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Posts posted by morrison

  1. New York marathon ballot opened yesterday. Have fired my name in the hat... one of my mates got in a few years ago and I'm jealous he's done it and I haven't!

    Fat chance but you never know. At least I'll know on 30th March & not the ludicrous wait you have for London.

  2. 8 hours ago, Nutz_the_Squirrel said:

    Quoting my own post to update that I’m now signed up for ultras. A lot can happen in a year. 

    You haven't wasted any time! What have you signed up for?

    Ultras definitely come in a few different flavours so I'm intrigued.

  3. Great North Run was great fun. Did it back in 2015. I stayed pretty central and had no trouble at all. Also timed the metro nicely & don't remember struggling to get back into Newcastle.

    I'll head to Edinburgh parkrun on Saturday @true_rover, a worthy celebration! Hamstring is knackered since that 10k so it'll be an amble round for me. 

  4. On 15/02/2022 at 13:24, Stu said:

    Running off the agenda for the next month sadly. Was out on a run last night and when I put my foot down at one point there was a crack and a sudden explosion of pain. Went to A&E this morning and I have some sort of minor fracture - normally treated like ligament damage and nothing serious but enough to keep me out for four to six weeks 😬

    Ouch! Here's to a swift recovery.

    I rested myself this week after a slight hamstring niggle, but was back at parkrun this morning. Headed down to Dean Castle in Kilmarnock for a slushy, rainy run.

    In the conditions time was irrelevant. Was glad I had a change of clothes (but no shoes, oops) & that the cafe was right at the finish line!

  5. 19 hours ago, RiG said:

    We've recently returned to the office and the bus I get takes you out along the West Approach Road and each time I go past this sign and try to understand what on earth the route to Dalry Road is :mellow:

    It took me far too long to figure it out...


    I don't remember seeing a sign quite like it before!

    You have to go left at Diggers & right down Ardmillan Terrace? You've got no chance with that if you don't know the area.

  6. 2 hours ago, keptie said:

    Looking at the result i assume that's you near the top with an excellent time i was about 30 seconds behind you, if i knew there was another P&B runner ahead i would have cranked it up 😉

    Yeah, I sometimes curse my lack of imagination when I created this account!

    I had nothing more to give so I've been waving you by if you had.

  7. 4 hours ago, keptie said:

    Did Arbroath for the first time today, completely flat so if it ain't blowing a hooley should be pretty quick times. Course is right beside the sea.

    I was there today (yesterday?) too. About as good a morning for it as you could hope for! 

  8. I think Drumchapel is tougher than Queen's Park. At Queen's at least you break up the climb, and the downhill is tremendous fun.

    Forfar starts soon and Arbroath got underway last week, so Montrose finally gets some company out that way.

    Gutted Crissy Fields has stopped. I was hoping to be over that way later in the year, so will have to try to squeeze a trip to a different US event if I make it over.


  9. Fair play to those NYD parkrunners. Wasn't happening for me!

    I finished marcothon and straight into RED January. If I manage it, it'll be my longest running streak.

    Nothing lined up until Stirling in May, so short term I'll probably try to work on my speed a little bit.

    Also, if anyone knows of a half marathon in mid-late February, I'm interested.

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