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Posts posted by morrison

  1. Morrison - not sure if you saw it but the Loch Katrine half looks like being put back to later in the year. If you want to do Alloa in March intead, you'd be better to enter soon as it's at about 2200 entries just now (out of 3000). Last year the last few hundred seemed to fill up pretty quickly once it got past new year.

    Cheers, I hadn't spotted that. Having a look at Alloa, but relying on public transport means I can't get through in time for the start (I could scrounge a lift for Loch Katrine!). Might end up doing Inverness again, we'll see.

    First run of the year under the belt at Portobello parkrun. Took it easy as I've still got the tail-end of a cough, but good to get out there.

    Sounds painful, Scorge, but great efforts there. Quicker on the second run, too! How's the Hazlehead course? I did the beach at the end of November - that could be a really quick route if the wind's blowing the right way.

  2. Have enjoyed reading about the summaries for this, and the goals for next year over the last week or so. Well done ArabGaz for squeezing out the 500th mile!

    I finished the year on 1,641km/1,019 miles. I haven't ran for nearly three weeks with illness, so looking to get back to parkrun tomorrow while taking it easy.

    Targets for next year are consolidation over shorter distances and nail the spring/autumn marathons. Sounds easy when put like that!

    Happy New Year, all.

  3. Sounds like you're winning, Co. Down. Nothing like a arbitrary target for keeping you motivated!

    Was heading to parkrun when my bike tyre exploded. That was fun. Had to give that a miss, but enjoyed a muddy XC at Livingston instead, and then 16 miles round the South of Edinburgh as day turned to dusk. Legs feeling a bit heavy, but glad I made it out.

  4. Nice one, Wee Bully. So far, so good.

    I'm with Socks, Reina; you'll be fine with the club. You'll know this from the jogscotland group anyway, but running with folk makes the whole thing seem less of a chore, and the club will get you pushing that little bit harder too. Big improvements will follow!

  5. Fair play to the Marcothon lot. Weather's been rank, sack that. Treadmill'd be even worse. I'd probably take every second day very easy as a recovery run to try to stay fresh, it'll only add 5 mins(ish) on to the run.

    Had a couple of rubbish weeks with a cold myself, but also got to 50 on the parkrun front and have kept ticking along. Got the Dopey Challenge at Disney in January & signed up for the Nigel Barge 10k in Glasgow on 24/Jan as start of serious work towards my Spring marathon. Fun times ahead.

  6. Nice one Socks, congrats! Sounds pretty horrible for it. More to come, as you say.

    Was at The Kelpies for the 5k on Saturday night. The course came up 260m short, which is really annoying when I posted 17:19 for the 4.74k I did! Would've been a PB by a fair bit, but happy with the effort. Finished 2nd too, which was nice!

  7. Was looking at Bellahouston the other week but decided against it. True story. Good luck this weekend with it, guys. And nice report, Bishy, and a cracking result. Will keep my eyes open for entry next year (date dependent).

    A week looking after a gang of someone else's kids, paul? Fair play! Much harder work than the odd run.

    Sorry FP, no idea or experience with injuries of that sort. Frustrating not to have a diagnosis, though. I take it you've tried rest for a couple of weeks and easing back into it with no benefit?

    Was training with the club last night, 10 miles total including some fartleks and hill repeats. Trying to keep the mileage up so I can start the year with a decent base. I'll be at the 5k at the Kelpies on Saturday night, which'll be a wee bit different.

  8. That's some strong running, Socks. Sounds like a right tough effort today, and cake is absolutely the best reward for it! I like your pretending the parkrun time wasn't the best thing about that run ;)

    Interested to hear your report, Bishy. I quite fancy giving it a bash after running the Seven Hills of Edinburgh earlier in the year. Maybe you'll be talking differently on reflection!

    I'm chuffed with my weekend, too. A pretty comfortable 19:46 parkrun at Cramond yesterday, and the Men's 10k today in stonkingly good conditions. I don't get it. The first 2.5k are almost relentlessly downhill so I attacked it to bag some time in hand, which I regretted with my slog from Holyrood Road through to the Grassmarket feeling pretty poor. Lost a lot of places here. Back on it as we went down Western Approach around 7-8k and finished strongly, out-kicking a clubmate on the artificial grass at Murrayfield to a 38:35.

    That's 2.5 minutes off my PB from July and five minutes quicker than my fastest coming into the year :lol:

  9. In case anyone missed it, Loch Ness have brought the marathon forward a week to 25 September to avoid the clash with GSR next year.

    I do all my runs without music and don't mind it at all. Saying that, a lot of my longer runs are out on country roads with no pavements so I have to listen out for traffic on blind corners. I found that when I used my ipod I couldn't really control my tempo and would run to the speed of the music so my pacing would be all over the shop.

    For monitoring my pace I use a Garmin 110 (with hrm) and i'll upload all my data to Strava.

    I'm pretty much the same as this, but without the HRM. I've taken to listening to podcasts on the longer runs, so unlike with music, I can still hear what's going on around me.

    What do those that use the HRMs on here get out of it? And do your adapt your training depending on what the data's telling you?

    As for pacing, I'd struggle without my Garmin. But that is a bit of an investment unless your plan is to keep up with the running beyond London, ginge. The alternative I guess would be to have well worn training routes, maybe with landmarks at various point that tell you your X miles/km into your run. I'd struggle with the mobile apps, I'd hate not to being able to see what was happening!

    Sounds like a good weekend for you, Bishy. Bang on form.

    I enjoyed my day yesterday, too. Bumped into true_rover at the startline of Edinburgh parkrun and decided we'd be content with nudging under 20:00, only to spur each other on to finish in 19:33. Good fun! Went on to Stirling in the afternoon for the East District XC League meeting - 8.8km on hilliness in just over 36 minutes, which I'm really happy with. Ticking over nicely.

  10. Nice one, Reina. PB's a PB, and good attitude. Here's to a speedy recovery.

    For anyone interested, Alloa half opened for entries a few days ago. I'm going to have a go at that instead of Inverness next March and also fancy doing the Forfar multi-terrain half in February, which seems to be a tough trail and cross-country route.

    Do you know when/if Alloa tends to sell out? Weary with Loch Katrine entries filling up so quick I might need a Plan B. That's a cracking time for Kirkcaldy, by the way.

    So, I should probably start visiting this thread a bit more since I've entered London Marathon for next year for a charity that my girlfriend has fundraised for previously. I have little to no experience with running so I've almost certainly made a terrible decision. I started my training this morning and it was pretty bad but it was more down to preparation than anything else.

    I'm purely doing it for the experience and for the charitable side of things. I'm under no illusions that I'm going to even make a decent time but it's just one of those things to cross off my bucket list.

    Hello, ginge. What did you do to kick off your training? What sort of level of fitness do you have as a starting point? Feel free to ask any number of questions, and between us we'll be sure to chuck in our tuppence-worth.

  11. Running goals for next year:

    Grangemouth Road the Houses 10K

    Alloa Half

    Loch Ness Marathon

    Great Scottish Run

    Looks like Loch Ness & GSR are on the same weekend next year. Very inconsiderate of them!

    My year should look something like:

    Loch Katrine Half

    Grangemouth 10k (if it's on 10/Apr)

    Brighton marathon

    Musselburgh 10k...

    Anything later'll need to wait until dates settle down, but there'll likely be an Autumn marathon somewhere.

    I loved the Inverness Half this year, ICTChris. I had no idea where I was most of the time but I don't know if that was a help or hindrance. Good luck in Aviemore, Reina - you're in great form, I'm sure you'll smash it!

  12. Well done Bishy, that is rapid!

    Congrats ark loyal, a solid time. Brilliant progress in a year, too.

    Are you feeling any more at home with the distance, SpoonTon? That time sounds quick for the Green pen (though I've no idea what the cut-offs actually were), seems you had a good one!

    I'm chuffed with my day, too. Got round in 1:27:24 to knock 2:29 off my PB from March; once Pollok Park was out of the way I was pretty confident I was on for a decent time. Did anyone hang around to meet Paula? I was going to go for it, but just missed the middle slot and had no patience!

  13. Brilliant stuff Reina, congrats!

    That's a strong effort on that course, Socks. You're comfortably sub 3h20 on a flatter course. I agree about mileage though and that'll be my focus before Brighton in April; I peaked at a 50 mile week but could do with getting the legs used to covering more distance. What do you think you'll do next year?

    My half PB's in Inverness too...was still thinking Alloa for next to try something different. How's the course, for those that've done it?

    Cracking time Bishy, to be back there so soon after your lay-off must feel great!

    ArabGaz - good luck with Chester. Like Socks said, take it steady & fuel often and early. I was taking gels every 6km/4mile in Berlin to try and avoid 'The Wall'. It worked. The crowd & occasion will help, but main thing is probably to pace conservatively given your training. You can always smash your time in the next one!

    I feel sick waiting for this darned ballot result...

  14. Berlin marathon report:

    Managed to change my pen up at the expo. Glad I did, mine was the last to be released at the gun! Took 5 minutes to cross the startline.

    It took an age to feel like you could run at your own pace for any length of time. Gave up 30s in 5km to my goal time, and it stayed there until the halfway point.

    I kept the pace ateady around 4:46/km until 25k & felt good...put the accelarator on at 32k and easily had my fastest part of the race from that point on. No idea what happened, but a comfortable negative split & a big PB resulted, 3:20:54 officially. Delighted!

    The course is obviously pretty flat, but gladly had a few more sights than I'd been lead to believe. Good fun and a sunny day; get it done if you're so inclined!

    How did everyone else get on up in Inverness?

  15. Surely you could've just retraced your route?


    I did! No sign. Running along a canal does mean it might've bounced into the water so I wasn't hopeful. Will get a copy cut from my flatmate.

    Not my brightest moment!

    Bishy, that's a bit of a 'mare. Can remember something similar at the BHF 10K at Pollok Park a few years back with dodgy sign placement sending folk the wrong way, but the cyclist really should've known better.

    Handy time, but I realise these things are relative!

  16. How did you get on, Co. Down?

    Happy with my own weekend; a course PB at Portobello with a 19:12 followed by a 10 mile easy run this morning. Only problem being I lost my front door key from my shorts pocket and had to rely on a nice neighbour to let me back into the building!

    One week out from Berlin, my speed's there but less sure on the endurance. Probably won't stop me going for it, though. Would be a shame not to.

  17. Phew, was that hot! Grateful for the mist machines and the couple of hoses out on the course today, that was needed. As were the jelly babies I scoffed thanks to quite a few generous souls out there.

    The support was phenominal, people on both sides of the road pretty much the whole length of the course, and plenty of noise in places. Never seen anything like it for a half before, it really will take some beating. My hand took a bit of a battering with all the high fiving!

    The race itself I knew to be undulating but I didn't expect it to the level it was. I'd decided with Berlin in a fortnight I wouldn't race today; instead 10 miles at MP (7:44 miling)with 3 faster miles at 4, 8 & to finish. They were 6:50 (uphill and unpleasant), 6:40 going downhill and a finish I'm not sure of but my watch has 5:25 pace for the final 200m, so it can't be too bad! Finished around 1:37:20.

    Organisation was spot on. Found the buses for the baggage drop a bit odd - masses of folk piling up a double decker to drop off theirs, and no real checks on place to make sure folk aren't rummaging around up there before emerging triumphantly, but that's nit-picking. Got back on a bus almost immediately. Great day, can really see the appeal now.

  18. Socks, that hill would be great for training. Not that I'd enjoy it at the time, obviously!

    Reina, sounds like you're in great shape.

    Newcastle parkrun this morning, day before I meet Mo at the start line of GNR...or perhaps not. It's pissing it down. Still, a flat run and sub 20, hurrah. I'm not stuffing myself with cake and warming up with coffee. Tomorrow'll be a breeze.

  19. I've since found out that the route in Edinburgh did originally miss out the cycle paths as planned, but it was changed at 1pm because it was causing traffic chaos in Cramond.

    That makes sense...a guy at work who lives up that part of town was raging at the PfS today; poor lambs. Think the guide mentioned the change too.

    This was my first go at it & I really enjoyed it. Went with a friend & we were pretty relaxed with pace. I can't compare with previous years obviously, but I was okay with the hills. Some of the roads were a bit crap and the cycle sections were a on the narrow side in places, but a good experience. Also got 55ish miles.

    As a medal hoarder, was a wee bit gutted to go away empty handed. The day's given me a taste for these kind of events though, so can only be a good thing.

  20. Some great running again here. Unlucky Reina, seems the conditions conspired against you!

    Dunfermline parkrun on Saturday for me. It's a great location & a challenging course; probably only Camperdown of the 10 I've tried is tougher. Slightly annoyed to've clocked 20:00!

    Hope it starts coming together for you, Thundermonkey. Still a wee bit of time to sort yourself out.

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