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Posts posted by morrison

  1. I suspect that's splitting hairs, Cardinal, but if you ask, I'd be interested to hear the answer!

    Socks, sounds like a sensible revision on your goals for the year.

    Treadmills - ugh! Hate the things. 'Train fast, run fast' is fine to a point, too. A couple of speed sessions a week is reasonable if half or marathon training going by most plans I've seen. Any more and you're risking burning yourself out before raceday, unless your mileage is particularly low.

  2. I'd agree with that, Arthur. Joining a club and having structured sessions there to build on speed/stamina, and folk pushing you are huge. The track & hill sessions with my club have been great, and really satisfying if tough as!

    To realise your 'potential' at the marathon is a massive time commitment, though, as you'll know, and a big ask for many. On the shorter distances there's a little more scope as, funnily enough, it's less time-intensive. That's not to say it's any easier!

  3. A few years back I went to see FC Vaduz vs FC Thun. They also met in this season's Europa League. Have two teams ever played against each other both domestically and internationally before?

    You mean like Atletico & Barcelona, or Valencia & Bilbao, or Bilbao & Sevilla, or Man Utd & Liverpool?...

    Once or twice! I know what you mean though, the circumstances with Vaduz are unusual.

  4. I know quite a few races have bans in place for headphones, Stu.  If it's open roads, the organisers are likely to be pretty strict about it - you could chance it when you're away from the start/finish line (where you're almost certain to get shouted at/disqualified) but not sure it's worth the hassle.


    As for the pins, I'd take your own although there's every chance there'll be some at the start.  Do you collect your number and chip on the day? If you do, there'll definitely be some there.  Are the SIEntries chips the ones you tie onto your shoes?  There'll be cable ties there and you just need to feed them through your laces.


    Nice work this weekend Cardinal, Bishy & Arthur.  


    Hope the back behaves itself, Rowan.  You'll be back out in no time (pun not intended, but I'm leaving it in...)!


    After just about getting over a cold, I've been out Thu - Sat - Sun for short, slowish runs.  Was happy enough with a 21:10 at parkrun which finished with a final kilometre around 19-min pace.  Will get out again tomorrow for something brief and hopefully back to the track with the club on Tuesday for the first time in over a month.


    On a lighter note, I seen a few pictures and videos from the Zurich marathon yesterday. Hail, rain and snow from start to finish. Looked utterly horrendous for the competitors and it made me glad I had to give up for 18 months because I would probably have had a go at it otherwise.


    I've spent the last little while considering the neujahrsmarathon there, but if that's the weather in Spring, I dread to think what a Swiss winter would bring!


    Doing the Hackney Half on 8th May. It's my first organised race of any sort since I was a teenager but have done a good amount of training (I think...) so feeling excited more than anything, and have found myself getting more and more keen to get a decent time. Any tips for (last minute!) speed training?


    You might not thank me for saying it, but at this point any extra sessions aren't going to make any difference.  You'd be better to start winding down the volume so you've recovered nicely for the big day.  What's your training looked like up to now?  How many times a week can you manage, what types of things have you been trying... I'm sure we can think of something between us for your next one.  And good luck!  :thumsup2


    A lot of the times on this thread are for tumbling.  Reina, you've definitely got a sub 2 HM in you.  What are you targeting this year? 


    My current PBs are:

    5k - 18:35

    10k - 38:35

    HM - 1:27:24

    M - 3:09:21


    Realistically, my 5k time probably won't improve this year.  I run 5k's at parkrun only these days, and I've yet to break 19m there.  Hoping to shave a bit off the other three in July, August & October respectively

  6. Well toughed out, DHD. There'd be more there if you want it, but sounds like your priorities are quite different just now.

    Think the ballot for London opens next Monday - Friday if folk have their minds set on that one. I'll be in again, hopefully 3rd time lucky.

  7. Blackrock's just shy of 5 miles if I remember rightly from last year. No idea what they're getting at!

    A course PB at Inverness parkrun today, 19:28 I think. Pretty pleased to go sub 20, felt pretty good today. Caught in the brief hailstone appearance on the way back into town, though!

  8. Great going there Morrison, that's some improvement. How did you find the training this time? Did you go harder at it, or just a case of being more used to the distance after a few previous shots at it?


    On the cross training stuff, I hardly did any last year, other than some core exercises that I tried a few times and got really bored with. Having got into swimming in the last 6 weeks though, I'll try to keep that going once I finally get back to running, but maybe not every day as I do just now. It works quite well going before work - for some reason I can swim no problem at 7.30, but any tme 've tried running at that time I just can't function.


    Cheers, Socks.  Joining the club is what I put a lot of the improvement down to, with the structured runs and competition all around.  In April 2015 I PB'd Paris in 3:24:xx, then club sessions started in June.  PB'd Berlin in the September 3:20:5x having missed most of the run-in with injury, and finished very strongly that day.  That's when it clicked I could be quite a bit quicker.


    Although we weren't on the track over the winter, the cross country season toughened me up and I've been lucky that any niggles have been exactly that - niggles.  Mileage has gone up as I've got out more regularly, but for me it was the more clearly defined runs that mad the difference, rather than just churning everything out at a similar pace as I had done.  

  9. Cheers guys, was nice to know the 5k's feeling tougher was going somewhere positive!


    I'm in Inverness this weekend, can I just show up at the parkrun with my barcode from Edinburgh and get a time?


    I promise I'm not following you (honest), but I'll be there too.  It it's raining or wet, I hope you're not too precious about your shoes; it's all on grass so prepare for mud!


    It's weird for me just now-as previously stated I'm only just getting back into it after recovering from a serious injury. About a month ago I was swithering about signing up for Parkrun because I didn't know if I'd manage a 5k. Then, suddenly, I've done a 6 miler, a 5.5 miler and a 4.5 miler in the space of 10 days. It's like I've got a new set of legs.

    Any tips on taking it up a level? I'm averaging 9:30 miles, would like to get up to easily managing a half marathon later this year.


    Reina made a recent post with good suggestions - once you've got your fitness where you want it, give interval sessions a go.  Doesn't have to be too structured, can be running hard between lampposts and really easy for a bit, or going a set distance fairly fast before pegging it back.  Most of us on here are parkrunners, and they're handy as a guide to where you are or as a session in itself.  


    Traditionally Sunday'd be 'LSR' (long slow run) day, which is self descriptive...should be a relatively comfortable one building up to around 10-11 miles if a half marathon is on your horizon.

  10. I'm pretty awful at cross training. Do some core work, but not as regularly as I should; and I use the bike, but mainly as a commute to parkruns (6miles either way).

    Sounds like parkrun was mainly a success - another stonking week, true_rover, and hats off to you Chris. Bishy; just one of those days?

    Brighton marathon today: nailed it. 3:09:21, an 11 minute PB. Set off an 3:05 pace but backed off at 25k when I knew it was gone. I'm sunburnt to France. First half is lumpy rather than hilly, second half is basically flat. Decentt course with a few irritating out-and-backs.

    Still totally cheesing and boozing up at Gatwick now.

  11. Brighton 5 Fulham 0.

    The stadium looks quite unwhelming from the outside, but it's not a bad place at all. I was 2nd row from the back in the West Stand, in 'the heavens' as it were. Cracking view. Pain in the arse to get there, mind; queueing at Brighton station for an hour for the 8min journey to Falmer. Wasn't so bad coming back.

    The game itself was dull until the penalty - clearcut enough - on 28 mins, the home side offering nothing to that point. Fulham fell apart after the 3rd, and it could've been anything from then on.

  12. Aye, this is an irritant rather than anything else! Certainly compared to....


    I really enjoyed Vienna - a beautiful city. Well worth a go.

    There was quite a long out-and-back section, which I hate! But otherwise a lovely route.

    The crowd seemed a bit more reserved than Paris - polite applause is nice, but after 30+k you need something more!

    Next Spring? I'm not sure yet.. perhaps Barcelona.. or Milan.

    I don't like out-and-backs either, it's what drives me mad about Edinburgh.

    Barcelona would be great, if hot. I've heard folk say good things of Krakow - scenic and flat, apparently.

  13. Jambomo - the Couch to 5k app/routine's probably a decent place to start. Think it works off 3 runs a week, and eases you in with a run-walk strategy. If it feels difficult, you could repeat weeks until it feels easier. If it feels easy...come back and let us know!

    Oh wait, didn't read your post properly; I'd be taking it quite easy and maybe 15-30mins, so however far that gets you. Don't get too annoyed if it feels like a struggle, it'll come with time.

    I loved Paris last year, AM. I'd back you up with that. What did you make of Vienna? And where do you have in mind for next Spring?

    I'd be in the 'hope for the best' camp with the blister, Jamie. It could be worse after all, as you know too well!

  14. It's Saturday, so it must be time for a parkrun update: Portobello for me today, and a solid enough 19:35. Felt good, and it'll be the last time the legs are seriously tested until next Sunday in Brighton. Just a few easy runs to keep things ticking over.

  15. I'd even be wary of using ibuprofen, Stu; less so if you're giving yourself proper time to heal, though. Have read some interesting articles (pinch of salt if you please) about the issues of using it to mask pain while continuing to run. Will try to find them when I'm not on my phone.

    Nice one, richDFC. If you build on that 9-miler you'll be in decent shape for Edinburgh.

  16. Great parkrun for me this morning, 18:53 at Portobello for a best at the course and a best time this year.

    That's a belter; bodes well.

    Road relay went well enough yesterday. Ended up running a long leg, which I hadn't been keen on, but dragged my arse round in 37:09 for 9.3k on a hilly course. I was on the last leg and it was a pretty lonely run for a race. Quite happy with it, couldn't have done any more.

    That's some time you're having of it, Socks. Here's hoping it clears up soon.

  17. I had a shoe lace issue at parkrun today too, ark.  Didn't matter so much for my time, my body increasingly seems to grudge getting up on a Saturday morning.  I'm running a leg in the national road relays for my club tomorrow, so that's my excuse for putting in a bit of a rubbish time by my usual standards.  Hoping to make it out later in the evening tomorrow too, with giving an iffy knee a bit of a rest midweek.


    Sounds like a good morning for our parkrunners otherwise!


    Thanks for setting up the group, Kenzie.  That's me signed up too; I like having a nose at what others are up to.  I'm another one linking it via Garmin (the 110 for me, though I'm dying for an excuse to upgrade).

  18. Good to see you back, Kenzie. Not so good to read about the circumstances, though. You ran a very solid Loch Ness time the year I struggled around if I remember rightly.

    Allan, this may sound daft, but are you doing all your runs like you're racing? Cracking improvement there, but I'd suggest - depending on how often you can make it out - having every second run as an intentionally slower one. It sounds a bit backwards, but it'll help build up stamina and prevent injury.

    Stu - sounds familiar. If you've any interest, get yourself swimming or cycling to retain as much fitness as possible but back off the running for a bit. Frustrating as it is.

  19. My quite enjoyable 5 mile run home earlier was somewhat ruined by it coming on hailstones for the last mile - now that hurts!

    That came and went just before I had to leave for my club training session tonight. Dodged one there! Speaking of which, it was a good 5x4min track session, each time making it a little further (all around 1100m). Nice to see I have some speed left now true_rover's showing me up on a Saturday morning!

    Stu - rest is really the only thing for it. Where's the pain? If it's the outside, it might be an IT band issue and stretches/foam roller will help. I genuinely wouldn't bother with the doc - I have in the past - as 'rest' is all you'll get from them.

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