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Everything posted by raith_94

  1. And has just invested all remaining monies available to LFC in securing the signature of The Piemaker of Kilmarnock.
  2. Spot on. Although given our history of being the only turkey's that ever voted to expediate Christmas I bet we do..
  3. Stadio Della Almondvale - amongst the prevalent theme of gloating from some other LFC fans and the "f**k you" attitude highlighted on Livi Lions, you have consistently made thoughtful, humble and gracious posts. Whilst I certainly don't agree with everything you've said, and see little point in attempting to adress each point until such a time as the other SFL clubs have voted, I am pleased for you and other like-minded Livingston fans that you still have a club to support. While I have never been a fan of LFC, and am highly unlikely to attend Almondvale this season, the focus of anger here should really be the SFL; they have had ample opportunity to shut you down but have bent over in order to keep what they perceive as a 'big club' alive. I will be disgusted if there is no points penalty given what I believe should have transpired and while I don't believe LFC should have received yet another chance - and will be hoping you don't get a point this season - I wish you the best of luck in the quest to establish a viable club in West Lothian. In a country which already has too many clubs for it's size, Livingston's catchment area as you highlight, should be able to sustain a team. Thus, fingers crossed for a FizzyPop league-style points deduction but all the best to yourself nonetheless.
  4. My word. A few Ayr fans used to complain about the perpetual use of emoticons by some Rovers fans - maybe it's an alias... Or one of Jasmin Schmidt's former clients.
  5. There's a lot to be said for humour - you might try injecting some into one or two of your 650 monthly posts. Having said that, the 'Iron's Plan Z, somewhere behind the bins' was nae bad.
  6. So did you gain, and have since lost, your ability to structure sentences, or like the top wine shelf in a Greenock SPAR, has it forever gone untapped?
  7. Iain Davidson may very well get 3-5 this year. But it'll no be goals.. Do share
  8. Chill the f**k out. We'll be fine this season. Feel free to bookmark that.
  9. Update - you need to seek your schadenfreude somewhere slightly less predictable.
  10. I reckon there's a better chance of getting a stick of rock in the first division - where I make it there are more teams on a coast than in the second. Vikington obviously isn't taking geography.
  11. I agree. Ill-fortune always chooses him. Poor guy. Gotta run, off for a pint with Joey Barton.
  12. Leave Livvy where they are, just deduct them 30 points. Benevolence is dead.
  13. You got there in the end; this is exactly the case. (Well, Livingston aside)
  14. And SSN have it on their breaking news bar now Rovers called Livingston to instigate that triple sale. It was all us. Not Livvy's fault. I'd echo the sympathies felt for Livingston supporters however. Hey, at least you can go back to supporting whoever you did before the Lions foundation.
  15. Used to watch Hibs a bit when I was at uni in Edinburgh and I couldn't believe Mixu didn't fancy Zemmama. A hell of a player who can actually play football - which I guess is precisely why Mixu didn't fancy him. -------- Hope we get Gary Glen
  16. Don't hold back - Bryce to 'John Sutton' it and finish our top scorer this season, despite leaving to warm the beanch somewhere better in January. Mon.
  17. Bang on Toni. We'll stay up, and we won't have sign Eto'o to do it, despite the [perceived] footballing powerhouses we shall encounter. Those panicking now are advised to wait until we lose at New Bayview before doing so.
  18. There's bound to be a couple that will allude to this. I'll alert the white coats. Big blow, but good luck to him; as Yoss and others put it earlier in thread, he owes us nothing after cancelling his contract; he has done a lot for both the club and the town and is a lovely bloke, so all the best to Marv at Accies. Incidentally, do Hamilton still have their artificial pitch? Hows his knee gonna hold up on that?
  19. Anyone who is struggling to watch SOO on account of Setanta employing Craig Burley click below. UK Only http://bigpondtv.com/SOO2UK
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