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Posts posted by morrison

  1. Was up in Skye for the half marathon on Sunday. Good god, what a brutal course. Uphill for miles out of Portree and constant up-downs on the way back in, not helped by it actually being a nice day (if I wasn't running).

    Took me an age to recover afterward but it's well worth a trip up; just keep in mind it's no PB course! Missed the ceilidh afterward sadly, which I imagine would've been... tricky.

  2. Considering entering the Inverness marathon on October 6. Never did one before, ran Edinburgh half 3 years ago (1-49).

    I am not a runner and not at this point of time particularly fit, although I have been in the past so assume it would come back reasonably quickly

    What's an ideal training plan for a beginner?
    I'd start as soon as you can. Even just getting out a couple of times a week on short runs or run/walks depending on fitness. Have you done much since the half 3 years ago?

    Any plan would depend on what your body could reasonably cope with and yoyr own schedule. At it's most basic, you want something like:
    - a short, faster run
    - a longer slow run
    - another somewhere in between

    Each would typically build on the week before. Every fourth week cut back on the distance to allow for recovery/adaption, then on you go.

    Apologies if that was too basic, not sure where you're coming from experience-wise.

  3. I would be quite content to see ICT win. You have to realise that for everyone over the age of about 35, the “Highland Derby” is something of a construct.

    And I’d far rather a good natured rivalry-lite than the venom of the Edinburgh derby.
    Can't say I'm particularly bothered myself. A good relationship between the clubs is fairly important given our geography - the fans don't need to uniformly support each other of course, but at club level I don't see the harm.

    As fans it's not worth getting worked up about; focus that energy on the Thistle game and taking a step closer to promotion.
  4. Hit 20 miles this morning in 2 hours 55 minutes. Quite pleased with that with 11 weeks to go to marathon but f**k me my legs are killing me now.

    Having to go into work now too [emoji17]
    Nice one.

    Did the same myself. Usually do it on a Sunday - it's an amazing feeling not having it looming over you on a Saturday night!
  5. 1 hour ago, Stu said:

    Do you keep gels in yor pocket during a marathon or do you have a bag or pack of some sort? Wondering if I need to get one of those.

    I used to use a running belt something like this.  I run with this one now, using the pouch for three gels and putting the rest into one of the bottles.  It's much less fiddly that way.  The other bottle starts with water in it, and I top it up at water stations when I'm running low.  Keeps me out of the chaos that can be the scramble for hydration!

    I don't bother with anything on training runs - I think it's useful to get your body used to having to cope with what it's got - but I wouldn't change my strategy for the marathon now.  That said, might not work for you (just to cover myself)!

  6. Re: marathon training, I'd say 20 is ideal for a first marathon. A lot of it is psychological & you could get away with going to 18. Depends on your goals/experience to that point.

    Cardinal, you're mental doing your longest run the week before! Generally 2-3 weeks out is where the longer stuff stops & taper fun starts.

    I use SIS gels, 6 per marathon. The other ones need water to wash them down, these ones don't. They're a bit sickly by the 5th/6th but they've served me well. Definitely to be tested in training to see what your stomach thinks of them first!

  7. I tried the tartan running shorts one, but the sound quality was quite poor. Not sure if it has upgraded any?
    What other ones do you listen to?
    Good run at Greenock on Saturday btw. Comfortably ahead of me [emoji6]
    Was it one of the first episodes? Better recently, though I find the volume lower than most other pods. Others:

    Parkrun adventurers
    Free Weekly Timed
    Bad Boy Running
    ...some Yank one I appear to have deleted! MarathonTraining Academy it was.

    I dip in and out of some of them.

    Ah, cheers! Was going to say on Strava I was planning through & plain forgot. Didn't see you! At least you'd a better afternoon than me...
  8. On 26/08/2018 at 07:48, keptie said:

    How many runners on P&B are in clubs and does it help them a lot? Personally never been in a club.

    I've been in a club for the last three years, though haven't made a session for ages now.  How much it benefits you will depend on what you want from it and where you go, but I certainly found my 10k/HM times improved.   The obvious advantages are organised sessions and people to chase, though equally you need to know your own limits so you don't end yourself!

    Most clubs will let you try it out for a week or two before you need to make any sort of decision, so no harm in giving it a go.

  9. In other news, if any of you are looking for new podcasts, Tartan Running Shorts is well worth a listen for an (obviously) Scottish skew. Hosted by a couple of guys based in Aberdeen who are pretty handy themselves!

    Only just discovered Bad Boy Running, seems decent too.

    Think I have 6 running podcasts on rotation now. Oh god.

  10. Main advice if you're starting out again would be not to do too much; 2-3 times a week is plenty while you get used to it again.

    And vary your speed/distance - running 10k all the time will see you plateau in no time. When you feel ready, go a bit further & intentionally slow it down. And one session going faster than normal, but shorter - even split it up so you're doing short distances fast with a break in between.

    You'll get quicker/fitter in no time.

  11. 11 hours ago, Broomhill Ultra said:

    Anyone else doing the Glasgow Men’s 10k on Sunday?. Tend to prefer the smaller events these days but looking forward to this.

    I set my current PB at the Edinburgh version a few years ago - it is net downhill, though!  The medal was pretty cool...have fun!

    9 hours ago, bernardblack said:

    Signed up for the Edinburgh marathon next year.....will be my first full marathon. 

    Got the dundee half in July and Glasgow in october....anyone recommend anything between october and the marathon to keep me ticking over? (descending into a fat mess over christmas)

    The obvious shouts are Alloa and Inverness Half Marathons, traditionally a week apart in March.

    Before Christmas there's the Jimmy Irvine Bella' 10k in Glasgow or the Edinburgh Men's 10k, both November from memory.  Also the Nigel Barge Memorial in Glasgow (10k) in late January.  They're the main ones that spring to mind.

  12. 57 minutes ago, Broomhill Ultra said:

    I’m doing the Tiree Ultra in September for the second time. Amazing event in beautiful setting.

    I looked at that for this year but it clashes with something else.  I was over for the half a few weeks ago and had a great time.  Looks like the west out of Sandaig and the northern part of the route's off-road?  How'd you find it first time round?

    And there was me assuming your username was about the other kind of ultra...

  13. 11 hours ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

    Well that was a laugh. All 23.8km of it. Although it was not that much further than a half marathon, I was as weak as a kitten by the end of it. 

    The start seemed more like a concentration camp than a race. 

    Can't believe I thought I'd do it in 2 hours. The first 2km were so busy that it was more of a Sunday morning stroll. When it came to the brutal climb, it was like trying to navigate a herd of cattle. Practically everyone was walking so if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Of course, once you get a taste for walking on a run, that's you walking at the slightest inclination. At one point, a small French child screamed "ALLEZ ALLEZ" at me but my poor lungs implored me to ignore him. 


    Half way along the race (around 12k) coincided with the top of the bridge and I was clocked in at a miserable 1 hour 17 minutes. However, the second half of the race was nearly all downhill so I made up some time, and I took some satisfaction from coasting past my ex who had paused to take some photos. Ended up closer to the 2 hour 20 minute mark, but happy enough since it wasn't really a conventional run. 

    Anyway, the best thing about it was the gift bag at the end. Much better than the bag of adverts you get at the Great Scottish Run. In it I got a nice T-shirt, a chunky medal, a Compeed plaster and best of all ...

    A tin of lentils. Anybody else had a more bizarre gift for finishing a race?

    Brilliant stuff.  That second photo's great; gives a proper idea of what you had to deal with in getting up and over that.

    The cages seem oddly common-place in big events.  I'm pretty sure there were cages in Paris, and in Berlin.  Think there was in Florence  as well.

    Can't top lentils...a tin of soup at Loch Ness I'm sure, but then it was sponsored by Baxters so there was some sense in it.  

  14. On 25/05/2018 at 20:49, Dindeleux said:

    I'm heading out for my hated cycle this weekend.  Kilmarnock - East Kilbride - Strathaven - Darvel - Kilmarnock.   Luckily the wind will be at my back from Strathaven to home but the first two hours I will actually hate my life.

    Hate it so much I'm going to do it twice - once on Saturday and then race my time on Sunday.

    I have no idea how you could do that.  I did 40 miles today after the Etape Caledonia last Sunday, and my legs hated me just about every inch of the way.  That's after six days, let alone 24 hours!

    23 hours ago, Kmeister said:

    Cycled from Livingston to Edinburgh today via Kirknewton and Balerno. Headwind all the way. What has happened to the wind blowing west to east as it should?

    I hear you.  I was Stirling - Edinburgh via the Fife Coastal Path and it seemed relentless.  

  15. On the subject of parkruns, a new one started recently on the island of Bressay. Not even Shetland's main island! They still get decent numbers ... 45 on Saturday. Given the population of the island is only 368 that's pretty impressive. 
    Compared to 29 at Drumchapel, and it's been a similar story most if not every week. Suspect a chunk of it will be tourists, which Drumchapel won't get much of with 4 other Glasgow runs.

    Was at Aviemore parkrun; an undulating course out-and-back along the Speyside way, half under cover of forrest and half with some special views. Difficulty somewhere between Portobello & much nearer Tollcross, but I've not run one like it.
  16. I did it too, glad the rain cleared up just before the start.  My chip time was 4 hr 12 min.  The climbs in the Caledonia aren't too bad - I haven't done Loch Ness but the Talla climb in the Tour o' the Borders is ridiculously steep.
    Do you know if the results are online yet?  I searched but all I got was a site that Google didn't let me go on to as the security certificate had expired. :unsure2:
    That's a cracking time! Appreciate it's all relative, though. Were you happy with it?

    I haven't checked online yet; was impressed by the speed of the text with the chip time, mind.

    Was tempted by the Borders but you're putting me off a bit!
  17. Took on Etape Caledonia today. My longest cycle to date, and unsurprisingly when I only got up to 27 miles ([emoji23]) in 'training' I toiled for the last 20 miles.

    The first climb was brutal, but Schiehallion wasn't a patch on the Fort Agustus climb. Actually found that pretty straight-forward.

    I seem to be okay on up and downs, and awful on the flat if the rate of passing/being passed is anything to go by.

    Got round in 5:04 for the 85 miles & happy with that

  18. Anyone have much experience with injury in the build up to marathon? Planning to run the Edinburgh marathon, but have gone and sprained my ankle. Bit worried with having a 20 miler planned for this week, and having missed 10 days or so of training so far that I'll end up woefully unprepared for the marathon. Anyone got any thoughts on how to deal with it/approach training for now?
    For this weekend, I'd ditch it the ankle's definitely sprained/you can't run on it. Forget about it, and either modify or reduce mileage until you're confident it's okay.

    Be careful to increase the mileage & intensity slowly - no such thing as 'making up' for missed runs, you'll only injure yourself in new and wonderful ways by trying.

    Rather be slightly undertrained on the start line than watching from the bench on the sidelines.
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