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Posts posted by morrison

  1. 1 hour ago, Empty It said:

    The red card overturned for Douglas Luiz definitely could've been a red, he's went in at pace uncontrolled but VAR slows it down so it doesnt look bad.

    I thought that. He still clips him with that leading foot and would have felt safe calling it a dangerous tackle. Didn't think you needed to actually maim your opponent to get a red.

  2. 1 hour ago, Jute said:

    Civil Service Strollers 0-3 Peterhead. Red card to Civil’s number 10 changed the game as they had been better team up until then. Peterhead were poor in the first half but much better in the second with the numerical advantage. 



    I was there, too. I'll be in that picture actually!

    It was freezing. First pen was soft, and second only a little closer to a sure thing. Thought the Strollers wee the better team until they were behind & never looked like getting back into it. 

  3. 55 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

    Unpopular but genuine question alert - at what point is malky mackay allowed to move on from those text messages?


    He's never properly apologised, nor done anything publicly to demonstrate he's a reformed character (or even "I've always been good and it was a mistake, honest!") and actively take part is anti-discriminatory campaigns or messaging. If anything, he's been pretty dismissive when it's brought up.

    He's in a privileged position and He's simply not done anything close to enough to make a lot of people feel like he's earned this opportunity. Same goes for his old SFA role.

    When is he allowed to move on? At his current rate, he isn't.

  4. 6 minutes ago, 10menwent2mow said:

    How was it a free kick. Ferguson clearly gets the ball. Would it be given at the other end. No chance.


    It's blatant cheating from beaton tonight and there's f**k all var would do about it. 

    Ferguson also clatters into the Rangers player (can't remember who it was). If you don't win the ball cleanly, you can expect a free kick to be given against you.

    The other decision you've every reason to be frustrated at. 

  5. 22 minutes ago, 10menwent2mow said:

    If that is the standard of reffing in Scottish football. Clearly there is no point in it. Never a free kick for the first goal. Never a pen. How did kamara not get booked for his foul on hayes. How did aribo not get booked. Seriously. f**k Scottish football. 

    It was a free kick, but never, ever a penalty.

    Stunning the Sportscene lot aren't brave enough to call it out.

  6. 11 hours ago, Nutz_the_Squirrel said:

    Anyone done Falkirk Parkrun? I’m running the course (or I’d assume it’s the same) for. 10k in November. Is the hill at 2 miles really that bad?! 

    Yeah, I've been. Guess it depends what you're used to, but it's pretty short in the grand scheme of things. 

    The nice reward for making it to the top in the parkrun is a long downhill, but not sure what the course is like for the 10k.

  7. I've done 9 parkruns since they returned. Since the first one, I've improved in 6 of the 8 since to get back to knocking on the door of 20 mins. 

    A good bit off where I used to be, but feels good.

    Shame I'm at Livingston next week which is definitely not going to help my chances of going faster still!

  8. 2 hours ago, Rcfc fan said:

    Take a look at Liam boyce’s celebration , or lack of against county a few weeks ago pure class act and a mark of respect to a club that treated him well and gave a platform for a bigger move

    That's a completely different situation. Boyce left because there's no way we could have possibly kept hold of him. We let Fraser go (IIRC), so I don't see any reason for him to hold back against us.

    What a thing to get worked up about.

  9. Made a trip to the Borders today, so stuck around to take in a game.

    Gala Fairydean Rovers 2 Civil Service Strollers 3

    An entertaining game, and the AVFTT film crew was there to see it. The Gala keeper looked pretty iffy early on, and that'd be more costly later. Civil the better team without doing anything meaningful until both teams exchanged great chances around 20 minutes. 

    A deserved penalty for Gala put them 1-0 up at HT, but they had a second very harshly ruled out for a supposed foul on the keeper. Looked like he just dropped it and the ref took pitty on him.

    Civil much better after the break, but a goal kick mess up and the Gala goalie completely missing a long punt forward saw Civil 2-1 up. Terrible goals to lose.

    Gala's equaliser late on by far the goal of the game; a lovely curling effort from the corner of the penalty box to the lower corner of the far post. But only a few minutes later, Civil win it with a deflected shot. 

    Really good fun on my first trip down that way.



    ETA - Was going to go to the Berwick - Vale game but the trains didn't work out (replacement buses today). Shame, was wanting to see if they're as bad it they sound. Just the 11 today...

  10. On gels, if you're going to use them then it's highly recommended to try them in training so you know what'll sit right with you. You don't want your stomach rejecting it (one way or the other...) and you want time to find a taste you can stand.

    I've tended to use one for a half marathon, but jelly babies or jelly beans work very well too!

  11. On 29/08/2021 at 15:51, Scorge said:

    Devil on my shoulder is whispering Stirling Marathon next year......

    I'm in for this already. Was supposed to be May 2019, but what with one thing or another... Just the two-year delay on making the startline.

    PS - Go for it!

  12. On 21/08/2021 at 10:29, Nutz_the_Squirrel said:

    ETA- 35:10 which is brilliant for me and 2:23 quicker than last week. Really annoying not to get under 35 mins though! 

    Just means you've got a new target for next week!


    1 hour ago, Slacker said:

    My mate who is a personal trainer advised me to go on three different runs a week to reduce my time - and it worked a treat.

    Yeah, this absolutely makes a difference. The variety gets your body used to the stresses of going faster or further in each run, and over time you can stitch it all together and you're ready for it. 

  13. 17 hours ago, Comrie said:

    Battering Caley 5-1 away.

    This is the one that springs to mind for me. We were absolute murder that season and looked doomed to our first relegation... Caley were having a decent season.

    That was (is?) the biggest doing we've ever handed out to them. It being under the lights on their own patch made it quite enjoyable.

  14. 15 hours ago, Matty-RCFC said:

    The constant shite about Malky was getting boring. The season will be even longer if everyone keeps bickering about our manager. Can we all not just support and back the team?

    Your best chance of achieving that is to overlook the comments yourself. You're only making it more difficult by responding every time.

    The support will never be united over this appointment, so make your peace with that and concentrate on the football if that's what you want to do. 

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