then I did run the 3 and a bit miles down to the race yesterday (and ran back).

    I'm guilty of paying almost no attention to anyone else, can't think past the guy right in front of me that I got the same time as. Two seconds seems a big gap! Good effort - that's twice in the last few weeks now? I'm cycling there and back so doesn't take quite so much out of the legs as your run...same again this Saturday's the plan.

    Good luck Razor. You'll hate it during and love it after, if it's anything like my first 10k!

  21. Fair play, did not think Selby would even be in the running the way things started yesterday. He was fantastic today and for whatever reason O'Sullivan lost his way. Credit to Selby for beating Robertson and O'Sullivan back to back in the long matches, can't argue with that.

    Don't see O'Sullivan matching/bettering Hendry's record now. Well done Selby, some effort.

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