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Fife Saint

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Everything posted by Fife Saint

  1. But the club agreed to abide by the league rules. Would an administrator sanction a legal move given the costs involved? I don't think so. Remember, these guys are prospective owners and have no sway over the clubs position at the moment.
  2. When the appeal is made I assume they need to "add value" to their original case? What on earth are they going to bring to the table now that they couldn't do last week other than a growing contempt from the other clubs getting fucked about?
  3. It's like Pandas or Siberian Tigers. There are only around 300 Rovers supporters living in the wild due to loss of habitat, please give generously.
  4. Surely the clubs voting will be slightly swayed with no CVA having been agreed yet?
  5. Is this the sort of message the SFL want to send out to wreckless clubs like Dundee? What a fucking joke.
  6. Don't worry i've already been round and slipped him a tenner to hang about for a while.
  7. Class fanny in the Miners though eh lads...
  8. What can Massolini realistically expect to walk away with by being stubborn? He wouldn't contemplate hanging about to get involved in some new club after putting "all that money" into the now limp, cooling corpse?
  9. Is anyone watching The Happening on Sky? It's fucking atrocious.
  10. Excuse me if I don't dig out my hanky and dab your snotter-covered face.
  11. They need to put a call in to Dundee whose supporters have past experience of standing outside Almondvale causing a fracas.
  12. I'll tell you something, If it ever gets to the point where St Johnstone are on the brink of the abyss and some mouth-breathing Coagies come on here to antagonise the pitiful situation, I will shoot myself. That's a promise.
  13. I think sex with the same person is over-rated. I've been with the girl for a few years now and have become increasingly pervy.
  14. And quite a fetching pair of pantaloons he is wearing too, I might add.
  15. Anyone got some linkage for the Massone interview? I was working late and missed the news.
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