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Posts posted by morrison

  1. I had a comparatively poor run this morning at a puddle covered Pollok Park. Was aiming to go sub 17 for the first time there (my best is 18'02" a few years ago) but a mixture of heavy legs and the crap weather led to a disappointing 18'21".

    I know that sounds good, but I was only 16 seconds quicker than at Tollcross a fortnight ago (which as Morrison will attest is a far tougher course) and was coming off a super run last week of 9'58" at the Recovery 3k at Hogganfield Loch.



    Yep. I've only ran each of them once, but Tollcross is a lot lumpier (a lot more lumpy?) than Pollok!  And smaller, which is also nice.


    The times you're posting are great compared to the rest of us on here, but it's also a relative thing.  At least you've got something tangible you can point to as contributing factors.


    Decided to have a thrash at Parkrun yesterday to see if the new regime of spin/boot/kettle classes has been helping: went round Hazlehead and smacked in a 1 minute PB at 25.30. Manged 5.5 easy-ish miles down the beach this morning with no trouble.


    Bouncing back! Might try and shoot for sub-25 at the beach this Sat.


    Hope everyone is in decent nick, got a hunch this summer might be a good one.


    Cracking stuff.  I've heard Hazlehead is a tough course, too?


    Stu - might well look up your podcast recommendation; that's what I do on my longer runs to pass the time.  Tends to be MarathonTalk, Football Weekly, and picked up on Dan Carlin's Hardcore Histories (3-4 hours each) after someone mentioned it on the Podcasts thread a while back.  Having your nearest parkrun in Carlisle's a bit of a pest, though.


    Twenty rain-laden miles for me today, I don't think there was a time of the day I could've escaped it.  First 10 were relatively easy pace over the hilly part of my route, the final 10 (ended up being 9 due to the driving wind/rain) at my attempted marathon pace.  Thankfully I've dried off with no obvious signs of a cold, and my legs feel okay too.  Things are looking positive.

  2. Just finished my first Parkrun, clocked it at 27:30 which I'm delighted with as was aiming for 30 minutes. Fr a bit of a stitch at the end, probably due to having a three course meal and a few pints last night, #athlete

    Nice one. I hope you slowed down at the end...don't want to give yourself a target that's too hard to beat! A friend of mine's yet to beat her first parkrun time.

    I was there is morning too. Each km slightly faster than the previous, but quite a way down on my best. Tired legs, and not recovered right from a boozey Thursday. Hey ho.

  3. It'd be good (or at least I'd find it so) to get in an early run with Bishy's lot or at a parkrun as an early benchmark, Allan.  As you work at it over the weeks you'll get stronger, and one of the most satisfying things about running is seeing the times tumble as a result.


    Reina's got a point too, though.  Find nice places to run.  That just makes the whole thing more enjoyable!


    I liked the chat about marathon times.  I'd agree with Socks that there seems a fairly strong correlation between 5k - half marathon times with the calculators, but after that I think the training makes a big difference.  I don't think the calculators necessarily throw out inaccurate marathon predictions, but give a strong indicator of what's possible with a near 'perfect' training cycle.  And we don't often get those!


    I've said at least once on here before that I like to go into longer races with Gold/Silver/Bronze targets in mind before you start (stolen shamelessly from a wiser friend before my first marathon).  It'd be rubbish to get so hung up on a certain goal that you become dispirited early on if it's not going to plan. Having said that, I've still failed to medal on occasion  :bairn

  4. Sounds like a tough day for a lot of folk; the injury list lengthens.


    That's interesting, Co. Down.  I've got a mate who wears the watch, but just runs to feel the whole time and was smashing out PB's all over the place last year.  I couldn't do that though - the watch is a good kick up the arse if the numbers aren't low enough, and occasionally a stern warning I've gone off like a prat.  Today was a fine example of the watch egging me on at points where I was dying, probably would've been a good few minutes slower if I didn't know I was on for a handy time.

  5. That'll set you in good stead so quick off the back of Inverness, good luck.

    I did the Run Garioch half in Inverurie this morning. It's a hilly bugger, and the wind was tough in the middle of the race. Despite that, and going out too fast - 3:49, 3:44 for 1-2km - I got in at 1:28:01. Delighted after a minor knock hampered training for a few weeks, and haven't felt anything since. Very encouraging leading into Brighton now.

    How did the Alloa folk get on today (which wasn't last week like I posted before, d'oh)?

  6. 20 miles knocked out today. Didn't realise how warm it was going to be - positively 'Springy' - and had to take the base layer off after 6. My legs weren't really in the mood from the start and whinged the whole way round, but it's done now!

    Good luck to Scorge with the D33 today, and to those running Alloa tomorrow.

  7. Made it in for SS6, thanks to frantic refreshing at 9.30! Now to work out how to recover from a marathon in 7 days to get round this... Did you go for it in the end, Bishy? Sounds like you haven't lost it a bit.

    You'll know this yourself, Ross, but some patience and keep getting out there & it'll come back to you in time.

  8. I like the sound of that, Socks. Comes at the right time too, so I'll do my best to get along. Entries also open tomorrow night for Southside Six, for those not put off by Bishy's report of last year's race!

    An easy 13k today for me on tired legs finishes my biggest month for distance at 208km. It's a great day for it in Edinburgh.

    Great running, true_rover. A podium place!

  9. Scorge, there's a bus planning up from Edinburgh that's headed for the inaugral parkrun there next weekend - leaves at 5am! Sack that.

    I had insoles fitted a couple of years ago. Was initially really impressed but I think, oddly, it lead to back problems and I've got rid of them again. Hope you've better luck. When's D33 again?

    Good work, DHD.

    Was at the cross country nationals in Falkirk today. A tough 12k of short, sharp hills, which I was chuffed to get round in just under 53 minutes. Paced it really well. I'm bloody knackered now though.

  10. Edinburgh half was my first as well. It was a roaster of a day, pretty memorable. Course could be a quick one, just be prepared to watch the speed merchants cruise past on the opposite side of the road while you're still ambling towards the turn!

    As said, baggage lorries are obvious so you're fine there. Put some exact change in your bag and jump on a 26 next to the fields (Pinkie Rd?) & you'll be back in town in about 40m-1h. Wouldn't bother with the train - the station's miles away, for a start! Good luck, marty.

    Cracking effort at Strathaven, ark.

  11. Just noticed that 250 more places for Alloa half were made avalable yesterday, if anyone still wants to do it

    I booked up to do Run Garioch the same day during the week there, typical!

    Hope the injury issues clear up soon. I know what it's like, it feels like an eternity when you're sidelined like that.

    It was a tough parkrun at Cramond today. The wind was brutal coming back, and very happy to creep in at 19:59. Managed my first 50-mile week the week just past, and out for 15 miles tomorrow on the build up to Brighton in April. So far, so good.

  12. Have you read anything else by Easton Ellis?

    The few others I have were similar in style but just not very good. American Psycho though is a fucking phenomenal read. The character he created there is outstanding.

    I haven't, and you haven't sold the idea to me! I'll likely give another a go at some point, though. Anything you think highly enough of to recommend?

  13. Angelmaker by Nick Harroway - a bit rubbish. Started off promisingly but descended into farce. The dialogue became unbearable and put me right off.

    Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep - fast paced sci-fi, really engaging stuff and a neat ideas. Had been meaning to read it for years.

    Now reading American Psycho. Not far in, but I like the style so far.

  14. Yeah, the Livi course is the makeshift one. Gives me an excuse to go back when the path opens up, like a bit of tourism.

    I know where you're coming from with the cold, DHD. It almost feels like needs in your lungs, getting the freezing air into you. I haven't noticed it too much recently so maybe you get used to it...which would be just as well, in this country.

  15. That's just showing off, dropping that in there, FP!

    Hope it's a quick recovery, Socks. Sensible there.

    Aye, the snow's okay. Went through to Livinigston parkrun to try out the newest addition in Scotland...undulating and a good test, it's fair to say. Two laps round the park at the back of the stadium, on trail/track for a good chunk too. 20:41's hopefully a reflection on the course more than my form, finishing 6th.

    Got a bit lost on my way back to Livi North for a bit of added excitement. Total for the morning's around 13k/8 miles.

  16. That's pretty much the standard advice, ArabGaz/Stu - weekly mileage to increase by no more than 10% (rather than doing more every run!). Gives your body a chance to repair & adapt to what you're trying to make it do.

    That's a great effort so soon, Stu. Keep it up.

    18 miles at a surprisingly decent pace for me on Saturday was followed up with 30 mins at lunch today; 8 x 90s effort with 60s recovery. Wind behind me for half, and in my face the rest! Enjoyed it, though.

    Forgot to say, glad you're enjoying the club running, Reina. To think you were nervous about joining!

  17. Socks, I'd be bigging up that parkrun win...I commend your modesty! Was that at Dunfermline? The Forfar run's meant to be a tough one.

    I missed a couple of weeks before Christmas with illness, and that's sapped the pace. My 5k at Disney was 20:5x, and I was pushing! Intervals on the mud with the club tonight...wind in your face for the uphills, couldn't have asked for it any worse!

    Stu - agree with the others, just go for it!

    Strong running, true_rover.

  18. 10k done, and an unexpectedly 'undulating' one! Happy with my 41:5x under the circumstances. Took a flier on the mud near the start, as did a club mate I was talking to afterward, but nothing too dramatic otherwise. Need to get back to the intervals now.

    I see Alloa's filled up now, too. Fell asleep at the wheel, and need to find myself a new half!

  19. Arthur's Seat's a bugger; need to start using that more though, hills are good for you in some sick sort of way.

    Edinburgh parkrun this morning. Really nice day for it, & my quickest 5k of 2016. That's not saying too much - if anyone's seen my lost speed kicking around, please let me know...

    Got the Nigel Barge 10k tomorrow, which I'm looking forward to. Would like around 41m, but might well be nearer 42-43 given where I am just now.

  20. That'll be a cracker, Cardinal. Plenty time on your side, too.

    Share the thoughts on GNR/GSR - great support but underwhelming medal and lack of technical shirt's annoying. That said, glad I've done them both.

    Just finished the Disney Dopey Challenge yesterday; four days of 5k/10k/HM/Marathon. Safe to say my legs are trashed! None of my times were quick, stopped for loads of character photos enroute and had a blast. Only downside was waking up at 3am and then traipsing through the parks during the day takes it out of you!

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