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Posts posted by morrison

  1. Aviemore. It's 2 weeks after Baxter's 10k and I *should* PB in both races if I keep the training up and stay injury free. I have 6 miles planned for tomorrow with 4 at tempo pace...

    Nice one, sounds like you're flying just now. I'd thought about Aviemore, maybe next year.

    Marty - You'll be fine at GNR provided you do one thing. Pace yourself! I'm sure you'll already know your run didn't go well because you went off like a rocket, and to keep the analogy going, you ran out of fuel. It's great you've got that type of pace in you, but longer training runs are more about time on feet rather than all out efforts. Apologies if I come across all preachy :shutup

    Rowan - hope the tonsillitis makes itself scarce soon.

    Stellaboz - I won't talk you out of Edinburgh, but I didn't enjoy it. If you were willing to wait a wee bit I'd highly recommend Loch Ness in September 2016; it's light on support as you'd expect but a brilliant setting.

    Edinburgh parkrun for me this morning as part of a 20-mile run. Felt a bit rubbish for the 5.5 miles to the start line but eveything after went smoothly, including a wee bit of 'tempo' for the 28th to 30th kilometres. Yep, I work in kilometres... Good to see true_rover there this morning too, still tearing the place up!

  2. Reina, this news makes me sad. A grey slab of metal and a cotton t-shirt for £45...why do we do this to ourselves?! Great running though; which half are you doing?

    Good to see you back, Bishy, and going strong too. Same to you, Socks, I'd be delighted with that time at Kirkcaldy. That was my parkrun PB (from Cramond!) until Saturday.

    Had a track session yesterday and not long back in from 10k. That's me until my last 20 mile training run of the year on Saturday. Feels good to type that, will be better still when it's done.

  3. Good stuff, die hard.

    Happy with today's work: started with a parkrun PB at in the morning in really good conditions. Went out much too fast (3:30 to 1km) but held it together for a 19:04 finishing time. Then headed out this afternoon for a half-marathon distance slow run; my legs unsurprisingly felt a bit tired but I survived!

    Are you still heading out with the club you went along to, Socks? I got back to it on Thursday - oh, how I'd missed it.

  4. I'm good to go, as far as I can tell, cheers Socks. I've missed 4 weeks so I won't be quite where I wanted by race day, but I should still get round okay. My number arrived for the Great North Run too; looking forward to it. Hoping the medals are bit more glamorous than the grey slabs they hand out for the Edinburgh run, but not expecting miracles!

  5. Boghead - it was roasting on Thursday; I was toast by the end of my 4-miler.

    Nice running Co.Down, straight back into the swing on things.

    Portobello parkrun this morning and a course record of 20:16, I think. Yet to run sub 20 for a 5k that hasn't been at Cramond! I'm happy with it considering the recent injury; the legs felt heavy for the first two laps so I'll take it. Considering going on a longer dawdle in the evening.

  6. No judging here, boghead. It's a great feeling to see the times coming down regardless of the starting point. Keep at it.

    Cheers Reina, good stuff. Is a tri suit pretty much essential for these events? It's a pool swim for the one I'm looking at.

    Socks, my swimming's crap too. Getting there oh-so-slowly!

  7. Did a triathlon today. Totally nailed it and ended up 8th in my category. Chuffed to bits :D

    That's brilliant, Reina, congrats! Was this your first? How did you find the transitions? I'm considering one for new year; haven't done one before.

    Good efforts all round.

    Managed a whole mile or so on Saturday without any reaction from my foot, so will slowly step it up. In the downtime I've volunteered at parkrun a couple of times which was fun, definitely worth doing.

  8. The Magician by Raymond E. Fiest. Part of the Riftwars saga.

    Never been into fantasy stuff, but after reading Game of Thrones thought it might be more my cup of tea. Very popular by all accounts and a third of the way though it and enjoying it so far.

    I've had a Fiest book on my shelves for about 4 years now and not got near it...might have to give it a go.

    Most of the books I've read recently have been imposed on me, with mixed results. More Than This by Patrick Ness was rubbish, but Lolita very good.

    Also recently read Jonathon Strange & Mr Norrell, coincidentally just before the BBC adaption. The world Clark created was excellent and I really enjoyed it, but it was a bit slow for some I've spoken to about it. Thought the adaption was decent too.

  9. Does that sound OK?

    Sounds perfect, as SpoonTon says. The one thing I'd add that hasn't been mentioned is to make sure your long run is slower than your intended race pace; the aim of that session is to get you used to the time on your feet and doing it too quickly will just leave you shattered in the long run. Dial the distance back with a fortnight to go so you're fresh on the day.

    I was delighted with my time, especially in that wind! Not sure I'd have managed it without going off at the pace you set morrison so thanks for that. Good to have a chat after the race with you guys as well.

    Took the plunge and bought myself a new Garmin to replace my one that broke over the weekend (although it does look like the superglue might hold it!)

    Glad to help; it was a bit of conundrum you were in with no watch, so handy we bumped into each other before than run and are so evenly matched! Which Garmin did you get?

    Rowan - I won't try and tempt you, but...y'know...it might be fun ^_^

  10. I thought it was a style thing, Socks, didn't even cross my mind to mention it :lol:

    It was good to meet you both. The wind did make it a pain as soon as we turned around just after 6k so was a bit surprised to find a PB was still on at 9 if the foot went down again; pleased with a 32s improvement and exactly 2m 30s quicker than last year's time round the same course. Incidentally, my foot is in pieces again now! It's on to the injury bench for a wee while, I think.

    Good stuff, Co. Down. Sounds like you're way ahead of schedule for your half.

    Did you make it along to Portobello parkrun, Duffy? It's a really nice course.

  11. Ah, I could've phrased that better! I meant the week since the marathon, where I haven't ran a step and wouldn't have been able to until yesterday.

    I'd be happy with that mile time too, Socks, some going. Good luck to you both tomorrow and anyone else getting out and about.

  12. Sounds like you're in good form, true rover. Got to be confident! Though a mate at work has just said it's meant to be blowing a gale tomorrow.

    Quiet week for me; doddled round the parkrun and Dundee marathon at the weekend but my foot's been playing up. Will give it a go tomorrow as it's much better now; bit annoying as my legs felt absolutely fine on Monday.

  13. I'm enjoying running with a group. For speed work it's been really good as it keeps you pushing - the track sessions are where the value's to be had. On the longer runs the group I'm with has been a bit start/stop at times so the slower folk don't get lost, and you don't get as much out of them.

    Hadn't realised there was a new parkrun coming; will get myself along in the next few weeks to try it out. I was planning Edinburgh yesterday but it was horrible in the morning so I stayed in bed...went out for 10 miles later in the day instead.

  14. Good to hear the speed's returning, Socks. Happy days.

    Had a bit of a slog on Sunday with my 13 mile run, felt really lethargic. Was surprised, with that in mind, that the track session on Tuesday went fairly well: 12 x 400m repeats, chopped into two lots of six with 2min recovery. Opened with an 87s, and finished with my quickest, a 72s lap. The last six were noticeably quicker as the leading 5 guys stepped it up and I clung on for dear life!

    Seven miles last night, will head out shortly for four more.

  15. Cheers Bishy. Most of the rest weren't too close, the next fastest (as asked) was a 2:45 for the 4th. In other news, got round the 7 Hills today in one piece. That was really tough, but I'm glad I did it. Boy, some of those climbs are steep.

    Good stuff, ark loyal, got to be happy with that. The Paisley 10k's at the end of August, I think, if you're in the hunt for races.

  16. Don't see anything for entries for the Forth Road Bridge 10k yet, but they're saying 100+ have used their deferrals. Not sure if I'll go for it yet, I've got a half in Haddington on the Saturday.

    Track session on Tuesday was great; 7 x 800m with the last the quickest at 2:40. Followed it up on Wednesday with a decent 5 miles on Wednesday, and managed my first sub-20 parkrun of the year this morning. Hurrah! Ticking along nicely.

  17. 2", Joga?! You'd be as well not bothering! I don't have particularly short shorts...if you want to see more flesh, you need to get to know me better first.

    +1 for the foam roller suggestion for ITB issues, and for the strength/core training tedium. Bleurgh, but I do feel the benefit even if I'm still pretty ill-disciplined with it.

    Went along to my first proper club session on Thursday, and really enjoyed it. A group of around a dozen of us went for a fairly hilly 7 miles around parts of the city I hadn't been round before, and they're a good bunch. They train Tuesdays and Thursdays, and will be going back for the track session on Tuesday. It's going to hurt, but I'm looking forward to it. Went up 4 of the 7 hills as a last recce before the race next Sunday. Hills are hilly. It was fun in a "thank god that's over" kind of way.

  18. Great efforts everyone, good to hear about folk running these distances for the first time. I get those saying it's for the last time...you might find you're 'accidentally' signing up to something else soon enough (go on, Blootoon)!

    Cardinal - since you mentioned The Hague, Amsterdam's meant to be flat. It's mid-October. I did Paris this year which is pretty flat; it'll cost a bit more but gives you until April if you're considering running abroad.

    I'm also off today and tomorrow, and mightily relieved about it!

  19. No luck, Socks. It's true for Kinghorn, but I meant today!

    Went out at a pace that would've resulted in a PB, and was going okay until mile 19. Then the wheels came off, and going into the wind on the way back I just concentrated on finishing. Went through halfway at 1:38:xx, and finished in a PW 3:41:15 :lol::blink:

    Training's been terrible since Paris, and I think the inactivity caught up with me. I thought I could get away with it after running the sort of pace I went out at for the North Berwick run, but I've learned a lesson today. Respect the distance!

    How did everyone else get on in the their respective races?

  20. That's almost enough to make a County fan feel sorry for you, Chris ;) A bit rotten not being able to enjoy a few pints today. Hope the injury behaves itself tomorrow, too.

    Parkrun completed at a bit quicker than MP today, and now time to put my feet up and take in the cup finals. An excellent weekend!

    Good luck all for tomorrow, have a great race.

  21. Yeah, that was me, Socks. My unimaginative username from years ago makes me easy to track - keeps me honest :angel

    I've just been through the 203 photos on their website from the race; I'm not in a single one, and neither is my mate! Not that running photos are the most flattering you can take of someone.

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