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Steve McQueen

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Everything posted by Steve McQueen

  1. If we split at 22 do we then play each other 3 times after to get 35 games? Cant see 2 clubs in particular being happy about that imbalance.
  2. Couple of teams with 8 games to go now! Is this when dreadful teams turn into world beaters?
  3. Normally I’d go for 5/6-0 but feet up resting for next week more important.
  4. I read it cost £5.7m, is that what you get for that much money?
  5. As long as we stay up I’d like Hamilton to stay up too because 1 - they annoy people 2- there always going to be down there so you’re not going to be cut adrift.
  6. Sky put the least amount of effort in to covering games. Miss BT, they seemed to actually care about Scottish football.
  7. Teams coming out together? Must have been packed like sardines in the tunnel.
  8. Not many teams in other countries could win a quadruple treble says John Collins. Maybe because not many have a second cup.
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