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Posts posted by morrison

  1. Cheers min, only going to manage four LSR's due to a week on holiday, probably going to work out at 17 - 20 - 18 - 22. Also managing an injury just now so sticking to 3 sets of dreadmills a week but getting into bother anywhere north of 10k. Toying with the idea of joining Metro at the end of the month too...

    I know a few of the folk from Metro, they're a good bunch. Go for it, I say.
  2. 2 hours ago, thomas said:

    Can anyone tell me how the aiming works in this when throwing a pokeball, mainly with regards to the circle getting bigger and smaller. Do I throw when it's at its smallest? Does it make any difference?

    The smaller circle's better if you land it in the centre; gives you a better chance of catching the pokemon if you throw a 'nice', 'great' or 'excellent' (biggest to smallest circles).  You also used to get bonus XP for them, but that seems to've stopped since the last update.

  3. Yeah, I can verify this (as of this morning!). Seems if you hold your finger over where the pokeball appears, it'll zoom back to you. Doesn't always work though, particularly if you've launched it off the screen.

  4. QQ: do you get more XP from evolving something which needs 50 candies, rather than something that needs 25 candies, for example?

    Nah, a straight 500 XP for each evolution. I like your thinking, but no such luck.
  5. Got first 10k egg. Only way to get more incubators is buy them ?

    Pretty much, as said. If you can get a couple of pokemon in a gym & claim your defenders' bonus, you'll rack up the coin to buy one quickly enough. Then begin the process all over so you can buy a replacement before it breaks...
  6. So you can claim the bonus as soon as you take it?

    Aye. If you haven't claimed before, just go straight into the 'shop' and click on the symbol in the top right (a shield with the number of pokemon defending gyms in it) to claim.

    A countdown from 21hours starts as soon as you do it. When it runs out you can claim again.
  7. It would make more sense if you got 1 coin per hour of holding it. 20 hours before you get anything is ridiculous and you can't even defend it in real time. If someone is attacking it you can't do anything to stop them.

    You'll be glad to hear it's not as bad as that - you can only claim your defenders' bonus once every 21 hours, but you don't need to hold a single gym during that time.

    Example: I took 3 gyms in 20mins in Portobello on Saturday, 6pm. Immediately claimed my 3-gym bonus. Lost one almost instantly and the others during the night. Come 3pm yesterday I could claim any time - took 3 around Slateford at 5pm and claimed again straight away. I can get more any time after work tonight now.

    I don't bother with them until I can claim my bonus.
  8. Finally getting back into the habit after a couple of weeks layoff.

    Any training advice for trying to narrow the gap in drop-off time between half and full marathon? Having got the HM down to 1.55 I'd like to try and get the mara down from 4.45 to nearer 4.15 if possible...

    I'd recommend more long runs in the 18 - 21 range (5 per training plan, say) provided you're coming off a decent base to start. Something like a 20 easy - 16 - 20 (5-8 at tempo) - 16 etc...

    And chuck in tempo runs of 6-10 miles midweek at near HM pace.

    All about time on feet so you build up the stamina, with the tempo sessions to help maintain speed. parkrun's also good for outright speedwork or have one interval session of km/mile reps during the week.

    That's my tuppence-worth, anyway!
  9. This should get its own sub forum I reckon .
    Which team is everyone in?
    I went with the red team :-)

    I went red, too. Most of the gyms around me are red, barely anyone seems to be yellow.

    Got a couple of Dratinis along the canal today, and I'm nearly halfway to a Gyrados now. Magikarps from 2k eggs are a blessing! Got a Sandshrew from a 5K one yesterday too, was delighted.

    My workmates have started playing and alerted me to a Graveller in the office this morning. Much happiness.
  10. I signed up for the Scottish 10k at Musselburgh in September. Looking forward to it as I really enjoyed my first competitive run in over 20 years at the Edinburgh MF.

    Nice one. I've not ran that one but the Half they do has a great course, and it's been cracking weather both years too.

    I'd also suggest trying smaller events, usually organised by running clubs. I can't really say what it is, but they just seem to have a better feel to them than the bigger ones, and a bonus is that you often get a good spread of cakes at these smaller ones.

    Hope it goes OK at Musselburgh, Morrison. I had a place as well but still not right yet, so I won't be seeing you there. Should be slightly easier conditions than last year!

    Can vouch for the cake! I'dve recommended the same sites, too.

    Was a bit blowy again today but a bit better than last year; really happy with a 40:13 to keep trending the right way. Coming through the racecourse was the killer again, having got to 5k in around 19:30. Ice cream as tasty as ever, and the flake was in the goody bag again!

    I guess that's good news, Socks. Hats off to you for your patience.
  11. I got back out last night after 10 days' rest for a dodgy knee. Felt fine, so on to the Musselburgh 10k tomorrow. This'll by my fourth year in a row, and hopefully will continue the trend of going quicker each time!

    Lots of club & local races over the next few weeks, should be good fun.

  12. A wee tip on evolving - don't bother until you get a 'lucky egg' when you hit Level 9, and then do it in bulk. You get XP when you evolve the buggers, and it doubles when using the egg (as it does for Pokestops, gym battles/training). You'll fly up a level or two in no time if you've stockpiled Pidgeys, Weedles, Caterpies and the like.

    It's probably not worth powering up the pokemon you catch just now, better saving your stardust for the more powerful ones you'll catch as you level up.

    This thing's bloody addictive.

  13. Cracking stuff, Scorge; well done on the PB. Shame you didn't enjoy Tough Mudder - I've done it once and thought it was good fun, but wouldn't bother with it again.

    Congrats on the milestone, tigerton. And a handy run in tough conditions.

    Bishy, you're flying just now. Found your groove after a tricky spell a few months back!

    Last few days here involved a 6-mile club handicap race; I was 1:10 off my predicted time, which I'll blame on the marathon still being in my legs - found it really hard going but it was a good night. Followed it up with a 5ish mile run to & from parkrun, recording a reasonable 20:56 at Portobello. Nowhere near my quickest run there, but it served its purpose.

    Can feel my knee, though. Think I started training too much too soon after Tromso, so it'll be a week off to give me some added recovery before 5 consecutive weekends of racing the shorter stuff. Planning!

  14. Nice one, Bishy. The title and the glory is on!

    Great going Gaz, that's a good chunk out of a 10k time.

    I ran the Midnight Sun Marathon in Tromsø last night. As much of a novelty as the 830pm start was, you soon forget all about it. It's been overcast the whole time & rocking up to the start, it felt like a regular early morning start.

    In a small field, me and a couple of mates started on the 'second row', closer to the front than we'll ever get! Ran along with one of them for 30k before I started to fade; a 3h 12 time drifting out to a 3h 18 by the end for what was my second fastest time. Happy with that.

    My legs hate me today. Marathons are hard.

  15. The Big Crunch was vividly displayed in an episode of Red Dwarf in which not only does space contract but time reverses, involving a lot of scenes where people spew up in pint glasses, hand it over to the barman who pays them and the pumps such it back up. Stephen Hawkings came up with the theory but has since disowned it as the accelerating expansion of the Universe apparently rules it out.


    It does indeed.  This guy explains it really well, even if that maths stuff goes a little over my head:


  16. Congrats on the course record, Bishy, you must be cheesing!  Have heard good things about the Tollcross crew, though this is admittedly from a guy who ran one of the Copenhagen parkruns in his 'TX' t-shirt a fortnight ago so he might be a little biased.  A great day for that lot!


    Not such a remarkable weekend for me - a windy Edinburgh parkrun completed this morning and a half marathon distance run where I felt intermittently okay or awful.  Just a fortnight now until the Midnight Sun Marathon and the daft number of flights I need to get to Tromso!


    Good effort at Camperdown, FDM.  I've done it once and that hill is ruddy awful.  Not been to St Andrew yet, but hoping to this summer at some stage.

  17. Got round the marathon course in 3:39:51.

    I was unsure of my target time going into the race but thought I could have got round in under 3 and a half and was well inside that pace at the turn around 18 miles when I started to slow. By mile 21 I was really struggling and had to do the death shuffle for the final 5 miles as it really started to heat up.

    I probably went out too fast, but that's a lesson learnt. At least I have the benchmark now for the next one and I'm happy enough with the time.

    Looks like you had a pretty similar experience to my first, but you kept the wheels on for a few miles more than me!

    That's a solid effort. How are the legs?

  18. I think you'd get pretty close in 6 - 12 months if you were dedicated to it, Cardinal, based on what you've just said. Hard one to judge, though. What you wouldn't want is for the goal to stop you actually enjoy your running; motivation and obsession are slightly different!

  19. Going to do a ten miler tonight or tomorrow and that'll be me for the Edinburgh half.  I haven't been able to train as much as I'd have liked so I'm just going to enjoy it and not worry about times.


    I'd normally enter "Preacher Mode" and warn you off doing a run that length before Sunday, but if you're genuinely not concerned about time, please yourself!


    I have done that one as well! Sadly, on a slight alt route that day, but very nice in the shadow of the stadium. No food on offer that day either :(


    Ah, that's terrible!  There might've been a special occasion, but it was announced in Danish so I understood nothing! Perfectly flat, and I think the laps and the fact there's a bit of shelter would make it a quicker course than anything we've got in Scotland.



    I found out this week that I'm probably going to need a hernia op - kind of exlains why the injury just hasn't healed its self by now. Pretty devastating to hear that when I'd convinced myself again that I wasn't too far away, but good to get to the root of it I suppose.


    That sucks.  When will you know for certain?  And are you on the shelf until then, or plugging on regardless?

  20. Nice one, Bishy. These last few days haven't been too shabby for you!

    I'm over in Copenhagen this weekend; a bit of international parkrun tourism at Fælledparken, right next to FC Copenhagen's ground where I cruised round, and they had fresh rolls / cheese / jam for afters. Brilliant!

    Ran the marathon today, my tenth in all. Just like Brighton last month, it was hot. This time, a bit too hot. Treated it as an LSR but even still, started to suffer at 30k. Didn't drop too much pace, but was still a slight positive split at just under 3:36, my 6th fastest time. The marathon's a cruel distance!

    No one in our circle faired particularly well today, it just wasn't going to happen.

  21. Managed my first 10k on Tuesday, it wasn't fast or pretty but I've registered for a 10k in September so at least I've demonstrated I can do it, just a case of keeping going with the training now!


    Nice one, Redhead.  Good work!


    I'm just back from my first 10K in ages. 55:26, a far cry from my olden-days PB of 44 minutes.

    Would have been about 52 minutes if I hadn't shat myself on the way, though.


    Oh dear.  Hope you weren't wearing white shorts.


    In other news, someone shared this on one of my running club's facebook pages.  It makes me sad: 



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