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Posts posted by morrison

  1. Been sidelined for the last two weeks but got back in the swing with a plod at Hazlehead this morning.

    (Morrison - how d'you find it last week? I chickened out, fairweather bassa that I am [emoji6] ),

    It was bloody dreadful!

    Love the course, which is deceptively tough, but the start and finish areas were rivers. Which meant soaking feet, and I didn't bring a change of shoes so I've ended up with a lovely cold. Eejit.
  2. Anyone heard if they've got a place in the London Marathon ballot?

    Not yet.

    Seemingly if you click the unsubscribe link on any London email and see 'VLM 2017 e zine' on the list, you're getting an email rejection this week. That only accounts for half of the rejections though, so don't get too excited if it isn't there.

    It was for me, so looks like I'm out.
  3. This advice definitely helped - thank you! Got myself round yesterday in 1.38. I had agreed to start in the last wave with my mate (who I swiftly left behind) so was pretty chuffed with the time given that the first few miles involved lots of ducking and diving around people! Was a great day - fun course and beautiful weather. 5 hour train journey back to London afterwards left me with pretty stiff legs today though! 

    Brilliant stuff, glad it all went well.

    Yeah, it tends to be tricky to walk normally on the days after a solid effort over that sort of distance... but the pain is worth it!

  4. Good effort, morrison. How did you find Chester then? Looks like you had cracking weather for it.

    Cheers! Aye, the weather was perfect - a calm day that gradually warmed up.

    You weren't wrong about the hills. Coming back in there were quite a few lumps to conquer. Thought the support was great once you got into Wales and through the villages on the other side.

    The whole event went as smoothly as you could ask, very impressed. Chester seems a nice place, though I was only there for a little over 24 hours!
  5. Part two of my ramblings about starting running for those interested: http://smtid.blogspot.co.uk/2016/10/run-forrest-run.html

    Keep 'em coming; I enjoyed reading it!

    Sounds like most of you had a successful day one way or the other, great to hear how everyone got on.

    I cursed myself with my watch comment yesterday - it prompty died last night! Ran today's marathon with only the time on my mobile to judge..was very unsettling, but I ran well for a new PB of 3:04:58, squeezing a London GFA time out in a sprint finish.

    Tired and sore now. Just watching back the GSR just now.
  6. I had a stretch of the legs at Carlisle parkrun this morning on my way down to Chester for tomorrow's marathon. Finished 42nd, which I'm taking as a metric sign that things will go well!

    Fanny p, what does the 630 do? I've been wanting a change for ages but can't justify it just now.

    Good luck to all running the various GSR races, look forward to reading the reports!

  7. I obviously can't find anything credible to back this statement now I want it, but most reading I've done on it suggests carb loading isn't overly useful. Habit still has me doing it too, mind!

    I'd go for a regular sized bowl of pasta or a pizza in the early evening, with some porridge and a banana for breakfast 2-3 hours before the start. Usually does the trick for me.

    I wouldn't experiment with anything you're not used to at this stage! Good luck for Sunday.

  8. Going to have to come west to check this out at some stage. It seems Drumchapel has quickly become notorious!

    Considering signing up for the Jimmy Irvine 10k in mid-November. Has anyone here done it before? How is it?

    Well done on the PB, stellaboz. Smashed it!

  9. Anyone else in Mussleburgh this Sunday for the half got any tips or hints for the run?

    I'll be there, taking it pretty easy though.

    How's your training been? It's really flat from memory, so main thing if you've a time in mind is stick to your pace early doors and feel free to push it a bit in the last 2/3 miles if the legs allow!

    I'll be getting the normal Lothian buses in and out - the shuttle buses are a waste of money.
  10. Me and my gf are running the edinburgh roadblock 7k well i am runnin it with her at her pace but should be fun day out .nice easy pace tho but all for charity so why not ..

    How did you get on? Had no idea this was happening until I ran through the park and saw a few bits and pieces!

    Pretty good weekend for me, starting with an 18:54 & 3rd place at Portobello parkrun. Got that sub-19 at last and a first 'podium' to go with it! A fairly weak field helped.

    19.5 miles done on Sunday, and now slowly easing off before Chester in 3 weeks. Feeling better than expected after missing a lot of running in July, so might well end up having a real go at it now.
  11. Not sure yet - I'm hoping I might OK by mid-October, but will give it a month after feeling fine before I head back out this time. I've got my deferred place for London next April, but it might be pushing it a bit to go from no running for 9-10 months to doing a marathon 5 months after starting again. Might look at the Stirling one if London is a bit soon, but would more likely just hold off til something next Autumn.

    Fingers crossed. You'll know yourself you could probably do enough to get round if you're back before the end of the year, but whether you're happy to maybe just get round and enjoy the day if you're not back up to speed by then is another thing.

    I had a cracking weekend away with our club. Started with a short trail race in Livingston before heading north for a run in Birnam & up to Pitlochry for the night. Despite the drinks, we all made it out for a 8-9 mile run at Glen Tilt.

    Safe to say I wouldn't have done that without joining the club - it's these kind of things that make it all worthwhile. The places were stunning!
  12. I did that one a couple of months back. Cracking run. The whole thing's a bit surreal - I went up to Svalbard for a couple of days afterward.

    If you want something this year, Valencia & Florence are both in November. Florence is great, and Valencia's a quick course (weather dependent!).

  13. On 28/08/2016 at 20:03, Socks said:

    Got an email from Scottish Athletics earlier saying that the new Stirling marathon is open for entries - anyone planning on having a go at it? It seems a bit strange that they've gone for the week before EMF therefore going into direct competition with it, and I'm a bit disappointed they've gone for a similarly high price of £55. Taking the piss with the entry price seems to be a theme of all teh Great Run events. It does look quite a nice route though, certainly more attractive than the absolute joke of a route that is the Edinburgh marathon.

    Yeah, I'm signed up for this.  Think I did it on the first day entries were available a couple of months back!  It's great to have something to hopefully make EMF up their game (e.g. change their route).  It's likely a one-off for me as Great Run have had enough cash from me through the Great Edinburgh, Scottish and North Run events respectively... Are you going to be back on the roads in time to give this one a bash?

    On 26/08/2016 at 19:31, theminsk said:

    Thinking of going to do the Barcelona marathon on march 12th with my friend depending if i can get it off work if a can still register.

    Have any use ran marathons abroad before i have done a half marathon in helsinki last year

    Keep trucking away out there, it'll pay off!  Barcelona's meant to be a great run; I know a few folk who've done it, and the city's class.  Weather could go either way, though.

    I did the Helsinki Half the year before - it was a weird one where I didn't really feel like I was ever really running in a city!  How did you find it?  I've marathoned in a few foreign places - all the ones I've been to in Western/Northern Europe have been well enough organised and I've never had any bother.  I use it as justification for boarding planes these days.

    Cardinal - congrats on Iceland, sounds great too.  Amsterdam's another I've heard good things about - pancake flat and a stadium finish.  If you're not careful this could be the start of something...

  14. Happy & frustrated with this morning's parkrun. Went to Strathclyde for the first time (County playing Hamilton shortly), and it's as flat as Cramond and a nice day for it. Went for it from the start, crossed the line with my watch at 18:59:95...official result 19:01. Drat! A parkrun PB, but the sub 19 will have to wait.

    Good luck to Stu in Dumfries, and true_rover with that 20 miler!

  15. I've also been thinking about entering the New Years Day triathlon in Ediburgh  It's eight lengths of the Commonwealth Pool, followed by three laps of Arthurs Seat on the bike (15km) and then one running (5km).

    I regularly run twice round Arthurs Seat for a training run and although I've not been swimming or cycling that much recently I think it seems doable.  Anyone done it and got feedback?

    This will be fairly unhelpful, but I signed up for it last year only to be struck down with the flu when it came round, so didn't do it. I think it's doable. It's the swim that panicked me, but 800m isn't that far and I seem to remember you were swimming twice that last year.

    Pacing the cycle will be worth a practice - a few of us went round Arthurs Seat the required 3 times twice without killing ourselves, but that was in isolation...

    I know a couple of guys who have done it and loved it.
  16. Cheers, ArabGaz. Good info.

    I ran my quickest parkrun since February on Saturday, 19:25 or thereabouts. Felt like there was a bit more there, too. I'm on track for August to be my heaviest mileage to date; should end up around 230+km if I keep ticking along - at 180km just now.

    Saw the medal on Facebook for the Stirling Marathon next May. It's a good deal better than the normal Great Run slabs of metal!

  17. On 14/08/2016 at 23:13, ArabGaz said:

    I ran the Chester Marathon last year and i'm fairly certain you'll have a blast regardless of your time. The atmosphere on the day is fantastic.


    Good to hear!  How did you find the course?  The profile looks mildly undulating to fairly flat (from memory).

    On 16/08/2016 at 12:10, serbo99 said:

    My next big one is Glasgow on 2nd October. Do I try and up the game to my 1st half marathon or stick to 10k? I've looked at joining some training plans late on and they don't seem to crazy compared to what I'm doing. If I go for the half marathon and some sort of training plan then it will be the first time I've tried the interval running. Any tips for it? Just seems like a strange concept in my head. Sure it'll be ok after a couple of go's.

    I think I've convinced myself about the Glasgow half just typing this out..... Now for a target time!

    I was going to try and talk you into the half, but I see you've already done that!  Nice one.  Personally I'd be - after this weekend, and good luck in Paisley - looking at four weekends of slow longer runs from 8-11 miles so you're building up the distance and stamina, then cut it right back (5-6 miles) the last weekend in September.  Still keep the quicker stuff in there, be it parkruns or whatever else during the week.  Oh, and be kind to yourself with your target - it's your first, so a guaranteed PB either way ;)

    5 hours ago, Stu said:

    Speaking of incentives, does anyone use Running Heroes? Keeps popping up on my Facebook but am a bit wary of it. Was wondering what, if any, experience folk had had of it: https://uk.runningheroes.com/

    The guys that run it were on the MarathonTalk podcast a few months ago.  They sounded fairly decent and it seems genuine enough, but I have to confess I never got round to signing up.  Might well take a proper look later on.

  18. Oops, I went on a bit. Sorry.

    Haddington half marathon for me earlier in 1:31:00, exactly 3 minutes slower than I was five months ago!

    Reflects where I've been since June, so not too disappointed. Any chances of a marathon PB at Chester are down the toilet though, which is a bit of a bugger. Oh well.

    On the upside, there was more cake. I also saw a bunch of bus enthusiasts discussing all things Lothian/First Buses while frantically snapping away as they oggled their objects of desire. Was...different.

  19. Interval training is the best way to get quicker.

    Got to agree with this. Find yourself somewhere you can get in repetitions of 400m to 1-2miles, maybe with around 8-12 reps at shorter distances to 2-3 at the other extreme; and mind to give yourself recovery time in between! The pace should be hard but not flat out - ideally you'd be able to finish on your fastest rep.

    Aside from that, when you're running 8-12 miles in training, keep the pace slower than your target pace, and try upping it to target for 2-3 miles during the later part. Gives a taste for what it might feel like on heavier legs.

    The parkruns'll stand you in good stead, so keep that up. Your goal sounds achievable based on your 5k time; gradually increase the mileage over the next few weeks, easing off in the last fortnight before the race to let the legs recover, and tell us all about how you smashed it after!
  20. Liked, commented on and shared by people I thought weren't complete muppets. I was wrong. 


    Oh dear.

    Those boxes, incidentally, have a bunch of disgusting cereal bars, some salt, sweets of the tasty variety and crisps in them. I got several when I was over in January for their marathon weekend.

  21. Springburn's the only one of the four I've not done yet - hoping to get there next month. Tollcross is my favourite of the three others; a good test.

    I've had a couple of minor injuries in July that've knocked any momentum I had. Between them & the successive marathons I've felt sluggish over the shorter distances. My 20:22 parkrun was my quickest since May, and over a minute down on my PB from last year. Nearly two from my outright best 5k. Meh.

    Slight return to form last night at Knockhill. Three laps of the track - 6k in all - in under 24 mins is decent going for me. I regret the decision to cycle there from Dunfermline though, it's uphill just about the whole way! The race was great, and a whole load of home baking after. A toy car for a medal was a nice touch too! It's put of by Carnegie Harriers and can heartily recommend it.

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