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Everything posted by raith_94

  1. A Hearts fan at 5's the other night mentioned Craig Thomson during a conversation we were having about the position's Rovers still need to strengthen before season's start. I'm going to be typically human here and admit my own hypocrisy - as while believing he deserves a second chance in life, I'm not sure that chance should be in football, and I'm certain that any such chance should not be at Raith Rovers. As RATM points out though - thank god he's not a crash-hot striker.
  2. "Has even been compared to former Rangers striker, Kris Boyd" Not a major threat at the player/supporter quiz night then?
  3. Probably playing as a trialist to keep fit - can't imagine he won't be back in SD1 somewhere next year. In the absence of a better RB suddenly becoming available, I'd have no problem with it being back at us either.
  4. Despite Campbell being slower than he used to be, you'll love them both. Smith will score goals, and Campbell will win almost every header he goes for. He'll struggle against quick sides who keep the ball on the deck....but seeing as there are none of those in SD1 he'll still be fine. Would happily still have them both.
  5. Spot on there DJD - a Rovers home game is really £20 as you're going to buy a pie/bovril/programme/5050 ticket. Add in travel from Dundee or Edinburgh which is another £20 (scandalously overpriced ScotRail/petrol to thank here, but that's a separate rant) and then throw in the pub, which granted costs me less than it used to as most of my mates have evening plans with wives and/or children, but you're looking at another £20 without even going back after the game. £60 for a day at Starks Park? Actually - for 2 hours at Starks' Park? Rovers need to find a way to bring people to the stadium earlier, and keep them there later. I've got no problem spending £60 for a few hours fun on a Sturday afternoon, but the money may as well go to the club. But then I guess RRFC would fall out with local business who want the fans in town until 2:45pm. That's tough though - we all hate the concept of 'product' and 'package' when talking about our club, but Rovers are (allegedly) in the entertainment business in that they compete with other family/youth/oap pastimes. More fans need to be attracted, and more fans who go sometimes need a reason to go more often. An ever shrinking core of 'diehards' is no customer base on which to develop the club. A lot of these guys are young, and trust me, they won't go as much in the future. Price rises may be a constant in life, but only because people are fucking idiots. Would you rather I came to 6 homes games at £17, or 18 at £10? And while I'm spending that £10 would you like another £10er off me for food/beer? Just a thought. Oh aye, and Gary Wales was a stupid signing. His girlfriend's presence in the main stand aside.
  6. If the Rovers don't get real with the product they're offering of a Saturday afternoon and look at adding things to the enterntainment on offer, then damn right they'll lose fans to a Flyers in the eltie league of Ice Hockey. Matches against the top teams in the country for less entrance fee than the Rovers? With dancing girls and other americanised kiddies attractions for the weans, and a bar for dad? Other than it being hockey - where's the catch?
  7. I've lived in other countries - Scotland is as good as anywhere. You'll love it..
  8. ...moreover, CannucksSFAfan, you'll learn soon enough that despite every Scottish town with between 20,000 and 100,000 inhabitants being identikit, we all pretend the ones that aren't the one we live in are 'shit holes'. Parochialism rules ok.
  9. We (like everyone else) are making it up on the back of a fag packet at the moment by 'keeping going as we are'. Near misses with admin (or worse) will become the norm until someone actually decides to be positive about the 'product' and actually makes it attractive to young people and families. Putting the prices upn a quid is pretty much an admission that the you're going to lose a few fans, so by fleecing the ones who do keep coming, you'll keep the same budget. What I'm saying is, we wouldn't have a smaller budget at £10/£5 because we'd get larger gates. Keeping going as we are looks like leaving us with 14 full-timers next season, and thus with injuries, we could end up playing a team full of part-time guys anyway. Go part-time, spend the savings on playing budget on marketing/making a day at Starks' Park more attractive, and watch the crowds rise*. Absolutely nobody is coming to Starks' Park of a weekend for the quality of football. Nobody. *Or watch McGlynn walk, no-one want to play for us etc etc. I know. I'm not saying I'm right, I just wish I could believe the board had even considered it.
  10. I'd be up for joining in for some games. On the subject of bigger crowds, we could bleat about the number of fans who watch the Old Firms' ineveitable lunchtime kickoff then stay in the pub without wandering along to Starks', or the Rovers (and the rest of the country) could get real. This is the market now. Putting the admission up to £17 further squeezes the (tiny) support we currently have. The attitude of all clubs in Scotland when budgets are tight is to try and eek a few more pounds out of the existing fans, instead of trying to attract new ones. I think it's cultural in the UK as a whole, in almost every industry, we're risk averse. Speculate to accumulate just doesn't exist. Make it £10/£5 and have a team made up entirely of part-timers. The 1500 of us would still go and you might actually build something bigger!
  11. I'd be loath to throw any youngsters into the side, certainly at home, for fear of our moany-faced* fans getting on their backs. *Irony alert
  12. Maybe during his couple of month sabbatical he'll find the time to reply to my email regarding his position on league reconstruction...
  13. I fucking loved Robert Sloan. Frankly, I still do. Promised myself I'd go see the Black & Golds once this season just to see him waddling about and taking corners with his eyes closed. Never did though.
  14. Pretend Baird plays for someone else for a second. He's just won the SPFA First Division Player of the year. If he is to get a move to the SPL, and a good one, with security, it is this summer. While I'm sure he is tremendously grateful for the faith and security offered him by McGlynn and the club, this is 'his time' if you like, and he has to consider any chance afforded him to step up, whoever has set the wheels in motion, be it another club, his agent, or himself. Does anyone seriously think Liverpool will be back in for Charlie Adam this summer? There will be 16 guys at the club next year working their baws aff for the club (provided McGlynn is still in charge) - just get behind them, whoever they are.
  15. Is that someone disgracing themselves during James Wade's walk on?.. Come on Lewis!
  16. Only 101? I reckon if Gary Anderson ever does a 9-darter in Scotland our TV's may explode.
  17. GA fairly unbelievable there. Be interested to see his average.
  18. I have the same two - so your luck will doubtless be out!
  19. Slightly less hostile atmosphere than in Glasgow - well done the PDC in putting him on first!
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